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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Sorry this is going up late. Self-promote away.

49 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Hi guys, I made a series of street interviews in San Francisco about gender identity. People were breathtakingly honest.
    Here is an youtube interview with another straight feminine man. We share stories of having our genders policed while growing up, and people in our environments trying to tell us that we are gay. I feel that male femininity is an important feminist issue. Straight males should be free to reject masculinity. Take a listen.

  2. I wrote a piece suggesting that a compromise that might end the feuding between transgenders and transsexuals.

    Some of us women who were born transsexual feel erased rather than included in the paradigm of Transgender as umbrella.

    The fighting has meant that we refuse to work together even when it comes to common issues.

    I proposed a step forward in ending these feuds would be to use transsexual and transgender or TS/TG when referring to both groups along with both sides toning down the rhetoric.

  3. If Skip Gates hadn’t been denying his heritage he wouldn’t have reacted so poorly when dealing with the police

    President Obama gets the dunce cap for his mea culpa with Cambridge police

    Black women are often left out of the discrimination narrative

  4. DBR stands for damaged beyond recognition and describes unhealthy behavior patterns that cut across class lines

    Regina Benjamin’s detractors would rather dissect her body than exalt her qualifications

    My initial reflection on the Henry Louis Gates arrest

  5. This week at Adventures of a Young Feminist:

    Harry’s All About the Sexual Tension: about the focus on romantic relationships in the new Harry Potter movie and the reactions to it.

    The Romanticization of Secret Life: about the show Secret Life of the American Teenager and its unrealistic representation of teen pregnancy.

    Good Intentions, Overweight Stereotypes: about the trend in television shows focusing on plus size women — and men.

    The Feminist Act of Blogging: addressing the question: is feminist blogging activism?

  6. It’s been a slow week, but I read a great article about theology and gender, that seemed to lay the framework for a trans-inclusive theology by saying that the exploration and discovery of gender identity is a way of knowing God. I’d love feedback!

  7. 8 Year old victim blamed for her own gang rape: Looking at the shaming of the Liberian family while ignoring the victim blaming that goes on in the western world.

    The Problem With Marriage Is Black People: Looking at the ways in which Black women are encouraged to ignore sexism in their relationships.

    If you’re disabled you cannot be a customer: Looking at the different standards that exist for the differently abled and the currently abled when interacting in restaurants.

    Black hair in advertising: Looking at the ways in which Black hair is used as prop while in the process demeaning Black women.

    When Sexy isn’t simple: Looking at the role race plays when we decide who we consider attractive.

  8. I’ve got a post up on young women, money, and learning to say no to all those who want yours: “First, Last, Security Deposit”: Women’s savings, feminism, and the steps to getting a room of one’s own. Conclusion:

    Women are told, over and over again, to subordinate their personal hopes and wishes to those of the family, the culture, the race; women’s bodies and women’s bank accounts bear the burden of maintaining solidarity. Families matter. Culture matters. But so too does private happiness; not all joy comes from the selfless serving of one’s kith and kin. And while some private happinesses are blessedly free, some aren’t. And for those that aren’t, cold hard cash in one’s own hands is indispensable.

  9. I interviewed BrokeNCYDE at Warped Tour two weeks ago. I had hoped to discuss more than their raging misogyny but…that’s all we go to. Still, I think it’s interesting! It’s here:

    The article opens as a pop-up window.


    (p/s I’m terrible at watching for follow up comments in general, so feel free to e-mail me if you have something to say that requires a response. 🙂

  10. Wtf did I just watch? – “Teeth” – I watched that movie about vagina dentata, and it’s, it’s really bad. I looked at it from my feminist perspective and it’s, it’s, I don’t get it. I tried. If you’re thinking of renting it you might want to rent something else instead.

  11. I’m going to split this week’s links across three separate comments, because there’s a lot of them (but, neatly, they more or less fall into three categories). Frst up, I finished writing “My Radical History”, with parts covering the 1990s and the “noughties”. Although, I’ve since been reminded that I completely missed out my family’s attending the “Jubilee 2000 drop the debt” demonstrations, so I’ll have to edit to add that bit tomorrow.

    I also added another “radical history soundtrack” post, with a few of the tunes that I mentioned in the other posts.

  12. Cheryl of Wry&Ginger creates hilarious handmade cards in original designs: greetings for the petulant, passive aggressive jerk in all of us.

    Jennifer Cameron of Glass Addictions creates beautifully intricate glass lampwork beads.

    Ruby Jean is about fun and color in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to accessories! Kelly, the owner, has a passion for making things with her hands and sharing them with others! Be sure to check her out on August 22 at Summerfest in York, SC.

  13. Lastly, there is a loose connection of religion to the last set of links. Two of them are also linked by attempts by ruling powers to rewrite history in their favour:

    The Christian Right in Texas want history books in schools to “emphasise the role of Christianity” in US history.

    The Israeli Govt want to ban the word naqba from Palestinian history textbooks – “naqba” means “disaster”, and is used to refer to the war of 1948 when many Palestinians were forced to flee their homes by the advancing Israeli Defence Force.

    Finally, on a more positive note, I wrote up my reading of 2 Corinthians and Galatians – in its way, 2 Corinthians is a thematic link with the other two stories (i.e. St Paul (re)writing history according to the way he wants it understood…)

  14. We’ve definitely been on summer blogging time over at HappyBodies (that is, we haven’t been posting very much). But I did write this mostly anecdotal piece about the way that our beauty standards privilege white, blond, blue-eyed bodies and how this affects WoC. My observations were based on a series of compliments and comments about my eye color (blue) from a group of young Latina girls that I’ve been teaching.

  15. The Price of Pleasure: Pornography, Sexuality, and Relationships: As the face of feminism becomes more of a collage than one iconic portrait, as the proverbial intersection of race, class, gender, ability, sexuality, religion, and other forms of identity receives more thoughtful traffic, documentary films such as The Price of Pleasure emerge. This film boasts a unique approach to exploring the contentious world of pornography.

    Silver Metal Cuff: I don’t do dangly bracelets. Perhaps it’s the residual punk rock girl of my youth who influences the aesthetics of what I wear around my wrists, but I just can’t bring myself to get down with chains and charms and all of that froo-froo stuff when it comes to arm adornment. For me, it’s cuffs, bangles, or bust.

    Afro-Punk Festival – Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM): Brooklyn, NY (7/3-7/12/2009): Afro-Punk is a movement that gives “a voice to thousands of multi-cultural kids fiercely identifying with a lifestyle path-less-traveled,” particularly those who are into indie, punk, and hardcore music. The film is an insightful look at a topic that I had never really considered: what it is like to be an African American who is involved in a scene that is overwhelmingly White.

  16. This week, at Deeply Problematic:

    Obama uses tradition to justify dismissing abortion: reacting to President Obama’s rhetoric on abortion rights

    Trichotillomania: cures, shame, localization, management: thoughts about my hair-pulling compulsion (trigger warning).

    Responding to criticism of my construction of motherhood in last week’s post on the controversial Ms. cover.

    Babies are cars: adventures in gendered advertising

    Pregnancy, my greatest fear: on why exactly I’m so scared of getting pregnant, and how that helps to frame my feminism

    Sharing some of my favorite bands from Floydfest, a music festival in SW VA.

  17. I guess this is even later but I’ve been struggling to explain how the fallacy of blaming the victim instead of the perpetrator applies even in the so-called “shame-based culture” reactions raised in the case of the Liberian family in Phoenix that allegedly rejected their 8-year-old daughter after she was sexually assaulted by four other children.

    After a couple of false starts, and thanks to additional thoughts on the subject on Echidne’s and Renee’s blogs, I think I’ve finally said what I was trying to say: No matter how you and your culture defines “victim of sexual assault” we still have to get past the universal reaction of blaming them for what happens instead of, you know, the actual perpetrators.

    It’s part of a general theme I’m pursuing of creating expectations for male responsibility as opposed to our current expectations that tacitly approve of male irresponsibility.


  18. Not to be irritating (and it doesn’t bother me at all that this went up late), but: Since you’re running on WordPress, shouldn’t you be able to schedule your Self-Promotion Sundays in advance? Or do you purposely put them up manually at at time when you know you can moderate?

    I do not have anything particularly notable this week, but I did write about some delicious zha jiang mian noodles at a no-ambiance-at-all restaurant in Kips Bay.

  19. Re: Scheduling the Self-Promotion posts — Not annoying, I just went away for the weekend and thought I’d have internet. Turns out I didn’t. That’s why I didn’t schedule it. But it’s a good idea for the future, thanks!

  20. From Bitch blogs this week…

    A Hairy Situation for Women’s Aid, nude hypocrisy in feminism

    Six Questions for Jessica Hopper on Girls’ Guide to Rocking, she’s just released her first book, The Girls’ Guide to Rocking

    Actress Spotlight: Jean Seberg, beauty and political turmoil

    Is this Feminism at Work?, the new Miss England is a black female athlete

    Sprite Ad is Overblown, pornified ad arouses suspicion

    *Note: There seems to be an issue with my posts not making it into the comments.

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