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Happy Kitty

Time for some feel-good blogging.

Pablo is Happy

Pablo, the unusually unaffectionate cat, is treating me like his own personal playground. Climbing all over my lap, my desk, sitting on the keyboard, laying on the mouse, and rubbing his tail in my face. Today he can’t get enough affection.

I happened to catch this picture when he stopped rubbing all over me and sat down for a total of five seconds. Alas, I made eye contact and here he is again, whapping me in the eyes with his ta45555il (extra numbers straight from Pabby’s left paw).

All this is to say that in times of despair and trouble and calamity, here the kitties are, animals all over the world, cluelessly going about their daily routines, giving us a nubbin of pleasure in their own special ways. This is what KD was getting at when he began Friday Cat Blogging.

”I’d just blogged a whole bunch of stuff about what was wrong with the world,” Mr. Drum said. ”And I turned around and I looked out the window, and there was one of my cats, just plonked out, looking like nothing was wrong with the world at all.”

We all need a bit of gleeful cluelessness in our lives (the Republican parental units notwithstanding).

7 thoughts on Happy Kitty

  1. I dare say that Pablo loved on you so much because he could tell that you were sad and needed it. 😉 When I am not feeling well or am depressed or something, my cats are right on top of me at all times. When I’m angry, though, the little bastards hide under the bed until I cheer up.

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