In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

First Guns Have Arrived!

Hello Feministe!

We’re Thunder and Lighting, aka the First Guns, aka Michelle Obama’s arms. Maybe you’ve heard of us? When we started getting so much attention a while back, we launched our blog as a place for us to respond.

We tend to blog about the way the media covers us, and Michelle, as well as occasional thoughts on sexist events of note as the spirit moves us. We don’t speak for Ms. Obama, but we love her and hope to honor her with our work.

Some posts you might want to check out:

Nothing Up Our Sleeve, And Nothing In Her Pants–a look at the recent Supreme Court strip search decision

When Is A Mom Not A Mom? When She’s Michelle Obama–discussing the gaps in media reaction to a recent Pew Research First Lady poll

On Meeting The Queen: Yeah, We Touched Her There–about our trip to England with the Obamas

Are We “Post-Title IX”?–responding to a remark made by Robin Givhan in the Washington Post.

We’ve also taken on Maureen Dowd, Nora Ephron, Caitlin Flanagan, and David Brooks for their comments about us.

We’re excited to be here as part of Feministe’s guest-blogger program and we’d like to thank Jill for inviting us. More soon!

Stay strong,
T & L

Aren't we beautiful?
Aren't we beautiful?

11 thoughts on First Guns Have Arrived!

  1. Hah. I hadn’t noticed before, but you truly are an entrancing pair of guns. 🙂 Welcome to the blogosphere, Mmes. T & L.

    (Hrrm. I couldn’t find a plural form of Ms…)

  2. Thanks all! And Nentuaby, is it possible there isn’t one? Maybe we aren’t supposed to gather in groups!

    Stay strong,

    T & L

  3. I don’t know if I’m alone on this, but I have to say… it bothers me that you’re blogging from the POV of another woman’s BODY PARTS… maybe I’m missing the subversion, but it seems to just reinforce objectification to me. Not to mention that, you know, they aren’t your body parts.

  4. Hello

    Ok, I’m nitpicking a bit here but isn’t she “Mrs.” Obama as opposed to “Ms.” Obama.

  5. I just believe in referring to a woman as what she wants to be referred to, regardless of what wikipedia says.

  6. yo eg — i hope you checked out the blog before saying it bugged you that it was written from the POV of BODY PARTS. that was pretty much the POINT. the blog was clearly started as a response to the media’s obsession with michelle obama’s arms (how many headlines about “the right to bear arms” did we see between november and february??) and as a way to talk about the issues surrounding femininity and race and activism that most journalists were either ignoring or flubbing. it’s brilliantly done.

    if you actually READ the blog and STILL think it’s offensive…well, um, i got nothin.

  7. Ok, I’m nitpicking a bit here but isn’t she “Mrs.” Obama as opposed to “Ms.” Obama.

    Yeah, you are nitpicking. And as others have said, Ms. doesn’t indicate marital status. From “a title of respect prefixed to a woman’s name or position: unlike Miss or Mrs., it does not depend upon or indicate her marital status.”

  8. redredrose: Well, of course. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama indicate she has a problem with Ms. though, so I’m not sure what your point is there. Ms. is the neutral default.

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