In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


A hyena sits in a patch of grass. "Ohaiena" is superimposed onto the lower right-hand corner of the photo.

Hello there beautiful people!

My name is bint alshamsa and I’m going to be guest-blogging here at Feministe for the next two weeks. I’m not sure how to transition into a formal introduction, so I’ll just start by telling you a little about me.

I was born and raised in the wonderful city of New Orleans down in Dixie (i.e. the state of Louisiana). Like many people who were New Orleanians before Hurricane Katrina and Rita, I find myself splitting my time between there and the surrounding areas. Because of the health care crisis that exists in New Orleans, I’m forced to spend much of my time in Baton Rouge, so that I can get the treatments that I need.

That brings me to the next thing I suppose I should say. I’m a PWD. That’s short for “person with disabilities”. I have chondrosarcoma (a type of bone cancer that affects one in every ten million people), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), asthma and a host of health issues that go along with having these conditions.

At My Private Casbah (my blog), I tend to write about disability rights issues and my experiences as a 32 year-old woman of color attempting to engage in radical parenting. I am the mother of one child, an amazing teen-aged womanist and disability activist-in-training.

I’m really looking forward to interacting with folks for these next two weeks and I hope that we can have some really engaging and spirited conversations. If I’m lucky, maybe we can even challenge some assumptions that people tend to make about others.

I don’t wan to forget to mention the fact that I also have two rescued cats, a meezer named Noor and a tabby named Layla and I love, love, love them. They’re both really gorgeous. In fact, they are prettier than your cats, all of them. That is all.

17 thoughts on Bonjour!

  1. Hey Bint! I look forward to reading your posts. Though, your cat can’t be prettier than my Rogue cause they look hauntingly the same. It’s creepy.

  2. In fact, they are prettier than your cats, all of them.


    Oh, and hi and all that 😉

  3. Oh dear. Bint, I’m sorry to report that no, your cats are NOT cuter than mine 😉 River and Rain say “Come on over and let us prove it.” Well. Ok, Rain says that, River just looks sad that you think anyone is prettier than him. 🙂

    I await your posts happily 🙂 Post some good stuff!

  4. The resident ArabKitteh sees your cuteness and raises you a fluffy tail, bwah!

    Look forward to your posts, Bint al-Shamsa!

  5. The only way to prove that your cats are cuter than mine is to continue the tradition of Friday Catblogging… 😉


  6. Welcome, welcome. Look forward to hearing what you have to say, even though you fail to recognize the gorgeousosity of my cat (who is a few posts down the front page, pretty in purple.)

  7. Hi Bint! Thanks for guest-blogging again. I am still in a long and intermittent process of thinking about how I feel about feminism and womanism, so I’d be curious about how your daughter decided to identify as a womanist (if that’s what you meant) and how you guys have talked about feminism vs. womanism. I was trying to explain this to a younger friend who identifies as a feminist and couldn’t really explain it very well except by talking about Alice Walker and the history of black women’s movements, and how womanism centers race as well as gender in ways that white feminism hasn’t. But then we veered off into talking about racial justice politics instead, predictably. So of course, I’d welcome anything you wanted to share (or link to, or point to past writing) about womanism, feminism, and you & your daughter’s experiences with those ideas.

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