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Mission Accomplished II

I have not had much to say about the situation in Louisiana because I am floored at the footage I have been watching. Not having access to anything but the night’s half-hour of evening news, I was appalled at the destruction waged on New Orleans and Biloxi, the fact that the structures meant to keep the water out flood the city further, that this hurricane target was so unprepared for disaster, the people and pets hacking through their attics, waiting on rooftops to be saved from endless spans of water.

The damage will be long-lived: streets covered in mud and sand, houses coated in petroleum, a city overrun with mosquitos and disease, lives ruined, people dead and dying, a national landmark city leveled.

I read this story and cried for a long while, thinking of the horror of yet another Sophie’s Choice. The loss, real and imagined, is overwhelming.

And while the Gulf Coast drowned, Nero strummed his gee-tar.

How infuriatingly cavalier.

Only in the face of a national disaster did Bush cut short his five-week vacation, but not before a valuable photo-op.

via The Heretik

UPDATE: For many, many pictures of the situation in the Gulf, see Kathryn Cramer’s collection of pictures found about the internets.

UPDATE II: In other news, it’s not looting if you’re white. Also, a reader clues me in to the video footage noted above.

19 thoughts on Mission Accomplished II

  1. Pingback: The Heretik
  2. wow – that photo is the worst i’ve seen. reminds me of him sitting like a village idiot on 9/11, listening to children’s books. and to give a speech about medicare benefits?

    such horrible sadness. and yet we breathe a sigh of relief that one of our cities was not destroyed by terrorism. as long as the oil rigs are ok and global warming it just a theory, right?

  3. Bush’s behavior is deplorable, comparable to Nero’s while Rome burned.

    But here in America with 40 learn from long experience the if your leaders are bumbling idiots you’ve gotta do things for yourself. We’re all going to have to pick up the slack while Bush gets his head together. As we know from past experience he’s not exactly quick on his feet.

    I was down in Miami the day after hurricane Andrew hit, and the pictures from Mississippi, Gulfport and Biloxi, remind me of that, but with about 20 times more total devastation. Some places were just wiped completely clean. This is going to be the worst hurricane in US history easily, with hundreds and hundreds dead and the cost may be in the hundreds of billions.

    I knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad.

    When I first saw this video of Mr. Harvey Jackson from Biloxi on MSNBC, I started losing it watching him talk about having his wife pulled out of his arms by the water. You can watch the video… but I wouldn’t recommend it.

  4. This will definitely hurt my cold bitch rep, but the story of Mr. Jackson losing his wife makes me ball like a small child every time I see it. I can’t imagine having to choose between my lifemate and my children. I can’t imagine. DAMN!!

  5. I remember reading a similar story from the tsunami. A woman was holding on to her two children, and she had to let one go or they would both die. In that case, though, the one she left to die survived. What would a mother say to her son after she left him to die?

  6. I’m so glad that someone made the connection between Bush and Nero. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Will his party ever wake up to this kind of bullshit, or will they continue to issue him carte blanche in the hope that one day he’ll save face?

  7. on second look, he’s not fretting the b string, so i suppose it’s really a G#M#9b5.

    (either way, as others have pointed out, it’s G formation on the wrong fret; unless of course the president favors open or other alternate tunings, like some of the texan country bluesmen of his fake heritage).

  8. Like others said, it’s a pretty lame G chord. Not only is it the wrong fret, but it’s the fingering that beginner’s use — less versatile, but easier to handle if you have weak pinkies (though it does work well in certain chord progressions).

    What struck me was how he was holding that beautiful cut-out guitar. Strumming and fretting is darn near impossible to do standing up without a guitar strap. Unless he raised his right knee and balanced on one foot…

  9. It would be nice to have a sequence here:

    Hurricane closing in.
    Levee crashing
    Homes flooded
    Idiot with guitar
    Evacuees in shock.

  10. There isn’t much actual coverage up here, so I started browsing and found this this morning:

    I can’t believe that with this going on all we’re really hearing about is how this is affecting gas prices.

  11. Yay! Guitar nerds represent!

    Athena, in some circumstances I actually favor the President’s fingering of G (assuming, of course, that he fretted back by one), because it leaves the fourth finger free for various passing-tones.

    Now … I’m supposed to know who the guy behind him is, right? Well, I don’t. But let’s caption him:

    No, no, Mr. President … please don’t drop my guitar … he’s gonna hurt it … fret back one, Mr. President … no, don’t strum that chord! the dissonance might cause the levee to give way …

  12. After 9/11 bush was reading that book about the goat……
    This led to the US invading afghanistan and Iraq,what do we have to look forward to this time?

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