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Things that make my life easier: TENS edition

Oh, this post has been a long time coming!


2008 was a rough year on me. That January, I began having persistent lower back pain that did not go away like most pain flare-ups eventually do. I went to the doctor, and I was sent for x-rays and ultrasounds, then scheduled for a laparoscopy to confirm the condition that we pretty much knew I had for five years previous to that, but which no doctor ever saw fit to address. (On resolving open questions)

Hindsight, etc. We now know that I have fibromyalgia (dx age 12) and endometriosis (dx March 2008); that endometriosis is diffuse, all over the organs in the pelvic region, particularly on the back of my uterus. Some of it is new, but much of it is scarring  from old endometrial implants back when my hormones were left uncontrolled (estrogen is what feeds/flares/inflames the endometrial implants) because none of my doctors thought “pain so bad I couldn’t sit upright the first day and couldn’t walk completely upright the whole week” was something that really merited any attention. It caused pain throughout my life, but for whatever reasons, it significantly worsened that January — setting in for good, no longer an occasional visitor but now a permanent fixture.

I went through two treatments that year: six months on Lupron Depot, a GnRH antagonist which stops the body’s production of estrogen, inducing what is basically menopause; and physical therapy, for several months late that summer. The Lupron results were mixed, while the therapy was generally helpful.

My physical therapy included heat therapy, stretching exercises, resistance exercises, heat ultrasound, and electrical stimulation. I have heat at home, I can do the exercises at home, and I always felt a bit worse at the end of the ultrasound anyway.

But the electrical stimulation — I was surprised, but it made such a difference. I attended therapy three times a week, and I got twenty minutes to lie back on the moist heated pads with the electrical stim going. I’ve been using heat as part of my pain management ever since I realized I had chronic pain — I know what it feels like and how it affects my body, how it helps and how much. Adding the electric stimulation, though, really seemed to soak the pain straight out of my back. I was able to perform the exercises less inhibited, and it seemed to keep the pain level down overall, even outside therapy.

My therapist told me, at one point, that there were portable versions of the giant machine that got wheeled up next to my old-school exam-room-style bed, for personal, individual use. And later let on that it was even possible my insurance would pay for one. And that they had one available for patients to take home and try out for a week to see if it worked well for them.

So I tried it. And it’s not like it was magic. There are so many parts to my pain management routine, by now, that even though some of them are amazing, they don’t overwhelm the whole picture. But it provided solid pain relief in a way that reduced the amount of narcotic pain killers I had to take to control the breakthrough pain (pain you still get despite everything else in your treatment plan). And it was something I could take with me, and use, pretty much anywhere in any way. Except, you know, swimming.

(My husband and I spent a week in a cheapie room on the beach in the Outer Banks for our anniversary this year — it was a bit too cold still to be able to play in the water, but the beach was gorgeous. And I say this as a Pacific beach snob. But I wanted so much to wear my TENS when we went on our walks down the beach, but I was in a bikini and near water, not to mention what if it gets dropped in the sand — too risky. The thought of walking along with the electrodes and lead wires hanging off my back, in a bikini, though, was tempting.)

Back when I was first trying the TENS unit out.

TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Basically, you attach two or more electrodes to the skin (wherever, with certain important exceptions) and connect them to a device which delivers electrical currents through the skin. Electrical stimulation is thought to work by blocking or replacing pain signals before they travel through the nerve to the brain. It also stimulates endorphin production in the body, among other things that help reduce the pain level. The science is here if you like that kinna’ stuff.

Portable TENS units allow a person to take advantage of this pain relief without being tied to a gigantic machine. Which means they can go about their life, doing just about anything with the exception of driving (you can wear the TENS, but it needs to be turned off) and anything that would expose any of the components involved to water. Apparently there is some suggestion that TENS may even help labor pain.


The old-school versions may be cheaper, and found online. They’re usually analog (no digital screen, or only a readout screen), square with a couple knobs/wheels on the top to control the level of stimulation on each channel.

The newer things are damn expensive, though, which means that they are only an accessible solution if you are insured, your insurance covers them, and you can convince your insurance it is medically necessary. My doctor was extremely cooperative; he knew to document my condition before, during and after use, making it hard to ignore that there was an obvious improvement in my physical condition. He knows how the insurance companies work, and how to make sure they work for his patients.

Damn, I hate insurance companies. (Ahem.)

But they did end up paying for mine (after several months rental period, several visits and forms and and hoops to jump through). This is where I am extremely lucky that I am married to a man who works for the state. Because they give pretty good bennies. Not the gold-plated stuff your six-figure-makin’ elected officials get, but good enough that I know exactly how fortunate we are to have it considering the wider economic conditions.

I spent my time un- and under-insured, and uninsurable. I spent my years paying for my medications out of pocket, draining my small savings. I spent a couple years on Medicaid and a couple years on Medicare. I’ve been through the range, at this point, throughout my life. So I know well that I am privileged in this way. Cuz I’ve been on the other side of it.

And it’s kind of fucked up that anyone’s access to health care (that works) is predicated on whether, and whom, they marry.

Ahem. Anyway.

I started my first full-time job at the end of 2008. I’d never worked full-time before, or at a desk job. I started as a restaurant greeter and then moved on to retail, canvassing, and more retail. You know, you start low and you work your way up. Well, I started with six hours a week showing people to their tables in a one-step-above-fast-food breakfast restaurant and worked my way all the way up to a starting clerical job with the state. I was so excited and so fucking proud of myself.

Most of the people at work, after a short time to get to know me, would exclaim that I should apply to (a higher status job), that I was obviously smart enough to be able to do the job and I worked well and I’d be a shoe-in. What they didn’t understand is that this was it. I already climbed my ladder, and this was the top. And I was extremely happy there. I wanted nothing to do with (that other job). There were parts of it I know I would hate doing and didn’t feel particularly suited for. I’m comfortable alphabetizing files and doing data entry. I don’t think it’s “below” me. I think it fits me perfectly.

But clerical is lower in status, and (that other job) is a sign of a Better Worker or whatever, so obviously I should do that, I should keep climbing, I could end up a supervisor someday, you can go so many places… but I didn’t want to go anywhere else. I chose where I was because I knew it fit me, and it did, and I wanted to settle down there.

This is the reality of my life.

Working full-time was a huge stress on me. I had to get up two hours early, only 30-45 minutes of which were spent half-conscious and doing my hygiene and preparation to go out the door. And then I would get home from my eight-and-a-half hour day (hour lunch) and I’d only be able to stay awake for maybe three more hours before I just didn’t have the strength, and I would crash in bed. And those three hours — some of them were spent undressing, destressing, eating dinner, spending time with my husband, with my cats — I ended up getting about an hour a day of time that I can say I was mostly alert, cognizant, and able to read a little bit of news and blogs and communicate a little with my friends. One hour per day that wasn’t devoted to eating, sleeping, hygiene or working.

I managed to make it through, mostly with the knowledge that I got the summer to recover (my job is seasonal). I push myself to work hard so I can manage a 37.5-hour week — no benefits, no  time off, nothing, since it’s not a year-round permanent job — push myself through five months of that, and take seven months of rest to balance it out.

The one biggest factor in my ability to actually make it through those full five months was my TENS.

I wore it every day, for the duration of my workday.

Here’s what went in to using it:

Putting on the skin prep, attaching the electrodes and trying to find the right places, changing out the batteries and so forth was part of my morning routine, and taking off the electrodes, removing any remaining adhesive, and treating my back so my sensitive skin wouldn’t break all over the place (making it impossible to use the TENS again until it healed, which with my skin is an excessively slow process) — that was my after-work routine.

Skin care was essential for me. I had to make sure to remove the adhesive residue (they provide pads of adhesive remover). Then wiping down my entire lower back with witch hazel, then carefully applying Sween cream (a medical-use moisturizing lotion that doesn’t make it impossible to adhere anything the next day) and some sort of product to calm the itching irritation (I’ve cycled through several, including the Bikini Zone cream with lidocaine, which seemed to work particularly well — now using a Bactine lidocaine spray, hoping the antiseptic in it helps the healing of any small skin breaks that show up).

Oh, and only use the specialty sensitive skin gel electrodes — regular electrodes are gonna rip up my back no matter what I do after.

And I’ve had to learn extreme self-discipline in not scratching my screaming itching skin when I miss any part of that routine, because even very slight rubbing will break that irritated skin.

That’s just what works on my skin. My skin is particularly sensitive in its own particular way. Most people do not have skin like mine. And even people whose skin is also sensitive may respond differently to different products, may not need as much (may need more) and so forth…

It takes three AAA batteries; I was provided with a set of rechargeable batteries and a charger, but given my background in camera sales, I know that most cheap rechargeables are more of a pain in the ass than they’re worth — they drain quickly and die just as quickly. At the time (I’m not sure what’s true now) the silver-and-green Energizers were the best-performing rechargeables, so I bought a bulk set off eBay for cheap.

I keep a set of batteries charging at all times, so I can rotate them out. Generally, a new set of batteries, freshly charged, will last a full day. Now that I’ve had them for awhile, they tend to last up to a full day, sometimes draining about 3/4 of the way through the day. So I keep a set of three newly charged spare batteries with me when I’m out somewhere for a whole day, too.

(The Energizer Lithium AAAs are also excellent, but they annoy me because they don’t work well with the battery monitor on my particular TENS unit; they’ll show totally full for days and then bam, they’re empty all of a sudden. It makes it hard to know when to be prepared for a change, which I need to be able to monitor ongoing. The rechargeables, OTOH, generally give you a good idea how much power they have left in them on the battery monitor.)

And here’s what came out of wearing it:

Where back pain formerly prevented me from performing certain activities — particularly anything involving bending or kneeling, lifting, extended reaching, and even just the pain and fatigue that sets in during the afternoon from having been standing/sitting upright for hours at a time — the TENS provided relief, allowing me to go about my day without those activities weighing heavily on me.

It did not, and does not, cure overall pain. The feeling is hard to explain; it zaps the muscle underneath your skin, and you feel that “zap” in the areas where the electrodes are attached — and the “zap” feeling seems to replace the “pain” feeling (rather than removing it altogether). The device I was given has several different modes which provide different patterns of zaps, rolling and building in different ways.

When your back pain is really bad and you get the electrode placed really well on a tender point — oh, it feels so good. It’s a similar sort of relief you get with a really, really good massage. It’s not just taking away pain; it’s almost pleasurable in doing so.

When the back pain is moderate or mild and there aren’t any particular tender points (or your skin is broken in those areas, preventing you from using the electrode on them) it’s not quite pleasurable, but it still takes the pain away, replacing it with a sensation that’s at least neutral.

When it’s working really well during those times, I forget that it’s there and running. I can just move about and not think about the pain at all. That’s a freedom I cherish when I realize it’s happening. It’s not often I can just move my body without realizing the pain I’m in and having it limit what I’m able to do.

Wearing the TENS is what allows me to be at work for eight and a half hours a day — even when much of it is spent sitting in a chair. I have a lot of things to take care of at work, and if my back pain is distracting me, I have a lot more trouble getting them done, and getting them done right. I take longer, I need more time to rest, I’m stressed and irritable and easily overwhelmed. This is something that allows me to take one complication out of my day.

Wearing my TENS is what allows me to do a lot of non-work things, too: washing the dishes at home, for instance (standing upright but doing something physical slightly in front of me requires use of my lower back muscles, which don’t hold up for long in that situation), or attending a sports game or going to a museum or zoo, or anything else where I am going to be away from home for a good portion of the day, especially standing or walking, or sitting where the seating is awkward.

Without my TENS, I would be taking more pain killers to manage my pain. With the TENS, I only need pain-killers for other areas of pain: my severe headaches, or the over-all neuralgia ache and fatigue. If I’m fortunate and those things aren’t bothering me that day, I’ll have less need for the pain-killers overall.

My TENS unit can be a stealth device. No one necessarily sees it. Sometimes I tuck the wires in to my pants or skirt so that they are hidden, and sometimes I don’t bother, letting them hang out — leading out the back of my pants/skirt to a pocket on my side.

Mitsy cuddles with the cargobelt.

Here is where I make a recommendation: of all the ways I’ve tried carrying my TENS, my favorite is the Cargobelt from Etsy seller Utilitywear. I have tried several ways of carrying my TENS unit: with the included clip alone, in the black canvas carrier the company gave me with the unit, in my jeans/skirt pocket, and with a couple different solutions I found on Etsy.


I ended up removing the clip from the unit; I didn’t like the way it sat high on the clip, making my outfits look weird (I wear mid-rise jeans and prefer my shirts to fall around the hip, covering a few inches of the jeans) with the shirts pulled and bunched up on one side. And it didn’t clip well to the pockets on my work pants/skirts. The black canvas carrier doesn’t really fit it well (a bit too small), is ugly, has the same shirt-bunching problem to a slightly lesser extent, and isn’t convenient — I have to pull the unit all the way out of the carrier to adjust the mode/levels, and it’s a bit of a struggle to get it in and out of the carrier.

When I’m lazy, I’ll still just stick the TENS unit in my pants/skirt/shorts pocket — particularly on the guy’s cargo shorts I wear, since there’s more than enough room in the pocket. But on my jeans and skirt, it’s a bit uncomfortable due to the size of the unit; it presses in to my hip and leg and when I’m sitting down, it’s hard to get it in and out of my pocket if I need to adjust it.

But the best option for me so far has been the Cargobelt.

Utilitywear's Cargobelt: Features and details

I bought it in the dark denim; it is available in several different fabrics. It links through the belt loops on your pants like a belt does.

I ended up making a couple modifications after using it for a little while.


Obviously, I am no professional seamstress! But I was able to make the changes I needed. I used my x-acto knife to cut a couple small slits in the back, then went and stitched over the edges of the fabric to prevent fraying. This way I could thread the lead wires through the back of the pouch, and attach them to the TENS unit inside. This was more comfortable than just tucking the unit in to the pocket with the lead wires hanging out the front. (I was originally wearing the pouch on one side, and made the slits you see with white thread, then switched to the other side, so I made the slits you see in black thread. Nobody sees them, so it doesn’t affect the glamor ;))


The only thing I don’t like about it is that the metal hardware controlling the adjusting belt — that metal rectangle thing — is a bit taller than my belt loops are, which requires some work to get it through the loops (rather than just being able to pull it through without issue). But that is my only complaint. Otherwise, this little pouch works beautifully — it allows me to walk around with my TENS unit without being too conspicuous.

And when I’m doing something like, say, traveling into the city for a sports game, it’s nice because I can also carry my ID, credit card &/or cash, my chapstick and my phone — voila, no purse necessary! Except that I have learned — ahem — that when I do have a large purse, security guards at the ballpark or hockey arena don’t bother to pat me down (instead just looking through the purse), so as long as my wires are tucked in I can get inside without any questions about this-weird-electronic-device-that-might-be-mistaken-for-something-sinister. Sneaky.

When I first began wearing the TENS, I was careful to tuck in my wires. Since then, I’ve stopped bothering most of the time. I just let them hang out. Part because it’s easier on me that way — less hassle — but also part out of a desire to have a visual marker to the world that I am Different. That there’s a reason I’m walking slowly or sitting down — or when I’m well enough to pass as one-hundred-percent Normal, to try to buck that image.

Identity is a complex thing for a person with an invisible disability. There is always that voice in the back of your head, reminding you that most of the world still thinks you are not sick — you are normal — nothing’s wrong with you — you’re making it up, imagining or exaggerating things, or looking for things to complain about. I have been pushing back against this voice for years, connecting with the still small voice inside that tells me what I am actually feeling, rather than always looking to fit my feelings within the boxes the outside world provides me — learning to just be what I am. To accept what I feel. And it’s only when I connect with what’s actually going on inside my body that I can address the problems effectively. When I  am still in the frame of mind that says my self experience is not valid, that I need to conform to what the world tells me I should be — I address the wrong things, in the wrong ways, and end up making my situation worse in a variety of ways.

I’ve had years now to gain experience in fighting that back-of-the-head voice, and reaching for the still-small-voice inside me. I am fairly stable in my identity, fairly confident in who and what I am, I trust my own feelings now. But that voice is still there in the back of my head — it always will be, as long as people still remark about people like me as though we are malingerers.

I leave my wires hanging as a way to combat that voice. As a way to say to the rest of the world: I am Disabled. I am Different. You need to face up to that. You need to deal with that.



Most of the response to my TENS was while I was working. I needed to tuck in my wires because of the bending down I had to do for filing — the wires would catch on the back of my shoes, and they would pop out, disconnecting from the electrodes or pulling the electrodes off my back altogether.

But sometimes the electrodes caught on the hem of my pants, or the wires shoed a little bit, or someone saw me messing with the unit. And they would ask about it and I would explain. And most people regarded it as: something cool, neat, and nice to know something was providing me relief. And usually, they’d leave me alone about it afterward.

(One woman did bring it up a little more often than I was comfortable with — sometimes I get tired of answering questions or making small talk about my illness. But it was only borderline, and I loved working with her otherwise, so it was easy enough to get past.)

Besides that: most people don’t bother me. And I haven’t even gotten any weird looks — I mean, I was hoping for at least one, to balance out all the glares I get when I use my accessible parking placard. Maybe in time?

Overall, even with the additional skin care routine, the addition of the TENS unit to my pain management program has made a bigger difference in my quality of life than just about any other component — only a couple of my medications might be more important. It gives me a non-drug option for managing pain and it drives me to do more physical stuff that I couldn’t do as much before. It’s one of those things that I like to have, that I’ve grown fond of, because of everything it has enabled me to do. It seems Goldfish feels similarly, because she’s even written an ode to her TENS machine!

Ode To My TENS Machine

I want to tell the whole wide world about my darling TENS,
My little matt black box and I are very special friends.
He stays close to me all day long, he never leaves my side,
I tingle when I feel those soft electrodes on my thighs.

He came straight to my rescue when my agony was heinous.
My love for him is deep; in fact it is quite transcutaneous.
This love it has no side-effects; those drugs can be so icky,
Though when I pull the patches off he leaves me rather sticky.

I knew that it was meant to be as soon as I first saw him,
He stimulates my nerves so that I produce more endorphins.
He stops me curling up with pain; he stops that horrid spasm,
Alas however, he falls short of making me [feel any better than as I have described above]

He is the answer to my prayers; the dream I have been chasing,
After just a week he needed his battery replacing.
However much my body aches I know he’ll make amends,
My love, my life, my tingly-wingly, darling little TENS.


Recommendations, again: Empi handled all the insurance claims, supply orders and so forth; they’ve been extremely helpful through the whole process, and made it much simpler and easier on me. And, again, check out utilitywear on Etsy; there are several options and they work great whether you’re wearing a TENS or just want a way to tote around a few essentials without carrying a bag. The Rehabilicare ProMax is my particular machine model; the Empi rep tried another one on me (the traditional knobby black box kind) but I maxed it out at 100% and it was still at a pretty low buzz level for me, so he handed me the ProMax instead. It’s been in my hand ever since.

Skin care: Skin prep before and adhesive remover after (both provided by Empi), Sween cream, something containing lidocaine (a numbing agent) — I’ve liked the Bactine spray and the Bikini Zone cream in particular (yes, that’s a bit of an off-label use, but it works!). I’ve tried other numbing agents, cooling sprays and itch relief sprays/creams/gels that just didn’t work well for me for this purpose.

If you’re in physical therapy and you think it might help, ask your therapist if you can try electrical stimulation. That way you get an idea on how it works for your needs without having to rent the machine first. Your therapist should have further information if it seems like something that could help you. Or make an appointment with whichever doctor you see to manage your pain.


28 thoughts on Things that make my life easier: TENS edition

  1. I know how much relief a TENS unit can give. My Dad had a spine injury back in the 70’s and he got an one back then to help with the pain. His narcotics had given him kidney and liver issues so the TENS was a lifesaver. Literally. When my little brother was recently in a car accident that resulted in him having some spinal issues, resulting in him not being able to work as a chef because of the standing etc. He remember my Dad’s TENS unit and talked to his doctors about it and they finally said okay. It has made a huge difference in his life. He is able to finally travel in a car again for longer that 40 minutes. A big deal when family was 4 to 5 hours away. He was able to come to visit and celebrate my Dad’s 76th birthday where they compared their TENS units… very cool. My Dad uses a leather carpenter pouch to carry his around along with his cell phone, wallet and hearing aid. My brother uses a modified fanny pack that his girlfriend made him. She made the closure out of plastic so that when he goes through the medical detector at the courthouse where he works it doesn’t go off. The wires etc apparently aren’t large enough to register. Hope everything stays stable for you! Don’t you just hate when you get a regimine that works and gets you to be able to live your life and then something changes and you have to start over again? Blessing to you. Teri

  2. My father suffered from multiple disabilities, visible and non. One of them was chronic pain in his back and shoulders as a result of severe arthritis. He was also a double amputee (one leg above the knee, one leg below the knee). The chronic pain, coupled with the loss of his legs, made him a bed-ridden invalid for the last 3 years of his life. During those three years his doctors treated his chronic pain almost exclusively with narcotics. Because he was also considered a terminal patient, they seemed to have no qualms with addiction, though they did change the narcotics when dependency would require him to use larger and larger doses to achieve less and less pain relief. When he finally passed through a morphine dependency, which was countered with a new scrip for methodone as replacement, he said he’d had enough with the drugs. Now he wasn’t just bed-ridden, but practically vegetative because he couldn’t think around the narcs anymore, and often chose to forgo the meds in favor of just living with the pain.

    A little less than a year before he died a new, young and progressive MD took a look at Daddy’s med list and went nuts. He cut the scrips down to less than two dozen, eliminating almost two-thirds of the meds the old man was on and got him a TENS. (As an aside, my father was a vet and all his medical needs were provided by the VA. Getting approval for the TENS was not an easy road by any means.) His was a desktop unit, not portable unless he was in an electric wheelchair. The weight added to the manual chair made it so I couldn’t push him if the TENS was also on board. But I swear that machine was magic. For the first time in years the old man was able to leave his bed for a few hours at a time and visit with the rest of the family, or sit in the yard for a barbeque, or take a drive to the beach or go shopping. He was still on pain meds, mostly narcotic, but not nearly as many, and he was able to hold a coherent conversation again without nodding off mid-sentence.

    He didn’t live much longer, the man had more medical problems than you could shake a stick at, but that TENS machine made it possible to bring a little bit of joy and LIFE back into his life. He spent his last few months feeling like a person instead of something shoved in a corner to be forgotten about. I wish more people had access to them, and that more doctors were willing to fight for their patients and get the machines for them when they’re warrented.

    1. The screen isn’t flush like cell phone screens are, and there are openings inside the battery compartment which is also not totally sealed when it’s closed. Plus getting sand around the sticky gel electrodes would be a huge pain. And I was afraid if the sand did do something to the unit itself, the company wouldn’t help fix/replace it and I’d be out of luck. Just too much possible consequence to try it.

      Thanks Teri & Pega for sharing your stories. It’s always nice to hear when someone in pain finds *something* that works for them.

  3. Hearing your story gave me hope that someday I too will find a solution to the pain I live with that does not involve pain medication. The idea of being to work a conventional job again sounds like heaven. It is difficult when you have an invisible disability for people to realize how damaging this can really be on your life. When I am without my cane or my scooter it would appear as though everything with me is fine and nothing could be further from the truth. I feel that more discussion needs to happen around invisible disabilities to raise awareness perhaps then we would not be subject to so many questions or the constant pressure to justify why we need an accommodation.

  4. “Identity is a complex thing for a person with an invisible disability. There is always that voice in the back of your head, reminding you that most of the world still thinks you are not sick — you are normal — nothing’s wrong with you — you’re making it up, imagining or exaggerating things, or looking for things to complain about.”

    Thank you so much for writing this post, but this quote especially touched me. My own version of that voice can be deafening at times.

  5. Fifteen years ago (when I a pre-teen), I fractured my spine. The fracture itself wasn’t actually the biggest problem, it was a cycle of muscle spasms pinching nerves and pinched nerves causing spasms… It was some serious back pain, that left me bed ridden for about a year.

    Long story short, acupuncture was the answer for me, but my acupuncturist used electrodes attached to some of the needles during my sessions, and so I completely understand the relief it contributes to (six months of three hours a week of treatment fixed my problem. I actually don’t know if the spinal fracture ever properly healed, but hey, my back hasn’t hurt in fifteen years!)

    I just wish that more doctors would push for things like the TENS (which I had never heard of by the way). You’d think more of them would jump at treatments that can lower their patients’ dependence on narcotics (I don’t actually think I’ll ever forgive the doctor who put me on large vicodine doses when I was still a child without exploring other options *first.* At one point I decided my life sucked so much with the pills and the pain that the pills didn’t even fix that I tried swallowing all that vicodine at once.. fortunately I was one of those people who puke vicodine on an empty stomach. I wish I hadn’t gone through all of that before finding a treatment that actually worked for me).

    I also think that it’s great that you’re writing about this and emphasizing that it’s a useful too, because these things seem to spread by word of mouth with patients asking for the treatment…

  6. Witch hazel! Brilliant! I have a few customers who have problems getting the TENS patch residue off their skin and find the removal goo to be irritating. We’ve been hesitantly recommending eucalyptus oil, but witch hazel could be much less irritating. Thank you!

  7. Oh, the TENS!! After a car wreck which badly messed up my C5 I did physical therapy with it. A few years later I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and got (unfortunately short term) more physical therapy which included its use. Since then I’ve ben reuced to cadging off of friends when they got lucky enough to get one for short term use. Sadly few and far between but since my fibro doesn’t manifest severely I don’t qualify for one of my own.

    Anyone who has any soft tissue damage, muscle damage, or skeletal damage (so, almost everyone) should check this out. It may not work miracles, but when you live in pain what it does can feel quite miraculous. I find most physical therapists are open to its use at least during visits. Even that can make so much of a difference. When you know there will be a cessation of pain (no matter how temporary) it really helps with the whole mindset thing. I know when I was doing therapy it was a bright spot in my day even though I hated most of the rest of therapy.

    Sadly, unemployed now and can barely afford to keep my old insurance (I’d be uninsurable if I dropped it) so no TENS in my near future. Still, knowing someday I might be able to get one helps. Just knowing there is a non-narcotic aid is immensely reasurring.

  8. Thanks for writing this. I’m also appalled at the rate that doctors subscribe narcotics before exploring other options, and hearing about alternative forms of pain management is awesome.

  9. lilacsigil — I read a description of witch hazel as an astringent to remove dirt and oils from the skin… and knew of its use in some hemmorhoid relief products for itching and irritation (especially laughed when mother-in-law mentioned it in hem. products and said “but wouldn’t it burn???” I grew up with rubbing alcohol as an all-purpose antiseptic, so I suppose I’m a bit dull to that particular sensation :p). Seemed worth a try, anyhow.

  10. I love my TENS unit. The home one doesn’t work quite as well as the big one at PT, partly because the signal cycling is a little different and not as good, but mostly because the places where the electrodes are supposed to go are places that, even with my hypermobile shoulders, I can’t quite reach, so they end up somewhere in the general area of where they should be, unless someone else is around and can help me. I haven’t had any skin problems other than slight redness and itchiness, but I usually don’t wear it all day, so that’s probably why.

  11. fwiw, I was described an antidepressant as a sleep aid when I was twelve. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I finally made the connection — that seven years, until I came off it when I was nineteen to try the Lyrica study — I was completely numb emotionally. Numb. And my anxiety came back in a rage around age 19/20. Hmm.

    I hate it when people speak out against any medication use in children ever (or against medication in general; I like what my drugs do for me thankyouverymuch) — but certainly doctors need to be a bit more discretionary in some cases, and in general need to better learn how to LISTEN to their patients.

  12. I also have endometriosis and realize how painful it can be. I remember that it took a few visits with my doctor before my level of pain registered with her. I thought that saying “It’s really, really bad pain” was enough. But that didn’t work. I finally had to say, “You know, I end up on the bathroom floor sobbing and screaming with pain” before it made an impression on her. My stomach lining will never be the same after all the Toradol (ketorolac) that I took but that is the drug that helped me more than Vicodin (something about blocking the prostaglandins). My endo pain is under control now (surgery is what worked for me) or I’d be looking for other options.

    A bit of a digression (and I’m sure you already know this) but it’s not surprising to have endometriosis along with some other illness. An NIH study found that women with endometriosis are at greater risk for several other diseases (see ).

    Anyway, I’m so glad you found something that helps with your pain! Thanks for sharing all the information about the TENS unit. It’s great to have it online for others who might need it (I’m bookmarking this page). You are so generous to share your experience in this way. That’s the main reason I wanted to post a comment.

    1. ahimsa — definitely good to hear that something did work well for you.

      Unfortunately, because my endo is so diffuse, it would be almost impossible to operate on — it’s a bunch of very small spots all over everything, rather than a few big balls of stuff to cut out. (And what form it takes in each patient is VERY individual, it seems. And pain does not necessarily correlate with the amount/size of the growths; you can have a little and be in a ton of pain or have it all over and have no pain whatsoever.) Family didn’t really seem to “get” this when I explained it… “but why can’t you have surgery to take it out?” (the point at which I try to take the conv. in a different direction.)

  13. Ruchama — while I was reading up on TENS use before writing this post, I ran across information I’d not heard before — one technique is to put the electrode somewhere between the source of pain and the brain. Since it seems to work by blocking pain signals before they get to the brain, that would make a LOT of sense. Just takes some trial-and-error.

    (I’d probably use it on my shoulders more often if I could actually put the electrodes there myself…)

  14. I hate it when people speak out against any medication use in children ever (or against medication in general; I like what my drugs do for me thankyouverymuch) — but certainly doctors need to be a bit more discretionary in some cases, and in general need to better learn how to LISTEN to their patients.

    Doctors get burned by just taking patients word for it though…. the DEA comes after them in full force. Pain management in this country would get a lot better if you gave doctors some protections from the ridiculous overaggressive fascist scumbag DEA agents.

  15. They used that on me when I was in physiotherapy for back/neck/shoulder pain. I completely agree about how indescribably wonderful it feels when placed on a very painful tender spot. I had no idea it was possible to get them for personal medical use, thank you so much for sharing that.

  16. It’s so true, amandaw, that surgery will not work for everyone with endometriosis. I’m glad you mentioned that in case my comment was not clear. Plus, in addition to the normal risks associated with any surgery, surgery to remove endometriosis lesions has the risk of internal scarring, adhesions, etc. which can cause additional (different?) pain. There are no easy answers for this darn illness. Even menopause does not eliminate symptoms for all women with endometriosis. People on the outside looking on may want simple solutions (especially family members who love us and want us to get well) but the truth is that most chronic, disabling medical conditions are more complex than people realize.

    I was very lucky that surgery worked for me (my endo pain is now at a background level, not that bad at all) but I completely understand that all potential treatments for endometriosis (and pretty much every other medical condition!) have their own list of pros and cons. Deciding on a treatment must be handled on a case by case situation.

    Sending some {{{cyber hugs}}} your way! (if that’s not too corny)

  17. As a side benefit, it seems like your TENS allows a virtuous circle. You have less pain, so can do the physical therapy and stretching, so then you have fewer flare-up and less pain.

    Your story also provides a great example of the savings to be found for a public option. A relatively low cost self-help treatment allows you to work (and pay taxes) instead of being a public charge. But, since the insurance company doesn’t have to bear the exterior costs of you not working (no taxes to the Treasury) + being on Medicare or Medicaid, it has every incentive to increase its profits by denying you the treatment. Obviously, you are a happier, healthier person. But the public also benefits in a quantifiable $$ way from this medical treatment.

  18. I find TENS units (no matter how large or small) to be pretty useless for overall control of my chronic pain but decent to distract me from my pain when it’s really bad and I’m trying to avoid taking another pain pill. However, you can get them for very cheap for those who don’t know that – I bought mine for $60 on Amazon. So no need to wait for insurance to cover it, for those who can find a way to swing $60 or $80 for a unit. There is also a wonderful butterfly-shaped electrode available for lower back pain (so you don’t have to attach 4 different electrodes to yourself, just one big one that spreads across the lower back). I highly recommend that one.

  19. PS Can you explain to me why you use a prep lotion? I have never done so. I have had no problems getting the electrodes to adhere or removing them, but I do notice that my electrodes are now starting to be less sticky after a lot of use (some hair has gotten stuck to them, etc) And where do you get the sensitive skin electrodes?

    1. The skin prep is an additional protectant for my skin. (Did I just make up a word?) It adds a barrier between the gel and the skin. It’s also supposed to help the electrodes adhere, but I use it as one extra step to keep my skin from weakening.

      The sensitive skin electrodes come from Empi — they have a range of products (including multi-day electrodes and so forth). I used the normal electrodes for the first short time using the TENS, until the first time I had to go a couple weeks w/o using it because my skin was so ripped up. Then I requested the sensitive skin electrodes — which have a thick blue gel coating, not as thin as normal electrodes — and it helped a lot. The blue gel is very, very sticky, though, which is why I have to be sure to remove all adhesive when I take it off.

      1. And yeah – for that overall pain that just seems like it’s literally holding you down — the TENS isn’t really much of a help with that. It’s more for severe, body-part-specific pain. It also helped a LOT with the stupid muscle spasms I was getting (likely from the scoliosis, muscles healing to make up for the curvature end up getting spasms) — at the worst point they were coming multiple times an hour, jerking my entire body and shocking my nervous system.

  20. Sorry for the repeat comments – Just wanted to clarify, I remember now that I didn’t end up buying my TENS unit on Amazon – I got it from another online vendor though that had them cheap. All I needed was to fax the prescription I got from my doc.

  21. Somewhat OT, but since it was briefly mentioned in the post – I used a TENS for pain relief during labor and found it helpful. I wish more people were aware of that use for the TENS – I had to ask my midwives’ group about it after hearing a doula mention it. I had never even heard of a TENS, and I don’t think the midwives had either, but they were very helpful when I brought it up.

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