In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

So that’s why I’m still single!

Gays, it’s all your fault.

Girls and women were hurt by males with increasing and heartbreaking frequency as the Sexual Adventurist Code of Values was progressively adopted since the 1960s as the norm among heterosexual males. No, we didn’t need homosexuals to teach us these things. It was old fashioned heterosexual adventurism. Many women are still paying the price.

But now gay activists want society’s seal of approval on their lifestyle, and it is, on average, far more extreme in its adventurism. And you think that will not encourage heterosexual men and boys to keep on hurting women as they do now, or worse? If homosexual males treat each other that way, with their activity officially endorsed by the government, why can we heterosexual males not relate to you, heterosexual women, in a similar fashion?

But it gets better! It turns out that women are also big whores.

Dan Savage, one of the gays who’s ruining marriage for chicks like me, responds appropriately.

24 thoughts on So <i>that’s</i> why I’m still single!

  1. This guy seems way too hung up about anal sex. That is what those rants are about, right?

  2. Last week, wasn’t it “no menz will want you once they’re able to do it to other menz! Teh terror!”

    And now it’s “men still want to do it to you, but now they expect the low relationship standards of gay menz! How can we resist?”

    Sigh. No consistency whatsoever.

  3. Wow. Homophobia, misogyny, and distortion of history all in one essay!

    Who says there’s no ambition left in ‘Murka?

  4. i’m still confused about what exactly this person is saying. The ways that gay men treat eachother translates into the way strait men treat women? am i missing something?

    This is asanine. Yet another way to scapegoat responsibility for violence against women. If it’s not her fault, its apparently the gay’s fault.

  5. So, men prefer sex with other men, but they like to have sex with hos like me, but then they don’t want to marry us, but when they do, they treat us like guys?

    Could he just pick a slur and stick with it?

  6. See, I’ve always thought that the story about Lot’s daughters raping him was a transparent victim-blaming lie made up by Lot when a traveller stopped by. “Oh, yeah, my daughters are visibly pregnant and I’m the only man here… they tricked me by getting me drunk, the sluts!”

  7. That’s the nuttiest “explanation” of gay men I’ve seen since George Gilder posited that young guys turn gay because rich older men snap up all the good-looking young women. (No lie. I’m sure that essay is floating aroud cyberspace somewhere, but damned if I’m going to look it up.)

  8. A friend of mine once told a story about a woman accusing him of stealing good, straight men from women and thus becoming her competition, but this?

    *shakes head* I don’t get it. Gay men having adventures hurts men and makes them hurt women through their adventures? Ohhhh god, my head hurts…

  9. They always ignore the part in the Bible where it says Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for essentially being full of jerks (literally a “lack of hospitality”)…

  10. Wait, is he saying that acceptance of homosexual marriage promotes homosexual adventurism? Because, if you follow that line of reasoning, heterosexual adventurism is caused by tolerance of heterosexual marriage. I guess David Klinghoffer must be in favor of abolishing marriage for the sake of women then, right?

  11. I wish I could say that I don’t know people who “think” like this guy, but alas, I do. They’re not only swimming in bigotry, they’re drowning in contradictions and choking on ignorance. It’s sad (yet so absurd it’s laughable), really.

  12. Beliefnet? I belief that that’s some high-grade bullsheeeeeeeat.

    Then again, the crackpot theory IS capitalized, so….

  13. So I guess this leaves straight dudes as the only morally upstanding group of people?

    At least someone had to courage to say it!

  14. They always ignore the part in the Bible where it says Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for essentially being full of jerks (literally a “lack of hospitality”)…

    Whereas we all know it should have been destroyed for being full of child rapists…oh wait…that would have included Lot too. I guess God cares more about hospitality than pimping out your daughters to be gang raped. Great guy that God fellow.

  15. Don’t worry ladies! The lesbians will be here to catch you when you fall. We won’t tell David Klinghoffer that we are considered ‘gay homosexuals’ too.

  16. The sin of Sodom was lack of hospitality, NOT homosexual rape, as anyone who actually reads the Bible would know. And unless the place was populated exclusively by men (except for Lot’s family), a lot of pregnant women and innocent children were destroyed by the LORD in his wrath, which sort of knocks the legs out from under the whole “God is pro-life and loves BABIES” nonsense.


  17. No one has mentioned it yet, but David Klinghoffer is also a creationist. In fact, his CV at the first link mentions he works for the Discovery Institute, the leading US think tank for “Intelligent Design.”

  18. Logically, wouldn’t the fact that lesbians can marry put pressure on straight men to treat their wives *better*, because now their wives could marry a woman instead if they feel disrespected by men?

    I mean, even in Absurdilandia, this argument only works if you forget that lesbians are gay too.

  19. “Whereas we all know it should have been destroyed for being full of child rapists…oh wait…that would have included Lot too. I guess God cares more about hospitality than pimping out your daughters to be gang raped. Great guy that God fellow.”

    Well, not quite..they rejected the offer of the daughters. So, they apparently were not child rapists. 🙂

  20. “And unless the place was populated exclusively by men (except for Lot’s family), a lot of pregnant women and innocent children were destroyed by the LORD in his wrath, which sort of knocks the legs out from under the whole “God is pro-life and loves BABIES” nonsense.”
    Hell, just reading the Old Testament does that. God orders babies to be killed all the time (and pregnant women to be ripped open, among other things) in there…

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