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Friday Catblogging

Happy Friday! Time to break out that much-lauded Cat-Only Internet Filter.


…. but wait, you say! That’s not a cat! No, it’s not, but it’s cat-related!

I’m growing cat grass. I’m trying it with plain ol’ wheat grass seed in a packet, and growing from one of those kits at the same time — this one has wheat, oat and barley seed. This is my first time actually potting plants with my own soil, germinating the seeds etc. Yeah, it’s not much but it still has me excited. This is the two pots (kit seed, packet seed) on our window sill.

Now for some actual cats! Mitsy gets comfortable in some awkward positions.



Buddy, on the other hand, is lying belly-up as usual.


Would that I could borrow some of his bliss.

(Cross-posted at Three Rivers Fog)

13 thoughts on Friday Catblogging

  1. I love me some cat blogging.

    Since you said this is your first time growing cat grass, one piece of advice: try to keep the cats away from it until it’s of a healthy height. The stuff grows like mad, but if your cats are the nomming type, they can very easily overgraze. Or just have too much fun mashing their faces around in it, which can also be not great for the plants.

  2. Thanks.
    It’s okay, in a way. He was very sick, and while I would have preferred to keep him alive of course, I think it’s better for him to be over with it all.

  3. What pretty kitties you have! I always grow cat grass for my Maine Coon, Agatha. She adores it, it’s better than treats. And since she’s a long-haired cat who only sometimes permits me to brush her, I’m glad she loves it because it’s supposed to be great for hairballs.

    UnFit–I’m so sorry about the loss of your pet. How very sad to lose him so young.

  4. My cats are terribly fond of buckwheat. We went to our local farmer’s co-op and got samples of several different grass seeds, and the buckwheat won hands down.

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