In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

I’m back!

Hi folks! This was a bit short-notice, but I’m very glad to be guestblogging here again.

My name is amandaw and I’ll be writing here for the next couple weeks. My introduction from last year:

Who am I? Let’s get the demographics out of the way: I fall under the default personhood in western culture in every major way except these: sex (female), class (grew up poor), and societal access (multiple disabilities). I live a fairly comfortable life in a smaller urban area south of Pittsburgh, PA, sharing space with three creatures whose combined weight just about adds up to mine: the 120lb husband and the 14-and-9-lb “kids,” named Matt(w), Buddy and Mitsy, respectively.

I’ve been around the blogosphere for several years now, commenting under this name (case varied). I started my blog… to have a space to externalize and process my own thoughts on any number of issues, including my experience as a low-class kid being raised by a mentally ill single mother, in an agricultural area in central California where Latin@s actually outnumber whites, and struggling to come to terms with my increasingly-unavoidable disability as I grew older. Issues covered include feminism, disability, health care, class and race, and conventional white-male-higher-class “politics”…

As a warning, I’ve got several topics in mind to cover during my stay here, but I make no guarantees. I’m only just beginning to recover from a nasty pain flare and my coherence on any given day is impossible to fully predict. That also means my wording won’t always be the most artful. Don’t hesitate to ask for a clarification, or point out any missteps – it’s not like I couldn’t use the improvement 🙂

I warmly invite any who fancy my writing to subscribe to my blog feed and stop by for a comment once in awhile; I love to hear new voices. More information at my about page. My thanks to the Feministe writers and to the community here for this opportunity.

I’ve grown a fair bit in the past year, and my life has continued to change. If you want an idea of what I’ve been up to over the past year, try: Conceptualizing disability, the Second Shift for the Sick, “What can I do?”, My life, What is the opposite of “disabled”?, (Il)legal drugs and me, What you can’t see, and Why can’t disorder be beautiful?

I also have a Disabled Sex project going on; my flakiness is really showing here but I’d still love submissions and I will sit down and get it all organized and published as soon as I am able. Check out the post here. I’d love to get that post up while I’m here at Feministe! But time will tell.

Thanks so much to the Feministe crew for inviting me! I’m looking forward to my time here.

You didn’t think I’d let you get away without a cat picture, did you?

18 thoughts on I’m back!

  1. Welcome! I would love to check out your links but they aren’t working. Can they be viewed outside the states? (I’m in Canada.)

  2. Niki, the links are working now–I know that there was some server trouble when I was posting this. Check again; hopefully it was just a blip.

  3. Amandaw, I can recall really enjoying your participation in a number of threads, and I am looking forward to your guest blog posts as well. Welcome!

  4. I’m glad you’re bringing your wonderful voice here again. I look forward to lots of fantastic conversations on disability.

  5. Amanda, yeah it was quick.. though not altogether unexpected. Ah well, at least no-one’s suggested I’m out to harvest cis women’s uteruses (yet).

  6. Amandaw! !!!!! Only punctuation can show how excited I am to see you guest blogging again this year. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    *hugs for Queen Emily* I saw that there were many many comments to your intro-post, and am checking there next.

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