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17 thoughts on I know I shouldn’t be paying any more attention to Rush Limbaugh…

  1. I’m having a hard time seeing how an organization that has no men asking for membership is still discriminating? Gah.

  2. oh holy pete. Just when I can’t think of any more reasons to hate Rush, he sinks to new racist, sexist, horrible lows.

  3. @ripley:

    There will always be more reasons to hate Limbaugh as long as he is alive, I am thinking.

  4. That doesn’t even really make sense. I mean, seriously, it gets as far as the “hurr hurr having a vagina means you vacuum” and then runs right into the “club for rich people” wall.

    It’s also quite classy to include the “men are involved in the club’s activities and none have even been turned down for membership” in the rant about how gender-based discrimination is now appropriate to get one’s knickers in a twist over because, you know, it’s not a Republican doing it.

  5. It is truly one of the wonders of Western civilization that in spite of all the fuck-ups committed by this absolute turd (especially claiming that all drug users should be jailed, when he was mainlining Oxy himself), he has still not been laughed out of existence. But then again, it seems that in order to be a prominent Republican, your sense of shame must be non-existent.

  6. He has the nerve to be critical of her speech while spewing this ridiculous hateful rhetoric on the airwaves. The day that man does his final show, I swear I will get my disabled butt off of the couch and do a happy dance no matter how much it hurts.

  7. I really think he is best ignored. I mean, really, does this latest statement tell us anything we didn’t already know? He’s a hypocritical, misogynistic, racist worm…? Not really a surprise. And, Renee, while I’d love to think he’s going away soon, I’m afraid there are too many angry, vindictive, white conservative men for Limbaugh to appeal to.

    A friend of mine in public radio said Limbaugh is the price we pay for freedome of speech. Maybe that’s true. In the meantime, I try not to think about him–he’s not worth using neurons for.

    And I think Judge Sotomayor will get the last laugh and be confirmed. One more rational voice on the Supreme Court is worth it, IMHO.

  8. It never ceases to amaze me that a fat-assed, three time divorced drug addict can be the national voice for the “family values” rightwing.

    That said, I don’t think enlightened people should “ignore” Rush. I think there is value added in highlighting his outrageous behavior. Sure, his neaderthal fans get a chuckle because they think he is annoying the left when shit like this is highlighted.

    But, if republicans want to make rush the leader and the national face of their party, I’m all for it. And most certainly, this shit he says should be held up to the light of day. The republican party is shrinking, and the rightwing has been discredited. The more they are associated with Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, the more sane people will abhor even being associated with center-right politics.

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