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10 thoughts on Target Women: Lady Friends

  1. I just about lost it when, at the end of laughing for far too long, she lets out “I just peed.”

    Counting the days ’till she gets poached by a show on a big network…

  2. And, what would Tupperware, Avon, Arbonne, Pampered Chef et al done w/o us and all of our “lady friends.” Nothing like pimping your friends to make money for a corporate entity. Ah, good times.

  3. Okay, I totally do that kick-up-my-feet thing with my friends when I get a good deal on shoes. Should I be ashamed to be a cliche?

    Also, what annoys me most about the moppet toaster-pastry ad is that Good Moppet pronounces her Superior Product as ‘Shtrawberry toaster Shtreudel.’ Can’t casting agents hire moppets that don’t make errors like this? Or overdup with some other moppet’s voice?

  4. reminded me of the scene in “Mean Girls” when Caddy is being inducted into The Plastics and they question/inform her that you would never buy a skirt w/o checking with your friends if it looks good on you or not.

  5. Heh, reminds me of a UK advert that had a Sex and the City-style group extolling the wonders of stool softeners… (can’t find a vid of it I’m afraid)

  6. This is a pretty original take on word of mouth commercials, but it’s sad that they have to go back to Sex and the City, a show cancelled 5 years ago, to find a popular “lady friends” show on TV.

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