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Curing Homosexuality

Via Neil (read his post because he’s funnier than me), James Dobson shares his cure for homosexuality.

As Neil points out, some of it is pretty funny — but most of it is just sad. For example, how do you diagnose a child with gender-identity disorder? Well, Dobson gives you five handy markers:

1. Repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is, the other sex.

2. In boys, preference for cross-dressing, or simulating female attire. In girls, insistence on wearing only stereotypical masculine clothing.

3. Strong and persistent preference for cross-sexual roles in make-believe play, or persistent fantasies of being the other sex.

4. Intense desire to participate in stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex.

5. Strong preference for playmates of the other sex.

Well, as a kid I fit at least three of those five. And Dobson is also sure to give mothers the short end of the stick (or at least blame them for their gay sons), saying, “The truth is, Dad is more important than Mom. Mothers make boys. Fathers make men.” Boys, apparently, are unable to be real men if they can’t copy dad: “the boy decides that he would like to grow up like his father. This is a choice. Implicit in that choice is the decision that he would not like to grow up to be like his mother. According to Robert Stoller, “The first order of business in being a man is, ‘don’t be a woman.'”

So Mom should back off. And Dad?

Meanwhile, the boy’s father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son’s maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.

Boys play sports and “rough-and-tumble” outdoor games. Girls play house, play with dolls, and stay indoors where they won’t get dirty or hurt. Because that’s how you make “real men” and “real women.”

What’s possibly most disturbing is how much being a “real man” apparently necessitates a rejection of Mom:

When boys begin to relate to their fathers, and begin to understand what is exciting, fun and energizing about their fathers, they will learn to accept their own masculinity. They will find a sense of freedom—of power—by being different from their mothers, outgrowing them as they move into a man’s world.

Masculinity, then, isn’t being defined independently — it’s simply the opposite of whatever “feminine” means.

A boy needs to see his father as confident, self-assured and decisive. He also needs him to be supportive, sensitive and caring. Mom needs to back off a bit. What I mean is, don’t smother him. Let him do more things for himself. Don’t try to be both Mom and Dad for him. If he has questions, tell him to ask Dad. She should defer to her husband anything that will give him a chance to demonstrate that he is interested in his son—that he isn’t rejecting him.

Hell, if my mom always deferred to my dad, never stood up for herself and never answered any of my questions, I’d want to be a whole lot more like Dad too! But that’s the great thing about actually sharing in the parenting process — your kids get to see you as an individual, not as the epitome of femininity or masculinity, and they get to adopt the best (and sometimes the worst) characteristics from both their parents.

Dobson also ignores single parents, implying that single moms will inevitably raise “confused” sons — after all, without Dad around, who will Mom defer to when her kid asks her a question?

If [a father] wants his son to grow up straight, he has to break the mother-son connection that is proper to infancy but not in the boy’s interest after the age of three. In this way, the father has to be a model, demonstrating that it is possible for his son to maintain a loving relationship with this woman, his mom, while maintaining his own independence. In this way, the father is a healthy buffer between mother and son.

Gay sons are the product of selfish mothers. Mothers will inevitably be selfish and raise sissy-boys if Dad doesn’t step in as a “buffer.”

Also, being gay can give you tuberculosis. Who knew?

21 thoughts on Curing Homosexuality

  1. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard.

    Of course if someone from NAMBLA posted that on the web, it’d be wrong.

    He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.

    SFX: [doorbell rings]
    Plumber, entering: “I understand there’s some pipes in here that need… clearing.

  2. Masculinity, then, isn’t being defined independently — it’s simply the opposite of whatever “feminine” means.

    Interesting, if only because historically it’s women who are defined as “not male,” rather then as independently. Women have always been the Other, with the masculine playing the universal standard by which women are measured and to which women are compared. Here it seems that somehow the male becomes the Other, and is defined as “not female.”

  3. I started to read that article and I couldn’t finish it. I just thought it would end like every other anti-gay article I have ever read and I can’t handle many more. Maybe I will go back at some time in the future.

  4. A strong preference for playmates of the other sex? So if a boy wants to spend his time with girls, he’s gay, but if he’d rather spend it with other boys, it means he’s straight.


  5. Ethan’s gonna be gay. Better start planning the instruction on “gay-tinis” and interior design. Good thing he already shows an interest in disco and loves Freddie Mercury.

  6. [from the greatest of all Peter Jackson movies…]

    DR. BENNETT: Homosexuality . . .

    [Honora looks horrified.]

    DR. BENNETT: I agree, Mrs. Rieper, it’s not a pleasant word. But let us not panic unduly. This condition is often a passing phase with girls of Yvonne’s age.

    HONORA: But she’s always been such a normal, happy child.

    DR. BENNETT: It can strike at any time, and adolescent are particularly vulnerable.

    HONORA: But what about the vomiting? She’s lost a lot of weight . . .

    DR. BENNETT: Look, Mrs. Rieper, try not to worry too much. Yvonne’s young and strong, and she’s got a loving family behind her. Chances are she’ll grow out of it. If not, well, medical science is progressing in leaps and bounds. There could be a breakthrough at any time!

  7. Hmm…I grew up with a single mom (though my dad was/is very involved), yet somehow I turned out more or less straight…

    What’s wrong with me?

  8. Of all the nonsense in that article, I think Dobson’s paranoid vision of a liberal hegemon that forces through its pro-gay agenda is the funniest. Not even our Democrats are liberal: who does he think is passing them?

  9. Masculinity, then, isn’t being defined independently — it’s simply the opposite of whatever “feminine” means.

    Masculitity is indeed defined by what it’s not. Homophobia is one of the strongest mechanisms that enforce and communicate the negative expectations.

    Lauren – if you try to make your son gay, he’ll rebel and join a frat. I always imagine raising a nice gaggle of lesbians myself, but you know they’d all turn out to be investment bankers.

  10. Oh, I don’t know. The idea that you can straighten out your gay son with a little rasslin’ is pretty funny.

    And also tragic, of course.

    Of course the bottom line for such people is not really “curing” homosexuality but putting it back in the closet and locking the door. Because to these people, having a gay son means of course that you’re gay, too. They’re narcissistic to the point of NPD and their children are self-objects, not people. What the “cure” does is give permission to the brethren to dismiss utterly the personhood (i.e. what’s actually inside) of their own children. Of course, they didn’t just pull this idea out of their asses; it’s tried and true, handed down from generation to generation. Parents who buy this shit are, I wager, still reacting to their own parents or the ghosts of their own parents, just as their own “cured” children will have the “cure” to think about (not to mention manly grandpa looking over their shoulders) when they grow up to have kids of their own.

    Of course, I’m a liberal, so naturally I am “permissive” about these things, thinking people should be allowed to be who they are and all that. To Dobson et al, what they might refer to as “tolerance” (itself a loaded condescending term, right?) is, well, kinda gay. Intolerance is macho, see? This is as true for how to fix your gay son as it is for how to free Iraqis and kill terrorists.

    Or maybe it’s just me. I have had a couple of decade’s worth of therapy (and that’s kinda gay, too, isn’t it, all that thinkun’…wait a minute…is that the real objection to science? That it’s girly? just like, you know, eggheads aren’t real men and all that? is this just another reassertion of the dumb jocks from high school trying to reclaim their lost ground?

    I’ve given myself a headache.

  11. When I say I’m permissive about these things, I am referring to people’s sexual identity, NOT (as I fear it sounded like) to the abusive attitudes and actions of their parents. THAT behavior is criminal and I look forward to seeing those monsters in jail, like white supremicists who get convicted 40 years later, etc.

  12. Ethan’s gonna be gay. Better start planning the instruction on “gay-tinis” and interior design. Good thing he already shows an interest in disco and loves Freddie Mercury.

    Oh, disco and Freddie Mercury! *sigh*

    I do have some fabulous cocktail books that are easy to read and include brilliant illustrations. I don’t know that they’re all necessarily gay-tinis, but I suppose that mostly depends on the bartender’s touch.

    Or if they’re cosmopolitans. In addition to being gay, they’re also light pink and come with a lemon rind garnish when prepared properly. Light pink and fruity you say? Yeah, cosmos are always gay.

  13. Oh. My. God. While I’m in this thread, let me just point out that Dobson is a total fucktard.

    He selected this letter (or had someone make it up for him) to be the epitome of what all faggots were back before they were cocksuckin faggots and just queer-boy dick-lick wannabies.

    The stereotype he wants to perpetuate in this is that queers don’t want to be queer, that there’s an incestual drive behind it (e.g., “my cousin showed us his genitals”), that being gay is all about sex (e.g., “I think I have a little sodomy in me”), and that queer cocksucking faggot fairy pillow-biting sausage-swiping butt-fucking poofs are all, well, poofs.

    Playing with girls means you’re gay. Wrestling erotically with boys your age means you’re straight.

    Gay is not the name of a culture, but the name of a disorder. It is based in narcissism. And to top it all off, he wants to see a gay gene! The problem with the “gay gene” is that no explanation short of a single-phenotype-related genetic makeup triggering homosexuality will suffice for these people.

    When he says “gay gene” he doesn’t just mean some set of features that shifts one’s sexuality in the direction of queerdom , but that there must necessarily be one gene that when set one way makes you gay or the other way makes you straight. Any other genetic proof for predispositioning will still enable their argument, that being gay is a disorder just like cancer or heart disease, or any other genetically-predispositioned trait, that must be solved by behavioral modification.

    Oh for crying out loud. I have to take a shower now, because I feel dirty.

    Maybe I’ll jump up and down, get aroused watching my dick, and have to write James Dobson. Maybe I’ll send him photos. Maybe I’ll slip and fall and kill myself on accident. Who knows. Anything could happen while I’m jumping up and down and enjoying the sensation. I might even turn out to be gay.

  14. Man, the terror of women just oozes out of Dobson’s essay, doesn’t it? Keep your four-year-old away from his mommy–she’ll give him TEH GAY!

    Wonder where he thinks lesbians come from.

  15. Wow. Does Dobson ever say anything that has empirical support, even by accident?

    A few months ago I in staying at a B&B, and came across Dobson’s tome What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women, published in the 70’s or so. Among the things wives wish their husbands knew about women is that it’s not that they’re upset about anything in particular, it’s just that they have their periods, see. Anyway, I am noticing that Dobson seems to have progressed (really!) from his 70’s philosophy: his advice that men take their boys into the shower for some father-son dick-comparison is…odd, to say the least – but his earlier book gave no indication that he thought it was necessary for fathers to even interact with their children at all.

    Also: I love that “strong preference for playmates of the other sex” is one of the indicators of homosexuality. Wouldn’t strong (like, STROOONG) preference for playmates of the same sex indicate homosexuality? I’m confused.

  16. Wouldn’t strong (like, STROOONG) preference for playmates of the same sex indicate homosexuality?

    It’s a faghag phenomenon. When a little gay boy takes himself out of boy-only social situations that are intimidating, he also takes himself away from all that gender brainwashing Dobson’s wanting to shove down his throat. He and his ilk confuse sexual orientation with gender role identification. I’m sure he hasn’t spent enough time around queers to see the gender expression continuum, and those AFA gay pride parade videos don’t show the fundies high femme dykes, or straight acting homos.

  17. I always imagine raising a nice gaggle of lesbians myself, but you know they’d all turn out to be investment bankers.

    You know, I think one of my ex-girlfriends turned into one of them … course, she’s still lesbian. Women in suits … mmmmmmm ….

  18. those AFA gay pride parade videos don’t show the fundies high femme dykes, or straight acting homos.

    *sticks her hand up*

    Yeah, I am sick and tired of getting “YOU’RE gay?! But, but, you’re …” I tell you, it’s wonderful being a femme dyke, you get to check out women for being gorgeous AND their wardrobes … course, we also check out the butches .. 🙂

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