In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know what to do.

55 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Sotomayor is “unnatural” in English” Looking at the racist attacks against Sotomayor including the claim that it is too much to ask that people learn to pronounce her name properly

    In Memory Of Robert Mitchell Can We Stop Calling Tasers Non- Lethal Force?: Looking at the taser death of a black male youth and why this is indeed a womans issue despite feminisms determination to remain silent,

    Two Spirits: Looking at the experience on and Indigenous Trans woman as she compares life on the tribe to life outside.

    Tory MP Pierre Poilievre Brings Tar Baby To Parliament Hill: Twice an Mp uses the term tar baby and refuses to apologize when asked because apparently his intent overrides any issues of concern by African Canadians. Yep multi-racial Canada strikes again.

    My Global comment pieces What Not to Wear: Blossom Faces the 360 Mirror and Marriage is “Between a Man and a Woman” in California

  2. I went to a rock concert and wrote about how the male-dominated culture of those shows is very problematic.

    I wrote about a personal experience with people telling me to “shut the fuck up” and I was absolutely floored by the number of comments I received (not all published) that told me that I should only give my opinion about topics when it is specifically asked for.

    16-year-old Portuguese tennis player makes news for “shrieking” during matches. Ugh.

    And I’m trying to get to know the readers of the Female Impersonator blog. If you read us from time to time, stop by, leave a comment, and let’s get to know each other


    In this post I respond to Sam Schulman’s recent article about how the Worst Thing About Gay Marriage is that it endangers systems of kinship. He’s a system-worshipping idiot, and I explain why.

    In this post I talk about my recent fight with an old Vietnam vet who wishes for secession and thinks that the queers are ruining the Church.

  4. I responded to the death of Dr. George Tiller with a conversation I had with a colleague about 10 years ago. Most of the conversations I write are altered in some way; this one is as close as I can get to verbatim.

  5. What’s new on Women’s Glib…

    Shira appeals to feminists: how do you deal with people complimenting you by commenting on your weight?

    Katie links to an article about her schoolmate, who is being criticized for playing on the boys’ tennis team even though the school lacks funds for a girls’ team.

    Lots of guest posts, including Luke on representations of women’s bodies in videogames, Shani on coming out as a feminist, and Sasha on girls’ access to education.

  6. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies despite external forces of opposition.

    Transrights have been subverted for the promotion of Marriage Equality which benefits gays and lesbians the most.

    5th in my series of cultural appropriation and heritage abandonment of music created by African-Americans

  7. What do you do when you listen to many styles of music. How do you keep finding new avenues of artistic enjoyment?

    Ruminations on love and life. I went off exploring new neighborhoods and have bootleg footage from my favorite concerts I attended this week.

    The white men engaged in supremacy by protesting Judge Sotomayor’s appointment are quite ridiculous – esp considering she’s not really that progressive per se. It’s just she has a brain and a vagina and uses them as she sees fit.

    Bill Maher had MIA on Real Time last week and really showed us how little he thinks of women.

  8. I was a bit of an angry trans woman this week…
    1. Transitioning and Changing Sexuality – A discussion (possibly “yet another discussion”) on how to have a discussion about trans issues
    2. The Great Trans Feminist Blogging Shakeup of 2009 – A followup to the previous post, where I talk a bit more about how to hold discussions about trans issues on blogs that don’t focus specifically on trans issues, and about the discussions that have happened in the feminist blogosphere around that topic
    3. Are You Undergoing a Transgender Experience? – Dealing with well-intentioned, obnoxious, ignorant questions
    4. The Transphobic, Cissexist People in Our Lives – A friend posts something unintentionally transphobic, and isn’t happy when I call him on it

  9. So, it has been a bloggy week. Must be because I am studying for step 1 (med school) boards with crazy mnemonics and much procrastinating.

    I put up two posts about recent research showing our national cesarean section rate is misguided and has worse outcomes for the infant. First, I told about a friend in the typical situation of being refused an attempt at a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), and then in the unusual and completely medically ass backwards situation of getting a cesarean even when she showed up in labor!

    Then, I put up a reply turned post about the RH Reality Check coverage of the study.

    I have some of my own style of shameless self promotion, or, uh, bragging about being published in a zine soon!

    And, Dr. Tiller is dead.

  10. This week, I wrote about double standards in media coverage of the Oxford Professor of Poetry mess:

    I also wrote about having to hear yet another unfunny rape joke. This time at a poetry reading:

    Two of my poems were published in Listenlight at along with a three-poem series called Survivors in Galatea Resurrects –

  11. I wrote this week in support of the 2009 legislative agenda for the Sex Workers Project at the Urban Justice Center.

    This legislative agenda is specific to New York State.

    I want to join with them to call on you to support the following bills:
    -The No Condoms as Evidence Bill. Please tell your legislators to stop allowing police and prosecutors to use condoms as evidence that a person engaged or intended to engage in prostitution. This is currently a VERY common practice that discourages people from carrying condoms for fear of arrest. Police also confiscate condoms.
    -The Rape Shield Reform Bill. Rape victims may currently be questioned about past convictions for prostitution, under an exception to the rape shield law (which generally protects rape victims from being questioned about their sexual histories and practices), implying sex workers cannot be raped or should not be believed. This bill would change that.
    -The Vacating Convictions Bill. This bill would allow victims of human trafficking to clear their records of prostitution-related offenses. Victims of (sex) trafficking (people compelled by force, threat, or coercion into sex work) are often arrested many times for prostitution-related offenses before they are able to escape, without anyone recognizing that they have been trafficked. Prostitution convictions very much hurt access to housing, employment, ability to obtain professional licenses, and parental rights. This bill would allow trafficking victims to clear their record of those convictions.

    I would like to join SWP in also calling on people to oppose several bills, including a bill that would require legal sex workers (like exotic dancers, etc.) in “adult” establishments to register as “sex performers” with the goverment, and a number of bills that increase punishments, including one that increases punishments for multiple prostitution convictions.

  12. In The Strong City Cult, Maria writes about a man who duped people into thinking that he was God’s son and that he was ordered by God to sleep with young virgins.

    Women’s health advocates want to make abortion in Chile safer in J. Mack’s Need an Abortion in Chile? Call this number

    Comments got quite steamy on Emily’s post: Title IX: Why don’t we apply it to sports?

    Obama’s refusal to release pictures of sexual abuse at Abu Ghraib was discussed in a blogpost by Elizabeth in Sexual Abuse at Abu Ghraib.

  13. From Bitch blogs this week…

    Ladies…Firsts, Nancy Drew-loving Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is joined this month by two other recent notable First…Ladies.

    Nollywood Actress Says ‘No’ To Nude Hollywood Role, Nigeria’s booming film industry, Nollywood, ranks second highest in global film production (nestled between India’s Bollywood and America’s Hollywood), and its actors are now being sought by the higher paying US studios. This new development brings with it the need for complex conversations about gender, sexuality, culture, and the lure of money.

    “How Well do you know Women??” I took the quiz to find out., Although this quiz claims to be “For Men Only!!” it has made me curious. How well DO I know women?

    Pièce de Résistance: Lila GhobadyIranian filmmaker Lila Ghobady speaks about resistance and Iranian underground cinema.

  14. A few feminist reviews this week are…

    Forgiveness from a Feminist Perspective: Norlock argues that despite what many philosophers have ignored in the relationship between gender and forgiveness, the act of forgiving is very much a gendered act. Women are overwhelmingly expected to forgive—not necessarily because they are more wronged, though that argument could certainly be made—and often, forgiveness is associated with a particular type of femininity.

    Subversive Art Star: An Interview with Jerilea Zempel: Artist Jerilea Zempel turns brutal machines of war into “warm and fuzzy” sculptures through her subversive crochet projects. She achieved brief Internet stardom via The Colbert Report when Stephen Colbert called her “a dangerous returning American”—aka an artist who crochets covers for SUVs and tanks—after she was detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, who discovered her artist notebook replete with line drawings of SUVs and crocheting plans.

    Dunya and Desie:Desie’s world focuses around boys and her best friend Dunya, while Dunya’s life revolves around her parent’s expectations of her. Dunya being Danish Muslim, her parents expect her to adhere to family traditions, one of which includes an arranged marriage.

  15. Given the fact that it has had more than 1000 views, and that Jill re-twittered a link to it, many of you might already have read this post. However, I still thought I’d promote it here, because I feel it’s important.

    Words have consequences – on Operation Rescue’s role in the murder of Dr. Tiller.

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