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20 thoughts on Target Women: Laundry

  1. you know, these commercials have been bothering me more and more lately! women seriously have nothing better to do, and no other way of being happy…

  2. I wish I remembered which product this was for, but it had this crappy montage of women in period clothing doing the wash and said “Like your mother before you, and her mother before her yadda yadda yadda OMG, your whites must be white bla bla bla.”

    I yelled at the TV “Yes, because No! Man! Has! Ever! Done! Laundry! GAH!” and then I’m pretty sure I burst a blood vessel in my eye or something.

  3. The Cuddles bear really exists? I couldn’t watch that without thinking of the ultra-dark Robot Chicken version.

    Heh, when it came to laundry some of my male college friends put in far more effort and skill than I did. Especially the medics, who needed a clean, pressed shirt every day…

  4. heh.
    I couldn’t get over the six months of detergent washer. Like, really? Is that the worst part of laundry? Is there anyone who’s like, oh, if only I didn’t have to add detergent every time, then doing laundry would be perfect!

  5. Lolol, Tlönista, every time that commercial comes on I can’t HELP but think of some good ol’ Katamari Damacy and then I’ll get this Insane Wild Hair up my ass to go ROLL UP EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD!

    Laundry time????? WRONG, no, I’m sorry, it’s KATAMARIIIIIII TIME!!!

  6. i wanna be Sarah when i grow up…

    also: men doing laundry? MEN? doing LAUNDRY?

    my dad is so anal about he clothes, he won’t *let* my step-mom do them. my parents are actually rather odd, come to think of it. my boyfriend and i take turns. and he’s better than i am (because i don’t fold clothes. he does)

  7. Why do all the people in those ads have two machines? Is that an American thing? Do you guys have two machines or something? Er..

  8. Rayna, Americans who have a washing machine usually have a separate dryer. It’s rare to find a combination washer/dryer in this country. Those Americans who only have a washer (or only the washer works) can hang their clothes outside (or in the bathroom) to dry.

  9. I hate laundry ads. But I would KILL to inhale some dryer sheet fumes. <–in a country where dryers exist but no one has them I should just buy a box of dryer sheets and get high off of them. :/

    I do understand the “smelling fresh laundry out of the dryer” ads. Even if I fucking hate doing laundry. (Best case scenario, someone else does my laundry and dries it with a dryer sheet. Mmmm.)

  10. I love how laundry detergent companies seem to think I care about anything other than which brand is the cheapest without making my nostrils explode and my skin catch fire.

  11. Rayna, I’ll add that in some planned communities in the US, the homeowners’ associations have passed rules prohibiting use of clotheslines, even if they’re not visible from the street.

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