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12 thoughts on Celebrate International No-Diet Day with Lessons from the Fat-o-Sphere

  1. So excited about getting the book, and since i’m not teaching this summer I actually will have time to read for fun πŸ™‚

    Also, today is my Slava which is a serbian holiday where you make a shit ton of food and feed people and yourself all day. As my friends affectionately call it, it is the “feeding holiday”.

    That it falls on International No-Diet Day is just awesome as I love the socializing and serbian food and never worry about how healthy it is and how many calories I eat over the whole day πŸ˜‰

  2. Is there Serbian cuisine that extends beyond large chunks and meat and potatoes in lots of grease? πŸ˜‰

    Mmmm… grease….

  3. I am just kidding, of course. But mzbitca, if you know any delicious Serbian recipies, I would love to try them!

  4. Jill,

    No offense. My favorite serbian recipe involves a meat patty with our special butter/cream cheese mixture melting on top of it.

    I can get you recipes depending on what you like, also I’m sure you can find some in any European markets around where you live.

  5. Is there Serbian cuisine that extends beyond large chunks and meat and potatoes in lots of grease? πŸ˜‰

    Not just Serbia, Jill. You’ve pretty much described the cuisine of everything in Europe east of France.

  6. Dammit. This had to be the day I decide on salad for lunch. If it’s any consolation, it is a rockin’ salad with lots of avocado, cheese, cranberries, chickpeas, chipotle dressing, and other goodies, which I am eating because it’s my favorite thing. But it’s the symbolism of the thing, dammit!

  7. First, @The Opoponax, “it is a rockin’ salad… which I am eating because it’s my favorite thing” is 100% in the spirit of INDD, if you ask me.

    Second, holy crap, we already made it to number one! Thanks so much for posting this, Jill!

  8. Thanks for posting this! I was kind of in a bad place after reading Feministing this morning, which had a couple of thin privilege posts up on the community page and absolutely no coverage of either INDD -or- The Book. Sad.

    Anyway, glad to see that the feminist/fat acceptance connection is still alive and well somewhere on the world wide internets!

  9. Hm. Perhaps I will have French fries for dinner in celebration.

    Seriously, I’ve gained some weight recently, due to no longer being able to devote energy to watching what I eat, due to grad school–and I’ve discovered that my past relationship to food wasn’t too healthy. I never ate sugar, never drank juice or milk, never ate a cupcake without seriously weighing the pros and cons. *Not* devoting all that energy to what I ate made me away of just how much energy I *did* devote to it, and how maybe, it would be better to go through life not worrying about food so much.

  10. Hah, so my eating my way through two packets of Haribo while writing a presentation has an excuse πŸ˜‰

    I stopped dieting years ago, never had any effect anyway. In my case exercise did the trick, moved from middle of nowhere where driving was the option, to university where i cycled minimum 30 mins every day. And when i say ‘did the trick’, i mean it got me to a healthy BMI. Never bother weighing myself and i’ve never been skinny. I eat a lot of ‘healthy food’ (giant vats of stew made with pulses and small amounts of meat for the flavour), but never skimp on the chocolate.

  11. It’s funny, studying fashion design of all things has really cured me from any food neuroses I might have had (they weren’t too bad to begin with).
    All the women I was surrounded by were so fucking obsessed with their weight, it really hit it home for me how neurotic and obsessed 95% of all other women are – and just how much energy goes into having a super model body.

    All this diet talk made me sit in between and think, “need. chocolate cake. now.”

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