In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Busy, Busy

I’ve been incredibly busy at Chez Lauren, hence the quiet blog. Yesterday I met with Dr. B. about applying for grad school and realized I was worrying about all the wrong things. I found out I have one semester and summer to fill, should I get accepted, before I can begin a year from now. In the meantime I have to figure out how to pay rent and put food on the table during those months after I complete my student teaching and get certification, probably even more schooling while finagling a way to continue to receive financial aid.

Today I’m forced to mow the lawn before the grass is long enough to touch my knees, and the garden needs watering and weeding badly. Huge, stupid thing.

In the meantime, check out the new internet Regender tool that changes pronouns from one sex to the other. Incredibly nifty for news stories.

NEWSFLASH! Men who are insecure about their masculinity support war and buy SUVs. Another gem from the liberal academy.

Aunt Jenna explains marriage for the benefit of those who do not yet blame the patriarchy with help from the inimitable Twisty Faster.

The Drunken Lagomorph waxes about her medical duty versus faith and religion.

These two posts by Hugo Schwyzer really bug me, and it isn’t just the brilliant derailment in the comments. Maybe you can figure out why. Alley Rat somehow manages to throw down against every stupid argument in Hugo’s comments being made in favor of comparing men’s military duty to women’s “duty” to carry out every conception to birth, and I don’t even think she meant to. (note: It isn’t Hugo making these arguments, but the derailers)

Pam talks candidly about skin bleaching, racism, the nature of skin color and difference.

I agree with Roxanne. Dave Winer is an ass of gigantic proportions.

I like this picture and so should you:

Not Yours

B has a total eclipse of the heart.

This is just stupidly gross. Christ, people. Can we cut it with the fish pictures?

18 thoughts on Busy, Busy

  1. I can’t take it anymore at Hugo’s with those MRAs and their overblown sense of entitlement. They are determined to shut down any and all productive conversation.

  2. Re Twisty Faster’s anti-marriage post, I’m not seeing it. How is it that getting married in and of itself submits the pair to the Man? For me, marriage is a wonderful thing that is soiled because we don’t allow everyone to get married to the person they want to be married to. Because of that, I see exactly where Aunt Jenna is coming from, but I’m not understanding Twisty. Is there more to it that I don’t know about because I haven’t read Twisty before?

  3. Robert: The key is seeing how Twisty manages the societal marriage ideal, not the reality of many more egalitarian marriages.

  4. I think I’m done with Hugo’s place, actually. The MRA types bug the shit out of me, but increasingly so does Hugo. And it’s sending me into fits of self-righteous incoherence, which is never a pretty thing.

  5. Lauren: I sense that in Aunt Jenna’s post, but Twisty seems to be shooting down the whole thing, telling gay and lesbian couples that they should just fuck marriage completely.

    I don’t know…this would be a better argument for her site, but the post is old…

  6. Lauren dijo: many more egalitarian marriages

    I’m not sure that folk of Twisty’s political persuasion wouldn’t laugh at the idea of an “egalitarian marriage”. Perhaps an egalitarian relationship, but once you institutionalize that relationship into a marriage, doesn’t that bring to bear more baggage than two people can just at will unpack?

  7. I’m afraid I looked at the threads and realized that I am just not in an emotional place to be up for debating abortion this week. Plus, though the whole tension between autonomy and self-sacrifice interests me a lot as someone who is also a Christian and a feminist, I’m not sure my usual answer (push autonomy a lot at a legal level, and push self-sacrifice for both sexes at a faith level) is adequate as a way of talking about abortion.

  8. Randomliberal Robert,

    Marriage, the “wonderful thing” to which you allude, started out life as a method for the peaceful exchange of chattel, i.e. goats, hogs, land, and women. It has since metamorphosed into a repository for religious dogma, into which is woven the attractive myth of romantic love, with the ultimate goal of preventing fornication (which, as we know, bums the Virgin Mary right out) by providing a method for policing penis placement. Marriage retains, even among same-sex couples, the full thrust of patriarchy in that it seeks the intervention of the state (like the village elders of yore) in controlling its partners, such as in the futile and hypocritical enterprise of compelling fidelity, or in the distribution of assets.

    Marriage is also the basic unit of American capitalism; our oppressive, racist, greed-based economy is entirely dependent on the gazillions of insular little couples selling their souls to the company store. It can, and has been, successfully argued that the nuclear family (a 20th century invention) is the root cause of many of today’s neuroses, bankruptcies, and brutalities.

    I wish I had time to delve further, but my sister is havin a friggin baby right now. Gotta run!

  9. Dumbass, that’s how she supports her meth habit. College money will have to come out of the royalties from her Lego slashfic.

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