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Question of the Day

Remember during the Starr Report years, when American parents everywhere were mortified to have to explain words like “blowjob” and “cumstain” and “vendetta” to their young children?

Anyway, did anyone else have to explain the slang definition of “teabagging” to a loved one or older relative, when they couldn’t understand why Rachel Maddow was laughing like a drain?

20 thoughts on Question of the Day

  1. God yes. A 15-second blunt explanation turned into a 15-minute “umm, you know…” conversation tantamount to a proctology exam.

  2. Yes. Well, rather, I had to explain why I started laughing hysterically every time I heard about it. Ah, Republicans…

  3. I don’t know what happened to Maddow, but I think Bob Somersby is correct.
    This very smart Rhodes scholar has morphed into a rodeo clown.
    That segment with the anally fixated Cox was sophomoric, stupid and sad.

  4. the only thing funnier this week was hearing that the “gathering storm” ad creators (NOM) launched a “Two Million for Marriage” campaign, or 2M4M for short.

  5. Ha! I was watching this with my mom, but luckily she used to watch Sex and the City, so she was laughing as much as I was.

  6. I had to explain it to our GTA. She is straight from southern India (Bangalore). I told her, “It’s a sexual practice. If you want to know more, there’s a Wiki. There is a limit to how much I’m willing to corrupt you.”

  7. the only thing funnier this week was hearing that the “gathering storm” ad creators (NOM) launched a “Two Million for Marriage” campaign, or 2M4M for short.


  8. Heh. I didn’t know the term myself until this came up. Every time I think I’ve heard it all, something new comes up and proves me wrong! Keeps life interesting 🙂

  9. Sadly, over the years, I’ve had to explain teabagging, shrimping and pearl necklaces to my mother. She totally made a mistake by keeping me around to corrupt her.

    The best is the folks on the local newpaper website taking their teabagging all seriously, as in, “It is MY RIGHT TO TEABAG WHATEVER I WANT as an ACT OF RESISTANCE!!!!!!!” Part of me wants to comment and ask why they think the tea was what made the Boston Tea Party revolutionary, but I’m not willing to wade into that rhetorical argument.

  10. SweetSue;

    Tee hee, “anally fixated Cox.”

    But seriously, if you think Rhodes scholars have an elevated ability not to laugh at ball jokes, you have not known very many of them. Also, they were BALL jokes, not ‘anal’ jokes. What the heck were you watching?

  11. “That segment with the anally fixated Cox was sophomoric, stupid and sad.”

    If finding it hilarious that there’s a national movement dedicated to loudly and publicly pontificating on how teabagging is the penultimate act of civil disobedience, defiance of governmental tyranny, and righteous resistance is wrong, I don’t think anyone really wants to be right.

    Also, the ‘2M4M’ thing is sheer brilliance.

  12. actually, this was a few years ago when i was still in high school. i had made a cup of tea, and was pulling the tea bag out, when our little weenie dog jumped on the couch and started licking it. my brother and i who are of sick minds burst into uncontrollable laughter, and my mom walked in and asked what was so funny. my brother then said, “Look mom! Precious is tea-bagging!”
    so, this prompted the uncomfortable explanation of what tea-bagging is, to my own mother. this actually wasn’t the first or the last dirty definition i’ve had to tell my mom.

  13. Ok, you all missed “has Maddow pegged.” Come on, I expect more.

    Ellestar, there’s a shorthand for expressing the sex/gender of participants in a, um, a sexual event. 1M1F, 2M, 1M4F, whatever.

    NOM is in favour of….. 2M4M.

    In related news, NOMNOMNOMNOM.

    (I don’t care how much sophomoric humour Rachel Maddow indulges in. She’s still the most intelligent and insightful commentator on cable news. Also, she’s awesome.)

  14. OMG 2M4M was the highlight of my week until I watched the Maddow clip. I <3 her so much. And if we can’t laugh (with Rhode Scholars) about tea-bagging, who is going to? Fox News? Obviously not.

    Ellestar, my personal interpretation of the 2M4M hilarity was the good old M4M, W4M, W4W, M4W of the personal ads. Men for men, women for men, etc. 2 men for men is even better.

    Also, did anyone else see the mash-up of the “Gathering Storm” video with “It’s Raining Men”?

    NOM!! (thanks to my partner for showing me all the videos I missed this week)

  15. “Ok, you all missed “has Maddow pegged.” Come on, I expect more.”

    Well, the commenter expressed disapproval of people being anally-obsessed, so…

    “But what’s funny about 2M4M?”

    In addition to the explanation above, M4M is a popular shorthand denoting chatrooms, boards, personals etc. devoted to hooking men up with men. When you stick a 2 in front of it, you can either read it as two men looking for a quartet as above or a male couple looking for a third.

  16. just as a side note…

    when Ken Starr was doing the whole dragging Clinton through the mud thing, my dad asked me, my sisters, my step-mom, and ALL of his female friends and relatives to send Starr a pair of used panties –
    because if he wanted dirty laundry that badly, we should give it to him 🙂

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