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Benefit for a Sexual Assault Survivor: Help if You Can

A Connecticut woman was recently raped, beaten, and left in the woods by a co-worker (serious trigger warning on that link); she survived only by pretending to be dead. Her friends are putting together a benefit to raise money for her medical bills, legal fees, and counseling. As far as I know she’s still hospitalized.

I am contacting everyone i know to ask for donations for silent auction that will be held friday, april 10that 7pm, at Vivid Hair Salon in Madison, CT. tickets are $25 for the event, and all proceeds will go
to helping our friend cover medical expenses, legal fees, and counseling. She has a long long road of recovery ahead of her; even if there’s nothing else to be done, we can at least eliminate this one
worry from her life.

We are looking for anything along the lines of the following:

– Artwork (paintings, graphic prints, scultpures, photography)
– Collectables
– Items sold by vendors you may know (bicycles, guitars and instruments, clothing and accessories, sporting goods, baskets of non-perishables [coffee or tea gift sets or spa packages etc etc])
– gift certificates or trade time
– monetary donations
– information or handouts (flyers, pamphlets, etc) that raise awareness about violent crimes, brutality, and sexual assault.

If there’s anything not on the list that you think may work, let me know.

Thank you for even taking the time to read this. Words can’t express how much even that means. Even if you can’t donate, just reading the article and taking the time today to think about what you can do to effect some sort of change is endless amounts of appreciated.

The details of the silent auction/fundraiser:

April 10th, 7pm at Vivid Hair Salon in Madison, CT
Tickets are $25

If you can’t make the event but still want to help out, you can donate via PayPal here. Contact Ashely at with any questions.

Please consider helping out. Thanks to Justin for letting us know about this.

8 thoughts on Benefit for a Sexual Assault Survivor: Help if You Can

  1. Do yourselves a favour and don’t read the comments if you go to the article linked above…
    I hope there is justice for this woman and I hope she is able to get a damn good therapist.

  2. Is she aware of this:

    I advocate for survivors of DV and sexual assault in an emergency department in another city and part of my job is making sure survivors are informed about stuff like this. I don’t know if this woman fits the eligibility criteria but she and her friends should definitely look into this in addition to their silent auction.

  3. First of all, what Nikita said. Grr.

    Second, if we have or know someone who has something or -things they could donate for the auction, is there contact information for the organizers? Do you think leaving a comment over at the A New Day Fund site would suffice?

  4. My organization is working on sending sexual assault resources. Was there a name/address included in the email to whom we could direct the donations? Right now we’re planning on sending them to Chris Candido at the Temple Grill (as specified in the linked article) unless directed otherwise.

  5. I’d like to donate something — hand crafted knits and maybe a website done for free. Who do I contact? I live in Chicago so it’ll have to be long-distance.

  6. After reading the comments on the article, what I find fascinating is how some people comment on stories about horrific acts of violence and make it clear they only care about the victim because of their general disdain for a group of people which includes the alleged perpetrator — or is rumored to include the perp. These type of people are the same ones who use their general disdain for a group to justify calling other victims liars or stupid.

    This behavior proves that these people don’t care about crime or justice except as tools they can use to further their bigotry.

  7. Just FYI, I’m looking into where people can send non-monetary donations. I don’t want to publish the organizer’s email address without her permission, but as soon as I hear back I’ll update the post. In the meantime, you can paypal monetary donations to the New Day Foundation link in the post.

    Really heartened to see that people are interested in helping!

  8. “Her friends are putting together a benefit to raise money for her medical bills, legal fees, and counseling.”
    The whole story is horrible enough but this is where my jaw dropped to my kneecaps – this woman has been brutalised, raped, beaten, and then has to pay her own medical bills? Is this really true? Is this like the whole Sarah Palinesque you-must-pay-for-your-own rape-kit controversy? How dare America thinks itself a ‘developed’ country…BBC news tonight has a focus on Afghan Taliban ruling re: women who must have sex with their husbands, confom to Shia rule, etc. I have zero time for this, but for the US to preach ‘women’s rights’ while charging money for women to repair their rape-damaged bodies, plus legal fees, is just astonishing. There is a thin, strong veneer of laws in the US that are supportive of women, but underneath is just horrific.

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