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Feministe Hero of the Day: Aspen Baker

Aspen Baker co-founded Exhale, an organization that provides judgment-free post-abortion counseling for all women. Here she is being honored for her work:

And here she is talking about her own abortion:

She’s an amazing woman, and another example of the positive feminist work that women are doing in their own communities every day. Thanks, Aspen, for everything you do.

9 thoughts on Feministe Hero of the Day: Aspen Baker

  1. it sounds like a very good thing. counseling and information can help women make good decisions about their sexual life and about birth control.

  2. I have never had an abortion, but I also have felt like there’s not a lot of space to talk about unwanted pregnancy, abortion, and choice in a personal, rather than political way. The few times I’ve had those conversations with people, it feels strange and new, and they were actually all with men or a mixed group of friends. I feel a very personal attachment to choice, and the impact that having a choice has had on me personally and psychologically, even if I’ve never been in a position to actually make the choice. And I thought a fair amount at different stages in my life about what I would choose if I became pregnant. I really value these conversations, and I hope telling and hearing more of these personal stories will bring “peace” as Ms. Baker hopes.

  3. jenny: it happens more often than people want to admit. but there’s no room to talk about imperfections in an environment where you have to “earn” your right to an abortion by being the “good” person who did everything exactly right and still got pregnant.

  4. Abortion is not just about whether you’re for it or against it. Women have abortions for so many reasons, it’s real, and we make our choices. Aspen is a great leader in this movement to change the way we see abortion and the way we react to women who have had one. I can tell you that on a personal level, she also totally ROCKS and is a woman of integrity.

  5. Sorry if my comment bothered anyone. I’d never seen a woman bragging/proud of having an abortion before and it made me uncomfortable. Is that bad? Am I a bad paerson? 🙁

  6. I’ve no idea if you’re a bad person, Jenny. Just that your comment made you look like a not particularly awesome one. Being uncomfortable with women’s choices and how they choose to frame them is one thing. Being snotty, condescending and judgmental about it is another.

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