In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

You know you’re a bad person when…

You use a tragic plane crash that killed 7 adults and 7 children as “pro-life” fodder. Jill Stanek quotes anti-choice activist Gingi Edmond:

Some of you may have seen the major news story of the private plane that crashed into a Montana cemetery, killing 7 children and 7 adults.

But what the news sources fail to mention is… the [cemetery] contains… the Tomb of the Unborn… erected as a dedication to all babies who have died because of abortion.

What else is the mainstream news not telling you? The family who died in the crash near the location of the abortion victim’s memorial, is the family of Irving ‘Bud’ Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation….

In my time working for Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, I helped organize and conduct a weekly campaign where youth activists stood outside of Feldkamp’s mini-mansion in Redlands holding fetal development signs and raising community awareness regarding Feldkamp’s dealings in child murder for profit. Every Thursday afternoon we called upon Bud and his wife Pam to repent, seek God’s blessing and separate themselves from the practice of child killing.

We warned him, for his children’s sake, to wash his hands of the innocent blood he assisted in spilling because, as Scripture warns, if “you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you.” (Ezekiel 35:6)

A news source states that Bud Feldkamp visited the site of the crash with his wife and their 2 surviving children on Monday. As they stood near the twisted and charred debris talking with investigators, light snow fell on the tarps that covered the remains of their children.

I don’t want to turn this tragic event into some creepy spiritual “I told you so” moment, but I think of the time spent outside of Feldkamp’s – Pam Feldkamp laughing at the fetal development signs, Bud Feldkamp trying not to make eye contact as he got into his car with a small child in tow – and I think of the haunting words, “Think of your children.” I wonder if those words were haunting Feldkamp as well as he stood in the snow among the remains of loved ones, just feet from the Tomb of the Unborn?

If I were God, I would just go ahead and smite you for being such a world-class asshole. But hey, that’s the “culture of life” for ya — gloating over the death of an entire family, because they happened to be the daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, and family friends of an abortion provider.

Thanks to Chris for the link.

51 thoughts on You know you’re a bad person when…

  1. If God was really interested in smiting abortion providers, he chose the wrong target. Each year, about 200 million embryos die due to spontaneous miscarriage. Clearly, God is hands down the world’s most active abortion causer. The amount of abortions Feldkamp caused is a drop in the ocean compared to what God does. Hence, if God wanted to smite the cause of a majority of the world’s abortions, wouldn’t it have made the most sense for God to kill himself?

  2. Oh. My. God. Yeah, and his evilness and craziness is also something the “mainsteam media” didn’t report!

    This is outrageous.

  3. Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with these people! Children died. Real living, breathing, playing, loving, thinking children died…and they are going to use this to fight their pro-fetus war? Un-f&cking-believable. They should be ashamed of themselves, but well you’d have to have a heart and a conscience for that. I hope this group has marginalized themselves to Westboro Baptist status with this.

  4. Wow. Just when I think they can’t stoop any lower. Stanek always delivers. How horrible of a person do you have to be to think that is an appropriate thing to say in the face of a tragedy like that? Both she and the person she quoted are unimaginably horrible people. The hate is maddening.

  5. And thus is proven once again that 90% of all Christians don’t read the Bible. The sufferings we endure in this world are not a reflection of God’s favor or disfavor. The Lord does not take those who are sinful, nor does he grant long lives to the pure.

    We are not judged, nor punished by the Lord until we meet our Creator after our deaths. And NO ONE is good enough to be saved without the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ–and, contrariwise, EVERYONE can be saved with the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Bad Christian! Bad! Go back to your scriptures!

    Not to mention the PRESUMPTION of knowing the mind and will of God.

    I’m not even a practicing Christian and I know this.

  6. It’s only March, but if there is an award for Troll of the Year 2009, this nails it. What a hateful, spiteful self-serving screed!

  7. A letter like that start my conspiracy paranoia mind about whether the plane crash was an accident.

    what a stupid and malicious fool.

  8. These people are the same sort who say things like “New Orleans deserved Katrina because of tourists flashing boobs! All those people had to die and suffer devastation… because of boobs!”

    They’re self-centered, puffed-up morons who can only think in one-dimensional terms. Anything more than that would fry the circuits of their dull little brains.


  9. I can’t believe this! And it just gets worse as you read on! He’s basically laughing at them and trying to put on a serious face, like “if you provide abortions, you too may die in a tragic plane crash that lands you at the religious epicenter of anti-abortionists”, is pretty much what he is saying isn’t it?

    Meh. Puffed-up moron indeed.

  10. What an awful, awful thing to say. What kind of human being makes comments like these? What kind of person even thinks like this?

  11. For someone who didn’t want to ‘turn this tragic event into some creepy spiritual “I told you so” moment’, Gingi Edmond has done an awfully good job doing exactly that. I had to reread that disclaimer to believe that I was seeing it.

  12. Standard fucking operating procedure for these hate-spewing godbags, unfortunately. The Catch The Fire Ministries here were the first cab off the rank to blame the Victorian bushfires on recent abortion law reform in Victoria. Over 200 people were killed. Every time something awful happens, they comb through the wreckage looking for something to gloat about.

  13. Oh, that’s beyond sick. That poor family. And it looks like Stanek/Edmond did their best to hound this man even before this tragedy – signs outside his HOUSE.

    You didn’t even quote the end (this is Stanek writing):

    “This is hard to think about. Gingi’s right. No MSM report included that particular business detail. An Associated Press article did include this, however:

    Feldkamp’s family has gone through tragedy before. Two years ago, his 10-month-old grandson, Chase, died after he was found to have slipped between a mattress and the edge of a bed during a nap. The child was taken to a hospital and was eventually taken off life support.

    Those GHOULS. It’s sickening.

  14. So, uh, what’s god trying to say when accidents involve church groups and, in one particularly horrible example from a few years back, almost an entire extended family on its way back from church?

  15. Turbopixie –

    “almost pleased”? I wouldn’t qualify this. They ARE pleased that fourteen innocent lives, including LIVING children, are dead.

    They are not Christians. They are disgusting.

  16. I don’t want to turn this tragic event into some creepy spiritual “I told you so” moment, but I

    totally am

    How absolutely sick. emphatically disgusting.
    I’m speechless, I am so very appalled.

  17. What was God trying to say when he set fire to the Cutty Sark? Should we take that as a stricture against tea?

  18. Holy crap, that’s REALLY disturbing. This person probably WAS imagining him thinking of the statement “Think of the children”… and getting off to it. Ewww… that’s so incredibly self-righteous.

  19. So… god damned… ANGRY! I actually can’t think straight based upon the idiocy of what this moron is saying!

    It was a tragic accident, not some divine justice from your invisible fairy guy in the sky.

    Argh! Did he ever THINK about what he’s saying?! Because it’s stuff like this that genuinely gets my blood boiling and prompts me to thinking of acts of violence rather than courses of discussion.

  20. Also (like many members of the religious Right), she doesn’t know her Bible worth a damn. She quotes Ezekiel to clinch her loathsome argument; but Ezekiel, more than any other Biblical prophet, emphasized that guilt is, and punishment should be, individual. E.g. “The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment of the father’s iniquity; nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be on himself.” (Ezekiel 18:20)

  21. You know…anyone can play this game.

    The plane crashed “near the grave” of Senator James Edward Murray. The crash occurred one day short of the 48th anniversary of the Senator’s death in March 23, 1961.

    Senator Murray was a staunch New Dealer, ahead of his time in advocating national health insurance.

    Therefore I would say this crash involving a medical family is a warning that we should not allow children in a die from poor health coverage. That is, I would say that if I were the kind of ghoul that used tragic coincidence to further a sociopolitical harangue.

    Well…I say “coincidence,” but there are “tombs” and memorials to the unborn in countless places. If you crash in a cemetery, the odds are pretty good.

    [By the way, I still haven’t found evidence that there actually is such a memorial at Holy Cross Cemetery in Butte, Montana, but that’s beside the point.]

    Here’s another one: The families killed were Seventh-day Adventists, who observe the Sabbath on Saturday. Was this a judgment from God about going skiing on Sunday? The crash was in a Catholic cemetery–was this a divine referendum on The Reformation?

    I have to go with Jesus on this one and say, “Let the dead bury the dead.”

  22. And people wonder why I use the term “hate groups” to describe christians. If there are decent christians out there, they’ve been doing a great job hiding from me. They’ve been overshadowed by the Palinites and the Falwells and the Dobsons and the Rick Warrens.

    You know, since Septemer 12th, 2001, we’ve been calling on “moderate Muslims” to speak out and repudiate their “radical” brethren. Well, I’m here to extend that invitation to decent christians. Don’t want to be counted with this scum? SAY SOMETHING.

  23. I don’t want to turn this tragic event into some creepy spiritual “I told you so” moment, but…

    Why in the ever-loving FUCK do people do this? The “I don’t want to say ‘X’, but ‘X'” gambit is so goddamned cowardly. A close second is: But what the news sources fail to mention is….

  24. Fucking sick. This makes me want to ditch grad school and go to medical school just so I can learn how to provide abortions. (And then I will invent a time machine and find that writer’s mom… :p)

  25. “We are not judged, nor punished by the Lord until we meet our Creator after our deaths. ”
    A hell of a lot of people *in* the Bible would disagree. God’s got a nasty habit of slaughtering people (or ordering his mortal pawns to do it)…

    “E.g. “The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment of the father’s iniquity; nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be on himself.” (Ezekiel 18:20)”
    This is an unusual sentiment, considering the very foundation of the religion is “your ancestors fucked up (because God either set them up to fail or was negligent as hell) so all humanity will suffer because of it”. Or its Christian outgrowth “God sacrificed Himself to Himself to free you from the punishment He sentenced you to in the first place”…

  26. Or its Christian outgrowth “God sacrificed Himself to Himself to free you from the punishment He sentenced you to in the first place”…

    I maintain that that was a brilliant insurance scam of some sort.

  27. Keori… come on. You’re talking about, if not a lot of readers and contributors to this blog, then a lot of our friends and families. People died, and these assholes were too eager to squeeze some political capital out of it to let them rest in peace. That should be the end of it. There’s enough bad feeling here without spreading it to people who had nothing to do with any of these events.

  28. You know, since Septemer 12th, 2001, we’ve been calling on “moderate Muslims” to speak out and repudiate their “radical” brethren. Well, I’m here to extend that invitation to decent christians. Don’t want to be counted with this scum? SAY SOMETHING.

    I haven’t been saying that. I think it’s wrong to insist that each Muslim–or some sort of global Muslim board–go on record as condemning terrorism or be counted among terrorists. I think that’s racist. The “speak out against terrorism” argument assumes that your default Muslim is happy to see planes fall out of the sky. Many of the people making that argument went on to use that premise as pretext for invasion.

    I’m with Ezekiel. I think that people are responsible for the statements they make and the beliefs they hold. Moderate and progressive Christians do make statements and gestures to the effect that women who terminate pregnancies don’t deserve to fry. They terminate pregnancies, elect pro-choice politicians, and they don’t talk like Stanek.

    I think that all of us have a moral responsibility to protect choice: bodily sovreignty, safe and legal access, privacy. But the presumption of anti-choice complicity is a little different.

  29. So, uh, what’s god trying to say when accidents involve church groups and, in one particularly horrible example from a few years back, almost an entire extended family on its way back from church?

    When I was in high school a new megachurch which was then under construction was flattened by a tornado. You could hear the backpedaling from the state line, probably…

  30. When I was in high school a new megachurch which was then under construction was flattened by a tornado. You could hear the backpedaling from the state line, probably…

    After the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004, on one island every building was destroyed … except for the mosque. I remember reading on one RTC website, “Isn’t that just what you’d expect of Satan, destroying everybody’s house except his own!” Of course, if it had been an RTC church that survived, that would have been a miracle.

  31. Listen, guys, I read that blog before you made this post and you are taking her words out of context. You also neglected to write what the people commenting on her blog said. And furthermore, most pro-life people don’t feel this way about the plane crash. I read the comments- they were upset about the children who died in the crash. But, please, in all respect, don’t attack them for things that you are not even reading the full story on.

  32. So as not to rehash what everyone else is saying, can I just ask what a “mini-mansion” is? Is it not, you know, a regular house?

  33. For added hypocrisy points, check out Michelle Malkin’s disgust that the A.P. reports on this tragedy contained a reference to the “ultra rich” Yellowstone Club.

  34. Keori –

    Where have you been living? Plenty of Christians and religious groups have denounced this sort of extremism and have for years. Check out the Unitarian Universalist battle against the Boy Scouts if you don’t believe me, or the United Church of Christ’s pro-gay stance getting its advertisements banned.

  35. “They are not Christians. They are disgusting.”

    They are disgusting, and they are Christians. Misogynistic ghouls as well. These are not mutually exclusive.

  36. I don’t think it’s particularly Christian to gloat over somebody’s death, I really don’t – regardless of other problems with Christianity. These people can call themselves whatever they want, their hateful idiocy becomes that much more obvious each time they open their mouths.

  37. I went over to the blog in question and read through some of the comments. These people appear to be living in a completely different world to the one I inhabit. The standard response to anything which they disagree with seems to be a variant on on “may the Lord have mercy upon your soul”.
    I’m not sure I can reach them with anything approximating to logic and reason. Calling them a bunch of twisted, sick and bigoted jerks seems like an inadequate response to their bizarre pathologies and thought patterns.

  38. Gingi Edmonds has always had a screw loose. When I wrote her about ANOTHER offensive article she had written, we got into a verbal showdown via e-mail for a day or so, and then she went nuts! Wouldn’t stop e-mailing me, kept insisting I was calling her and leaving her messages (she put her cell phone number on the internet-and hello! Obviously I’m not the only one who thinks she’s an idiot. If you google her, there are hundreds of people talking about her and her pathetic little ramblings). I had to file a police report against her for harrassment-seriously! You want to see how psychotic and stupid she really is?


  39. People like Jill Stanek are EXACTLY why I left the Christian religion and became an Unitarian Universalist.

    People like Ms. Stanek and Michelle Malkin should not be allowed to breathe on this green Earth.

  40. Okay, I’m feeling mean now but what grown woman walks around calling herself ‘Gingi’? It’s obviously an infantilizing diminutive of Ginger or Virginia. Gingi is a big old baby herself, so it’s not surprising that she fetishizes the fetus.

  41. New here. I just want to de-lurk (sp?) for a moment and say thanks to Rob for posting a link to that exceptional paper on the ethical implications of the “life begins at conception” argument. It makes a really strong case for hypocrisy among anti-choicers. I can’t wait to use this argument next time I run into one. 🙂

  42. “Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust”

    Now i know i have a blakc sense of humour, but surely i’m not the only one laughing at that name, right?

    I just had this mental picture people sitting in group therapy sharing the story of how their parents tried (and presumably failed) to abort them in the womb.

  43. I only live a few blocks away from the Westboro Baptist Church and the special individuals who call it home. I just want to tell you guys that Gingi’s carefully considered and artfully delivered message of love is par for the course amongst her fellow monsters…err…concerned citizens. I always feel a special glow whenever I see Fred and his devoted followers keepin’ it real on a street corner with signs explaining how gays and liberals are responsible for God’s ever-so-just wrath. I particularly enjoy his messages of peace and his desperate warnings when they’ve got the kids up there…there’s nothing quite as invigorating as suffering an aneurism when you see an 8 year old holding a sign that says “God Hates Fags.”

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