In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Feministe’s Next Top Troll, March Madness Edition: The STOP JUDGING! Bracket

It’s March Madness, Feministe-style: We’re doing a troll run-off to highlight some of our all-time favorite comments and pick the winner of Feministe’s Next Top Troll, Season 4. This is Bracket Eight, the STOP JUDGING! Bracket.

Potentially triggering troll comments below the image. Vote for your favorite of the STOP JUDGING! Bracket at the bottom.


this is the dumbest thing ever, you all realise that?
you’re judging another countries and cultures morals on your own, if you dont like it or disagree with it, dont let YOUR 8 year old get married.

no i dont agree with it, but where they come from its how things are done, get used to it coz its got nothing to do with anyone here, in most cases i can pretty much guess the closest anyone here has been to another country is that big hotel with the pool and the big market place, every country has its high and lows, even the “great” (using that term loosely) United states has many low points, get used to it girls, its life.




45 thoughts on Feministe’s Next Top Troll, March Madness Edition: The STOP JUDGING! Bracket

  1. I had to go for Seriously? (although I initially thought that was a comment from Jill) because I love the faux-liberal idea that we should just let people do what they normally do in their part of the world, and if that means eating kittens who are we to judge and won’t someone think of the children?

    His(?) opponent seems, on the other hand, to have wriggled his(?) arms free of the straight-jacket just long enought to type out this post about his “petzy” before the staff broke down the office door and wrested him from the keyboard and tucked him safely back in his cell.

  2. Seriously? wins hands down for taking so much time and effort on writing to tell a stranger not to waste time and effort writing about things.

  3. Moshe – commenting about how commenting is a waste of your time is soo old. Please be more original next time.
    Seriously earned bonus points for “coz”. Is it that hard to type two more characters when writing at least a paragraph or do you just not know how the word is spelled? Considering she/he mistakes plural for possessive makes me think it is the later.

  4. Jill, I must say, one of my favorite parts of this series has been all the pictures you’ve been using to illustrate the brackets. They’re fabulous.

  5. Feministe Cat is my favorite lolcat. My friend asked if I had a Patriarchal Dog, but sadly I couldn’t find one.

  6. Seriously?’s lame attempt at multi-culturalism won me over. I’m so tired of hearing about boys and their “petzys” or whatever the kids are calling them these days.

  7. Seriously? takes the win for the sheer volume of grammar and punctuation fail, a vital quality in any champion troll.

  8. Oh man.

    So many run-on sentences…my English-major brain is melting…

    Just for sheer grammatical ineptitude combined with an attempt to seem culturally savvy, Seriously? wins, though “petzy” might be my new favorite word.

  9. “If you don’t like it, don’t let YOUR 8-year old get married” for the fail!

    On the other hand, even Urban Dictionary has never heard of a ‘petzy’.

  10. Sorry, I had to take Moshe over Seriously? because Moshe is just so proud to be taking up space in a thread, whereas Seriously? actually thinks he’s making a valid argument.

  11. Moshe, because commenting about how he has better things to do than comment is just incredible.

    Throw in a CAPS obsession and a lot of these > “……..”
    and that’s a recipe for awesome!

  12. I had to go with Srsly? because ze seemed to be arguing that there are circumstances and cultures where it’s okay for an 8-year-old to get married…

  13. Not as entertaining as this morning’s, but I’m going to go with Seriously? and the cultural relativism. Moshe just seems to be lost and in need of a hug/sedation.

  14. I had to go with Moshe, for commenting that commenting is a waste of time and for using all caps while doing it. Also, the mysterious PETZY intrigues me.

    Seriously? is condescending, but not quite condescending enough to steal the glory from Moshe, for me.

  15. Seriously? for calling us “girls” out on the dumbest thing ever while simultaneously not realizing that many Feministe commenters live outside the United States and have family and friends outside the United States.

    Although it was pretty difficult to pick it over PETZY… If I wasn’t a WOC currently residing outside the US with a family originally from Pakistan, I probably would have gone the other way.

  16. I’m with Victoria, “PETZY” is a super groovy word, mainly because we don’t really know exactly what it means to Moshe but we are free to make all kinds of variously salacious guesses. We’re also free to fire up Adobe Potochorp and then go to Cafepress or some other such outfit and thus create a range of “PETZY”-themed tee-shirts and such. Being simple and literal-minded, I’m thinking of a Pez dispenser with a hinged whatsit head up top, what’s your idea?

  17. Wow, I had to change my vote to Moshe once I found out that he has commented on 15 different blogs w/ a comment saying how commenting is a waste of time.

    That’s so bizarre, he has to win something!

  18. And his name on a bunch of the other blogs is Moshe Rabbeinu. That’s Hebrew for “Our rabbi Moses,” and refers to the Biblical Moses. (I’m not exactly sure how that convention started, but when you say Moshe Rabbeinu, it’s assumed that you mean the Moses in the Bible, and not just some rabbi who happens to be named Moses.)

  19. Oh! Putz is a Yiddish word for penis. Petz is the plural of putz. Certain dialects add -y onto the ends of some words.

    …still leading to confusion about why he was using the plural form of the word.

  20. …still leading to confusion about why he was using the plural form of the word.

    He’s so manly that his counts as two. Presumably that’s why it demands so much of his time. Given that mosh was not just commenting that commenting was a waste of time, but actually commenting about how he wasn’t going to comment, I think he gets my vote.

    But I wish I could vote for them both.

    (Out of interest, do you email those winners who have valid addresses and tell them?)

  21. Okay, after that investigative reporting, it has to be PETZY for the sheer epicness of posting this nonsensical message on such a disparate variety of sites.

  22. …was I the only one who couldn’t help but read Moshe’s post in a Smeagol impression?

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