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Flip Schedule

It is midnight and I feel like doing anything but going to bed.

Ethan has been with other members of the family for the last two weeks, the first week vacationing with my immediate family while I finished up a summer class, and this past week on a vacation with his dad. My baby is at home with me for the first time in sixteen? seventeen? days. Too long.

When his dad dropped him off this evening he looked so old. His hair, amazing for being half-Asian and half-Caucasian, is undebatably strawberry blond. And man, is that kid tan. He told me about the kids he played with on vacation and being able to spend time with his other grandmother who is usually situated on the other side of the country, then he gave Doug and Pablo goodnight hugs and went to bed.

I’m so glad to have him home with me. I missed him so. And at the same time, I don’t know how long it will take me to get back on a regular sleeping and doing schedule, as if I was on one in the first place. I’m supposed to be up tomorrow morning at 7:30 but I’ll bet that I’m up for at least three more hours surfing the internet.


7 thoughts on Flip Schedule

  1. You’re not the only one having a late night. In fact, I’m about to hunt down a 24-hour drug store for calamine lotion (damn mosquitos).

  2. I have to share Peanut in the summer months now so I get him for 14 days at a time (alternating 2 weeks increments) and it really really sucks for more reasons than the obvious.

  3. He sure is, Alice. Ethan is incredibly mature and intelligent, and independent to boot. I never forget those things, but when he’s been gone I am always struck by how beautiful he is when he gets home. He has a healthy mix of his father and I in the face, but I still can’t get over the reddish-blond hair, especially with how brown he is. He has a nice palette. 😉

  4. Whoa, I didn’t know (not that I needed to :P) that Ethan was half-Asian! Tell him I said “sup little hapa brotha.” 😉

  5. I want to apologize for any debauchery I might’ve encouraged, thus making your return to Mom Standard Time a little more of a headache.

    I’m sure having the kiddo back makes it worth it tenfold, though 🙂

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