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3 thoughts on A spot of good news

  1. But the ICCC can’t enforce it. The have no police force. The UN forces on the ground can’t enforce it either. Nor can any other international agencies. All they can hope for is for this guy to go to a country where they will hold him and then turn him over to the court. And that’s not very likely, he’s not going to be the most popular guy in the room so to speak, but this guy is smart as he is evil he’s not going to walk into a trap. So all they’ve done is piss off a psychopath whose going to respond with more violence in a show of “look what I can do”, which apparently is already happening. 10 humanitarian groups have already been expelled from the country in response to this and as the AP reports, “U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the move a “serious setback to lifesaving operations in Darfur”.

    Now this guy may eventually end up in the Hague, but perhaps it would’ve been a better idea to figure out exactly how to do that first before putting more lives at risk. Maybe they have a plan to snag him, I really, really hope they have a plan, but I seriously doubt they have a plan.

  2. Yeah, this is one of those situations where either we (the US) goes and gets him or he doesn’t get got at all.

    I’ve never been to Africa. Can’t say I’m excited at the prospect either.

  3. Last I checked, out of nine comments on this story on the website of Le Monde, two asked when they’d issue warrants for Bush. And Le Monde is France’s conservative paper.

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