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For Free: One Very Well-Behaved Cat With Orange Spots

I should have saved this for Friday cat blogging but needed immediate witness.

Does anyone want a very well-behaved, white cat with spots? No, really.  Does anyone want to take this wild dervish off of my hands?

Doug manages to do this at least twice a week. I have no idea how he gets the toilet paper considering it sits on a high shelf behind a door. He may have opposable thumbs.

15 thoughts on For Free: One Very Well-Behaved Cat With Orange Spots

  1. This is what I’m referring to when I say that sometimes you need to baby-proof cabinets when you have cats. 😉


  2. I thought that cat was headed to one Ms. Amanda in Austin (holes in box optional). Time for some appropriate stoner dialogue from Fast Times at Ridgemont High:

    Brad/Lauren: Hey, those rolls of toilet paper were pristine when I left them here.
    Spicoli/Doug: Well, something must have happened to them.

  3. Um, can someone seriously try and convince me that animals and humans are supposed to live in the same house? It seems like if (cats, dogs, rabbits, ferrets, chinchillas) were supposed to live in houses, they would have figured out how to build them by now.

    Call me crazy, but I like my (carpet, toilet paper, trash can, furniture, carpet) just fine the way it is… you know not (torn up, covered in hair, pissed, shit, and/or puked on).

  4. I think it’s cute! Toilet paper’s a pretty harmless mess, and if I weren’t already suffering from too much cat density I’d gladly take in such a cute criminal. He looks kind of proud of himself.

  5. I’m with Ryan: definitely cute, if perhaps a bit annoying to come home to. Toilet paper is much better than puke and/or shit.

    Give Doug a treat!

  6. I thought that cat was headed to one Ms. Amanda in Austin (holes in box optional).

    He was until I gave my cats his contact information so they could get to know each other and they contacted him and let him know that when I vaccum, it’s a long, involved process over the course of hours where I suck up one dust bunny, take a break, do another, then a break and so on until 4 hours later the house is vaccumed and the cats are completely traumatized from hiding under the bed for so long. He decided to take a pass and stay with Lauren.

  7. Mine just unrolls the toilet paper….although he’s finally, after three years, getting the pont that I don’t like it and shouldn’t do it.

  8. Clearly you haven’t been informed of the dangers lurking in your household. Our cats regulary slay the carpet monster, the newspaper monster, the blanket monster and the monster that hides under any coat thrown haphazardly across a chair. These monsters must be thoroughly trounced and their hiding spots shredded in order to prevent further repeat infestations. Bravest of the brave Doug is doing is very best to save you from these evils!

    Look at that picture — he’s so proud of himself!

  9. My cat likes to bring live mice and lizards to the door and expects to bring them inside – on three different occassions he’s succeeded in bringing in lizards…. he once left a bird head in my kitchen and another bird under my son’s desk chair… consider yourselves lucky…

  10. I still remember the morning my cat dropped a dead mouse directly into my hand as I lay on the floor reading the Sunday comics. I ran all the way through the house, shrieking, holding the mouse (I wasn’t thinking clearly enough to drop it). She looked, well, confused. I didn’t seem to properly appreciate her present…
    That was 30 years ago and it seems like yesterday. 😉

  11. My cat likes to bring live mice and lizards to the door and expects to bring them inside

    One of the cats I used to have when we were still in Barcelona liked to catch the salamanders running around our balcony walls and play with them. One night when we were sleeping on the balcony because it was too damn hot to stay indoors, just as I was drifing off to sleep the cat brought his latest catch and flipped it right onto my face.

    He also would occasionally catch nasty, infested pigeons and drag them under the bed…..ewwwwwwwwww…. Once he even got a seagull!

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