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Target Women: Oscar Ex-Plosion

Sarah Haskins tackles the bizarre media obsession with the fact that both Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston were at the same award show. OMG!

(If you can’t view the embedded video, click here.)

Mainly, as someone for whom the bulk of her celebrity gossip tends to come form reading the tabloid headlines in the supermarket checkout line, I’m really just both completely amazed and totally not that the entertainment media is still so utterly obsessed with this idea of two women constantly at each other’s throats over a man.  Years later.  I mean, granted he is Brad Pitt.  But I’m pretty sure that he not only puts his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us, but that people also come into contact with their current partner’s ex/their ex’s current partner on, like, a fairly regular basis.

I’m also pretty sure that women sometimes have other things on their minds besides men. Like, as Sarah Haskins points out, being filthy rich.

8 thoughts on Target Women: Oscar Ex-Plosion

  1. I’m having dinner with my sweetie and her ex tonight. Drama! Trading job leads! Telling geek war stories! Shock!

    People need to grow the hell up.

  2. I’m really just both completely amazed and totally not that the entertainment media is still so utterly obsessed with this idea of two women constantly at each other’s throats over a man.

    Well, if you* spend all your life telling yourself that the greatest thing you can ever hope to see is a proverbial catfight (insert snarling meows here), then you have to maintain drama somehow when it never comes to fruition. It as though enough cut screen shots will result in one of them shouting “Let’s take this outside, bitch!”

    *You being the entertainment media

  3. wow, people being professional at a highly viewed/public event. Be still my beating hearts.

    No, seriously, I’d really just HOPE that everyone could, I dunno, ACT professionally around each other. ‘Cause they are, like, ACTORS.

    Oh, wait. More snark. Maybe this is why I didn’t do well in high school….

  4. The other thing that amazes me is…it’s Hollywood. Haven’t half the people there been married to each other, or dating, at some point? Why just do the sassy montage for these folks?

    I feel a little hypocritical saying it shouldn’t matter AT ALL, as I still avoid going to things my ex is going to, but we aren’t in the same damn profession.

  5. Brad Pitt certainly still eats at the cheap, fake, Midwest Chinese restaurants when he’s back here in Springfield. I saw him at one a few months ago. Wasn’t that special, really.

  6. I love Target:women…

    Btw does anyone know the name of the song that’s played in the segment where she is wearing the sunglasses?

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