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Get to Know Your Blogger

I have nothing to write about today unless you count the forty bookmarks on my desktop that need to be organized into yet another massive link round-up. It’s going to be a relaxing day, goddammit. In about an hour I’m off to get a pedicure. Gardening has embedded an amazing layer of dirt into my callouses that I can’t get out on my own, mostly because I refuse to wear shoes in the garden — dirt between the toes is delightfully squishy! My feet are dir-tay, so bad I have to pay someone else to do it for me.

In the meantime, we’re going to play the Ask Anything game. If it is good enough for Mac, it’s good enough for me.

Two rules:
1) Please ask only one question. It can be serious or silly.
2) Leave your burning question in the comments by 6pm EST.

I will answer these by Friday. And if this tickles your fancy, steal this game!

28 thoughts on Get to Know Your Blogger

  1. You have a single-use time machine, and, assuming the laws of quantum physics don’t apply and the grandfather paradox is a non-issue, what is the one thing you would change/observe firsthand/&c.?

  2. When John Cusack is holding up the boombox to serenade Ione Skye with a Peter Gabriel song in Say Anything, isn’t there a part of you that wishes that the speakers were only loosely connected, and the middle part of the boombox slips out and bonks him on the head?

  3. so bad I have to pay someone else to do it for me.

    Your feet can’t possibly be so horrible that you have to PAY another person take of them for you.

  4. Oh, Anne. They got out the belt sander and my feet still look like I’m been playing in the poop. I felt so bad that even though I paid with a gift certificate I left a $10 tip.

  5. is there anything better than fresh dark garden dirt squishing between the toes?


    sorry, i guess that’s really just a rhetorical question… 😉

  6. I wanted to ask favorite books, but Rosepixie beat me to it. So what would be the perfect way for you to spend the day?

  7. JAM–I remember when I was a kid YEARS ago when we went to our grandparents farm in Arkansas and….this is the truth…chicken poop squished between our toes. However, it was not a cool feeling like mud or dirt or soft rain water!!

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