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Feministe’s Next Top Troll: We Have a Winner!

Congratulations to Gayboy Gangsta, who is the Season 3 winner of Feministe’s Next Top Troll. He rode into victory with this gem of a comment:

I love sinffing women’s panties! Oh joy, I think I’m going to choumme! All women are is holes to be fucked my men with skinny dicks and love it. You serve no essential purpose other than the fragrant aroma of your underpants. You show me a femminist and I’ll show you my cock.

Hats off to you, sir.

We’re already prepping for Season 4. It’s gonna be a doozy.

21 thoughts on Feministe’s Next Top Troll: We Have a Winner!

  1. Blech. I know the intention is to be able to laugh at the ridiculousness… but I really hate reading the next top troll posts, it shatters the illusion – and I do recognize it is an illusion – of an insulated little safe corner for feminism and feminists. But darn it, I like the illusion. It’s a heck of a lot more than we get most other places. Le sigh.

  2. A horrifying assault on the English language, among other things.

    Can I ask: Why is Miss USA sitting in front of a backwards French flag? (Or, I suppose, a Dutch flag turned 90 degrees)

  3. southpaw – maybe because there are only so many ways to arrange three stripes. From a design point of view you still get the red, white, and blue visual, and the background is not too busy, as it would be with a American flag.

  4. omg, I just realized that I just automatically fixed or skipped over the spelling and grammatical errors and then it all crashed at choumme. I hadn’t realized the earlier errors.

    what the heck is that?

    On an added note, dude needs to move to Japan. Plenty of that brand of sexism is present there, that’s why there are used panties vending machines!

  5. lol@the skinny cocks remark. i guess we know where his issues come from. hey man, you show me your cock, you can watch me laugh!

  6. “choumme” Geesh, that sounds painful. Are shots of penicillin included in his tiara package?

    Damn, I missed the speedo competition.

  7. You show me a femminist and I’ll show you my cock.

    Is this because both are supposedly figments of his imagination? Or is there going to be a standoff between the feminists and the cock? I, for one, vote for a West Side Story style gang fight, replete with choreography by Kenny Ortega.

  8. I wonder what English ever did to him? I flip-flop between incredulous hysteria and pure white hot rage. A worthy winner (supposing winning’s worth anything).

  9. “Is this because both are supposedly figments of his imagination? Or is there going to be a standoff between the feminists and the cock? I, for one, vote for a West Side Story style gang fight, replete with choreography by Kenny Ortega.”

    You just made my day.

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