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“As Fat As Monroe”

She fumes: “I’d ban anything that is too small or too tight, unless you’re slim and toned. I’m sick of seeing flab bulging all over the place…I’d kill myself if I was as fat as Marilyn Monroe.”

I have some choice words for Elizabeth Hurley, but I’ll let you guys take care of this one.

via Mac

13 thoughts on “As Fat As Monroe”

  1. Didn’t she cause a stir by saying something similar about Marilyn Monroe like five years ago? I suspect this is a desperate publicity ploy. She’s a seriously crap actress, and generating publicity seems to be her main talent.

  2. Of course this is totally awful–but to me it is mostly just sad. She must live a miserable and paranoid life…constantly wondering, “am I thin enough? am I thin enough? Did I gain some weight?”

    If you are that scared of your body–of bodies in general–life must be pretty bad.

  3. Will she kill herself for being a superficial flake?

    If so, at least she’ll leave a slim, toned, non-bulgey corpse.

    Honestly, the language she uses makes it sound like she’s describing a car, not a woman. I’m made of flesh. Personally, I prefer to look like a woman, not a piece of high-end electronics. Marilyn Monroe, in all her fleshy, feminine glory, is just fine by me.

  4. Sometimes I like to fancy that I look like a modern Monroe. All I need is the mole and the gravity-defying breasts (I never got her sex appeal until I saw a Monroe movie a few years ago — I couldn’t stop staring at her chest — it made me feel like a really bad feminist).

  5. As someone who has become wealthy based almost solely on her ability to fit a very narrow definition of female beauty, it is perfectly rathional, if selfish, for her to perpetuate that beauty idea. If she really has internalized that ideal, however, aging will be very difficult for her.

    (I could take a cheap shot about Hugh Grant preferring almost any sex partner to her, but I won’t. That would be low, and I don’t really want to defend his conduct, either.)

  6. Wouldn’t be much of a loss. One less person in the world who’s upset with a perfectly beautiful body.

    I bet she wouldn’t go through with it though. She’d call a plastic surgeon and buy a thinner Elizabeth Hurley.

    Her last name sums up my choice words for her perfectly.

  7. Well, that would explain why Marilyn Monroe is a beauty for the ages and Elizabeth Hurley won’t be. The same for Mae West — LOVE that woman, all of her! Of course, both Marilyn and Mae had talent and charisma, too. Can’t say much for Ms. Hurley as I don’t recall ever seeing any of her films. Or if I did see them, I don’t recall them. *wink*

    Honestly, I’m all for taking care of yourself from a health standpoint, but someone who obsesses that much over her weight is NOT healthy, and won’t be raising a healthy child, either. (I read a different take on that interview that characterized her diet as a “small breakfast and teeny bits of food the rest of the day”. Don’t remember where now, though.)

    Lauren: the gravity defying breasts were due to some truly *awesome* undergarments that thankfully we don’t have to wear every day any more. *grin* But they do still exist, if you ever have the urge to defy gravity.

    Conclusion on Elizabeth Hurley: Feh! Starve yourself if you want, lady, but do NOT expect the rest of the world to be as crazy as you are. Some of us have jobs and lives and families to deal with, and can’t devote every minute of every day to staying thin. And why would we want to?

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