In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

And we’re so damn glad that he could never be our husband.

So that’s why they call him “Dick”:

For those who can’t view the video, towards the end, Joan Walsh is making a point while former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey rolls his eyes and laughs at her. When Walsh finishes, he says:

I am so damn glad that you could never be my wife, ’cause I surely wouldn’t have to listen to that prattle from you every day.

Because that’s what women are good for: marrying, fucking and popping out babies for their man. Unfortunately, they have to ruin the whole process with their talking and their opinions.

In addition to Walsh’s own smart, if appropriately stunned, comment of “well that makes two of us,” Bob Herbert calls out Armey’s comments in a later segment, shaming Chris Matthews into also admitting that they were inappropriate.  Unsurprisingly, though, there’s still no word of an apology from Armey himself.

18 thoughts on And we’re so damn glad that he could never be our husband.

  1. I am reminded of the Handmaid’s Tale (correct me on that if I’m wrong) where one of the prospective handmaids is told that they will punish her by removing her hands or feet, because she doesn’t need her hands or feet to be fucked.

    I bet Armey thinks that book is a good plan.

  2. Wow — that’s the biggest stretch-to-reach-the-handmaid’s-tale I’ve yet read. Is this some sort of challenge meme I haven’t heard about? Relate every blog post on a feminist blog back to Handmaid’s Tale?


    Bob Herbert is awesome. He’s proven time and again that he’s an ally of feminism through his columns and the fact that he went out of his way to point out that Dick was being an asshole. He didn’t have his feet held to the fire, he did what was right even though the moment had passed and he wasn’t being prompted.

  3. I am so fucking glad that he could never be my husband, cause I surely couldn’t listen to that kind of ignorant ass-hattery from him everyday (without strangling him in his sleep).

  4. Thank you, Bob Herbert, for being your usual awesome self. And I thought Joan Walsh was pretty classy as well.

    If y’all want to get involved in a little activism, he is the Chairman of an organization called freedom works. This is what I wrote on their contact page (with my real name and email address):

    Dear Mr. Armey,

    I saw that clip of you being disrespectful to Joan Walsh on Hardball. For shame. Oh, and by the way, “I am so damn glad that you can never be my husband.” And if you are married, I hope you treat your wife with more courtesy and respect than you showed Ms. Walsh. You owe her an apology.


    (My real name)

    Here is the link to the contact page:

  5. Ugh. His attitude towards her is totally dismissive and disrespectful. She could barely get her point out because he was chortling into his microphone like an ass hole. It’s clear that the simple fact that she’s TALKING makes him angry.

    Just imagine what he’s like in private. YIKES.

  6. Chris Matthews (post shaming by Herbert): “You should let the other person make their point without reference to your wife or that gender aspect or whatever that was.”

    Thanks, Chris. Thanks for nothing.

  7. I REALLY hate when two people are in a debate and one person can not seem to let the other one simply speak. Instead of being a decent person and giving them their time, they continuously talk over them. This shows extreme cowardice, I think, because he was afraid of her making a clear argument, which was just confirmed by his disrespectful, sexist reply near the end.

    He can’t intelligently respond to her argument, so he attacks her gender and personality instead. Way to go, asshole.

  8. Dick Armey: because while you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, sometime you can by it’s title.


    Dick Armey: a man who lives up to his name.

  9. Thanks, Ismone, for the link to Armey’s organization. I wrote,

    “What on earth is wrong with Mr. Armey? I saw him on Hardball Wednesday with Joan Walsh, and I could not believe his behavior. Walsh listened politely as he made his point, but then once it was her turn to talk he alternated between laughing at her and interrupting! Then on top of all that he crowned it with, “I am so damn glad that you could never be my wife, ’cause I surely wouldn’t have to listen to that prattle from you every day.”

    I’m just floored that Mr. Armey had an opportunity to engage in an honest debate, and instead resorted to disrespectful and downright sexist behavior. Is he not aware that there’s a long and pitiable history in America of women’s opinions on the issues being denigrated and taken for a joke, or as Mr. Armey out it, “prattle”? I truly hope he will rethink his actions on Hardball and that in the future he shows more respect to his female constituents than he did on Wednesday’s show.”

    …I feel so weird quoting myself.

  10. Me too me too! My letter to FreedomWorks:

    “Mr. Armey’s comments to Joan Walsh on Hardball about being happy she couldn’t be his wife and calling her comments “prattle” were extremely offensive. The reason she can’t be his wife is because she is an intelligent, autonomous being with FREEDOM (I am sure you all have heard of that concept, since it is in the name) and she certainly wouldn’t choose that on her own. Women are free to debate without being told they would make undesirable marital partners to sexist jerks.”

    Oh, and I opted to not receive his newsletter. My loss, I am sure.

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