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The Monstrous Regiment of Women

via Feministing comes this gem of a video, which proves that feminists seek to rule (and then destroy) the world, all while perpetrating “the largest holocaust since the beginning of time” (their words, not mine). It’s really amazing:

There are few things I love more than professional anti-feminists beating up on other women for having careers. I’m pretty sure that strategy put most of Phyllis Schlafley’s kids through college. Gotta pay those bills somehow, right ladies?

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38 thoughts on The Monstrous Regiment of Women

  1. . . . See, the title just makes me think of Terry Pratchett’s book Monstrous Regiment. Which is awesome. And full of ass-kicking female characters.

  2. “Feminists try to convince women that they are being oppressed by a male-dominated, patriarchal regime.”

    They also try to convince women that the sky is blue and 1+1=2.

  3. Oh, and what the fuck is with that woman talking about “dressing loose?” Has she never heard the term “circular logic?”

  4. “Im starting to conclude that people really just hate children” LOL. yeahhh very sane.

    WTF was with the ‘3 abortions on average” number for sexually active teens? It seems like anyone who is an actual teenager (or recently was one) would just know thats a load of bs. How extreme the lying is really makes me wonder who this is supposed to be targeted at. It seems like ignorant old men are the only ones who would buy into it as a whole.

    Most of all I just feel sorry for the women in the videos. To believe that you are only good for a few things and that men should do the rest is extremely depressing.

  5. The film is named after a diatribe against female monarchs written by John Knox. It’s called The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women. An expose of the second speaker, Carol Everett, is here. In addition, the filmmakers are misrepresenting the views of the expert on John Knox, Sharon Adams. Matthew, the husband of Jennie/Jennifer Chancey is a Christian Reconstructionist.

  6. I’m pretty sure that strategy put most of Phyllis Schlafley’s kids through college.

    Yeah, but probably just the males, because if her daughters wanted a college education then they must have been brainwashed by us evil feminists. It’s ironic how Schlafley made her career out of telling women that they shouldn’t have one and if heaven forbid we do, we’re just buying into feminist propaganda

  7. Anyone who would compare feminism—scratch that—anyone who would compare any social justice movement to the freakin’ Holocaust deserves nothing but ridicule.

  8. The statistic for abortions is what really gets me. I’m nearly 20 and have had one abortion. Not three. One. The clinics want repeat customers? Really? So that must be why those nice nurses told me I could fill my purse with free condoms if I wanted too and then told me how I could get free Birth Control. I was also pretty sure that the ACTUAL statistic was that by age forty-five, most women have had one abortion.

    I always find it amazing when women WANT to go back to the way things were and WANT that Leave It To Beaver ideology. Crazy…Crazy crazy people in this world.

  9. And I’m with you Jill—how do these fools get to pursue leadership positions and powerful careers while telling the rest of us to stay in the home? Is it too much to expect anti-feminists to practice what they preach?

  10. WTF was with the ‘3 abortions on average” number for sexually active teens? It seems like anyone who is an actual teenager (or recently was one) would just know thats a load of bs. How extreme the lying is really makes me wonder who this is supposed to be targeted at. It seems like ignorant old men are the only ones who would buy into it as a whole.

    What I loved was how she talked about “getting into schools” to spread the gospel of abortion awesomeness and recruit otherwise-chaste girls into her cult of rampant sexness. I have this image of her skulking the hallways, whispering, “Hey, little girl, want an abortion?”

    Besides, the figures just don’t work out. She’d make a lot more money turning them into sluts an selling them birth control than turning them into sluts and selling them abortions. If she can get a 16-year-old hooked on birth control pills, she’s more than made up for the cost of an abortion by the time she graduates.

  11. God, that is gross.

    1) Like Hillary, I had only one child, and thought I would collapse. Someone shoulda told me how easy it was!

    2) The fashionable-appearing woman being interviewed on the Quiverfull movement doesn’t look at all like the quasi-Amish-dressed women from Bob Jones University that I see everyday, with six or more kids trailing behind. How did she find time to be interviewed? (Or is she a FUTURE Quiverfull wife, rather than a PRESENT Quiverfull wife?)

  12. Well shit, apparently I’ve been doing it wrong for all these years. Instead of trying to have equal rights for men and women I was simply supposed to act like that didn’t matter and then start a foundation that keeps the rest of you in your place buying my books. Not that I would want a career or anything, heaven forbid!

    Sorry I only made it to 1:27 when I started getting nauseated and had to turn it off.

  13. The Gunn bros. ought to be drawn and quartered for this waste of celluloid. I just threw up a LOT in my mouth.

    Oh, and to that fruitloop who thinks there’s this rampant child-hating going on–prehaps if this culture stopped FORCING the idea that having babies is the apex of (female) human existence, we wouldn’t have ANY resentment of anyone to worry about. Hey, if she wants to be an incubator, I say let her carry EVERY unwanted fertilized egg to term.

  14. If a woman dresses as though she’s loose, she shouldn’t be surprised if that’s what people think of her character.

    And if a woman dresses in her great auntie’s table cloth and appears that she hasn’t slept, washed her hair, or gone outside in the past 23 years, she shouldn’t be surprised if the nice men in white coats finally take her away.

  15. Wow, this sounds almost like something one of my online friends would agree with, considering that he believes in a heteronormative gendered roles of women, and how most feminists have forgotten that they’re women.

    I always kinda thought that feminism was about teaching respect and how to empower women to be strong, intelligent, and independent. I don’t quite remember reading any books on how to hate families, children, and having sex irresponsibly.

  16. Rob, Laura, the paper by knox was titled “The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous REGIMEN of Women”, where regimen means ‘regime’, or ruling power. It’s often misquoted, but to see it so by people taking it seriously is hilarious.

  17. I’m 16. Does that mean I should have had 3 abortions by now?

    I don’t know – have the feminazis converted you to homosexuality yet?

  18. It looks like the Knox pamphlet was titled “regiment” (the Gunn Bros. site has another version of the cover page and it says “regiment” too).

    And am I the only one that thinks a monstrous regiment of women sounds kinda cool? Bea, I’m definitely putting the Pratchett book on my TBR pile (love him).

  19. @Lizzie–hell, no, I’m with ya! Deal me in! I’d be proud to join a Monstrous Regiment of Women! 😉 Sign me up!

  20. This has been out for a while. I think they’ve gon on to do other, even cheesier and less accurate documentaries. The Botkin daughters also did a film or a book about how great it was to stay at home and serve your father until you get married, where you stay at home and serve your husband. (I ran the idea by my very conservative Dad, who, after laughing so hard he cried, advised me to keep working and supporting myself.) I believe these guys are affiliated with the Vision Forum Ministries, which as far as I can tell is a for-profit cult. A lot of these people spook many other conservative Evangelicals, who find the hyper-patriarchy love unpalatable. I believe the feeling is mutual, as Jennie Chancey (of Ladies Against Feminism) and Stacy MacDonald wrote a book that accused Evengelical women of being “white washed feminists.”

    Intercene battles. They aren’t just for feminism, yaknow.

  21. Oh, and OT, but Terry Pratchett wrote a book in his Discworld series called “Monstrous Regiment”. It was hilarious. And yes, pretty darn pro-feminist.

  22. Dear Phyllis Schlafly and the nice folks at GodTube:

    I am proud to be part of the Monstrous Regiment of Women.

    I second that!

  23. I gave It’s a Jungle Out There to my girlfriend, and that’s what she got out of it: Feminists hate homemakers. How she got that I’m not sure, since she won’t say. It seems like feminism’s biggest problem is just cutting through people’s preconceptions and getting them to really listen.

  24. That abortion woman sure is sensual. I’m sure when she came on screen I wasn’t the only person grabbing someone of the opposite sex and making sweet, sweet unprotected love with them. It’s not abortion availibility that’s the problem, it’s her being so damn sexy.

  25. That abortion woman sure is sensual. I’m sure when she came on screen I wasn’t the only person grabbing someone of the opposite sex and making sweet, sweet unprotected love with them. It’s not abortion availibility that’s the problem, it’s her being so damn sexy.

    Really? Because I got pregnant just by watching her. She truly is magical. No wonder she has the ability to walk into a high school and automatically increase the pregnancy rate. She’s like Gabriel.

  26. I didn’t realize that as a feminist, I shouldn’t want children. Now I have to re-think my plan to raise an army of feminists to fight the quiverfull army for god.

    Damn. and I really like kids.

  27. sorry-i know i’m gonna come off as a stereotypical woman hating feminist (because, you know, all feminists have to hate men) just had to say this-i looked up that site and found another video. their arrogance is astounding on a video about absent fathers this guy starts off:

    “what are your memories and thoughts about your father? did you understand him? did you appreciate him? did you know him?regardless of the quality of his parenting you were probably better off for having him then you realise.”


    i’m not saying that all fathers are like this at all-its just his arrogance that every father is loving and kind is bull just as it can be said about some mothers too. ugh. doesnt surprise me that the same site would put out anti-feminist videos.

  28. There’s a book by Laurie King with that title– it’s the second in a series of really great books with a feminist main character.

  29. Are you taking applications for the regiment? Oh wait. It is supposed to be a bad thing in the eyes of the whack jobs. Um Stacy MacDonald? Dressing in a ugly as sin tablecloth from Goodwill does not make you holy. And these crazy whackier than whacks do NOT represent Christian men or women but are fear driven taliban wannabes. On behalf of Christians everywhere I apologize.

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