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Like Pablo, Like Doug

I don’t know about you, but I think Pablo looks miffed that Doug is bogarting his water.*

* Using stoner slang is pratically a requirement around Doug.

4 thoughts on Like Pablo, Like Doug

  1. i don’t know… that expression to me looks like an older brother who’s been caught teaching his younger brother how to smoke.

    smoke pot, that is. we are, after all, talking about Doug.

  2. Pablo totally looks like he’d give D a toss… if only he had opposable thumbs. Blast!

    OMG – I totally have a stoner cat picutre for this afternoon. I’ll get to it as soon as it moves to the top of the “things I can put off” pile 🙂

  3. I’ve got one of those cats that thinks it’s needs to drink directly from the faucet. Makes tooth brushing a chore, because he comes running when he hears it.

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