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Massive Link Round-up

Green Gabbro is “shocked! that people who call themselves liberals could be so eager to distance themselves from feminist arguments. I mean, no, wait, what the hell did you expect? That people would magically acknowledge the legitimacy of an argument that attacks the ethics of their income stream?” In another post, she suggests a feminist adoption of black tile grout in order to thwart Mr. Clean’s new marketing campaign.

Body and Soul picks up on the female/male commenting divide that I posted about here. The evolving discussion is quite telling. Shakespeare’s Sister jumps on this boat as well with some questions for her readers regarding their experiences as commenters on various kinds of sites.

Hugo Schwyzer comments on the “all my friends are guys” phenomenon among young women. I’m inclined to disagree with some of his statements because, well, most of my friends are guys, some gay, some straight, but men nonetheless. I have several girlfriends whom I love and adore, but I find that in this particular town, the majority of people my age that I meet are conservative blowhards and the women who suffer in silence dating them. Then again, I’m horrible at following up on blossoming friendships.

Alley Rat discusses sexism in the sciences, especially regarding reproductive science and theories of male dominance.

Becky at Archaeopteryx takes on some Town Hall kind of article in which some guy mourns the lack of governmental control over women’s reproductive systems. It’s another “death of the race” kind of arument, and frankly if people like this are what the future holds, let’s all kick the bucket. She takes the same author on in another post for spreading anti-woman propaganda in domestic violence statistics. For a new blogger, Becky kicks serious ass.

The Science Blog reports on a study that asserts listening skills are the cornerstone of female relationships.

Ginmar writes on prostitution, saying that as the system currently stands, prostitution represents a systematic way for men to avoid taking responsibility for their own sexism. In another post, she lays out nearly every anti-feminist comment that a feminist blogger can ever expect to receive. Jeebus Harold Christ, I’ve received all of them. And Ginmar must be on a roll — here is another link detailing her thoughts on exceptionality, MRAs, and yes, the Holocaust.

Utopian Hell takes on advertising that depicts “positive” representations of rape and violence in order to sell products. My favorites are the liquor ads.

The Well-Timed Period reports on a study on depression in adolescent mothers: 50% of the subjects had depression in the first year, and 57% had depression at some point during the study. Ask me sometime and I’ll tell you all about the fucking misery.

The Disenchanted Forest analyzes conservative women’s arguments against Planned Parenthood and finds them rather flimsy. Big surprise there.

Race and Ethnicity
Terrence begins his post with a sentence that saddens me with its truth: “I wasn’t going to say anything about this, because my overall impression is that these days if you use the word “racist” people stop listening to you.” What follow is a disparaging round-up of hate crimes and racism that I too have noticed seems to be on an increase. Please read.

Unwilling to pander to softcore liberals, Newswriter continues to endorse Howard Dean.

Alas, A Blog consolidates several views regarding Lakoff, framing, and the liberal side of the binary.

Mac delivers a quote by a theologian that I can get behind: “‘Jesus said nothing about condoms, birth control or homosexuality,’ says one of the Theses. Fox said it is time for Christians to choose who the Church will follow: an ‘angry exclusionary God or the loving God who opens the path to wisdom.'”

Natural Resources
Cultural Dissent draws attention to frequent military use of high intensity sonar that kills ocean wildlife, in particular, dolphins (which we also use as aquatic soldiers who seek out mines in the ocean). Way to kill soldiers, Shrub.

Ms. Musings reports on an irony that is not lost on female bloggers. When the Chicago Tribune decided to run a series that highlights blogs in their Women’s News section, they decided to feature a male blogger who writes an insulting review of Danica Patrick and encourages media backlash against Anne Heche. Say what? Apparently this post is well-intentioned, but horribly misguided. That the Trib thought it prudent to include this as part of the Women’s News section is not only sad, but especially so considering that in the same issue they included an article on gender underrepresentation in the media. Way to go, Chicago Tribune.

Shelley writes on the spread of Creative Commons.

Pop Culture
Amanda writes in defense of American music.

Loaded Mouth has a picture that pretty much sums up the Republican Party, if you ask me.

After School Snack provides a link to an artist to makes complex, whimsical paintings based off of children’s drawings. These pictures are awesome.

Lynn discusses the growth and wealth of her mixed-marriage family.

Krista writes on the experience of settling. After moving to a new area, being settled is the ability to go somewhere random and see someone you know (I know this feeling all too well, as does JMP — get me out of here).

Three Out of Four Horseman Agree that when Chuck begins a story detailing the end of the world in a Chicago bathroom taking a dump, it will be a good story indeed.

10 thoughts on Massive Link Round-up

  1. All these great links (especially Becky’s 😉 are making me realize that my blogging has been lacking (read “nonexistent”) lately. I better get busy.

  2. lauren, regarding the guys that you meet being conservative blowhards …

    what did you expect?

    this is indiana, after all.

    most of the progressive men got the hell out when they were in their 20s, and only return to visit their parents.

  3. Harry, there must be an optimist somewhere deep inside.

    most of the progressive men got the hell out when they were in their 20s, and only return to visit their parents.

    And those that are left only think they’re progressive. 😛

  4. You know, I think it’s really interesting that you summed up the prostitution post so succinctly and so accurately. I keep finding it reduced to repression or ‘prostitution demeans women’ or ‘you’re just saying prostitutes are victims’.

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