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I Am Sean Bell

This short documentary, I Am Sean Bell: Black Boys Speak by Stacey Muhammad is exactly what it sounds like.  Black boys (between the ages of 11 and 13), along with their parents, speak about the brutal murder of Sean Bell by police officers, the effect it has had on their communities, and their heartbreaking fear, spurned by growing up as young black men in our racist society, of Sean Bell’s fate someday being theirs.

It’s definitely worth a watch.  But be warned that it does contain some scenes of graphic violence.

h/t Cripchick

UPDATE: Check out Renee’s excellent post on this video, from the perspective of a black mother who fears for her sons.

4 thoughts on I Am Sean Bell

  1. When we moved to a white suburb, I was SO confused at how my little brother’s teachers treated him. He was and is a shy, introverted kid. I couldn’t understand why they were so blatantly mean to him. Then I realized, they were afraid of him. He was 7 yrs old.
    How do we stop this? How can my country hate me this much?

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