In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Wait, this is a problem?

From today’s Dear Prudence, in a letter about spending the holidays with insufferable in-laws:

Needless to say, the only way I can get through a dinner with the in-laws is to just get quietly drunk and pray for the end. My husband says this is the only solution, and he does exactly the same thing.

Isn’t this how most of the world gets through extended-family functions? And this is a problem because why?

(My own mother just emailed me the Christmas dinner menu, which includes a roast of some sort, potatoes of some sort, vegetables of various sorts, and LOTS OF WINE in, yes, all caps).

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Time to invest in tampons and Chardonnay.

Gun made out of tampons
image via Tampon Crafts.

Women will recover faster from the recession than men, which leads economists to suggest investing in female-centered companies like Ann Taylor and Lululemon.

Women will rebound from the U.S. recession faster than men because females didn’t lose as many jobs as men did during the recession, the report said. Some of the industries most affected by the economy, such as manufacturing and construction, had more male than female workers. The unemployment rate for women is 8.9 percent compared with 10.6 percent for men, the report said. The overall unemployment rate was 9.8 percent in November.

More women are also graduating from college, with more than 50 percent of the bachelor’s degrees in the last decade awarded to women, according to the report. They also make up the majority of the workforce in 9 of the 10 occupations that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts will add the most jobs over the next 8 years.

While a gender wage gap remains, it’s narrowing, the note said. Women working at least 35 hours a week in the first quarter of 2010 received 79 percent of the wages earned by men, according to the Labor Department.

Upside: More women have jobs. Downside: We don’t get paid fairly for the work we do. Conclusion: These are really great shorts and I would like a pair for Christmas. Women!

Swedish feminists start a Twitter campaign to talk about sexual assault

This is awesome.

Sometimes it’s difficult, even impossible, to talk about negative sexual experiences. About the times when our boundaries were violated, but we didn’t say anything. About times when we violated others without realizing it. About times when we violated ourselves. Initiating an honest conversation about sex and consent is scary. Reactions can be cold or even hostile towards those who try. Because of this, many people hold their tongue and put a lid on their thoughts – but that doesn’t make the thoughts go away.

In connection to a conversation regarding the media coverage of the Assange case, Swedish journalist Johanna Koljonen started to tweet, openly and intimately, about her own experiences of drawing lines and negotiating gray areas in sexual situations. Hundreds followed Koljonen’s example on Twitter under the hashtag #prataomdet (“#talkaboutit“). As a result of this, several Swedish magazines, newspapers and other media outlets are publishing pieces on the subject. In a matter of days international media, such as The Guardian, Die Welt, BBC World Service, Norway’s Dagbladet, Finland’s Helsingin Sanomat, and others have followed.

We need a language for sex that isn’t stifled by shame, we need to think about our boundaries as well as others’. Something is going to change. We are going to dare to #talkaboutit.

Thanks, Jessica, for spreading the word.

Monday Reads

Jon Hamm in a white tank top

A few things to get your week started right:

150 Years of Vassar: A photo spread. Thanks, Lauren, for the link.

I know a lot of us are WikiLeaks-ed out, but there are two more pieces worth checking out: This one from the New Statesman that discusses the liberal values that are in conflict in the WikiLeaks document drops, and this one from Amnesty International breaking down the freedom of expression issues that WikiLeaks raises. Both are worth reading to gain a more complete understanding of all the factors at play here.

Kangaroo care, where a mother’s body is used as a source of warmth for premature babies, has saved countless lives all over the world.

The Supreme Court is going to decide if the largest sex discrimination case in U.S. history will be allowed to proceed. The Court here isn’t deciding whether Wal-Mart discriminated or didn’t; it’s looking at whether the 1.5 million(!) female employees claiming discrimination have similar enough claims to be considered a class for purposes of class action litigation. This matters not just for gender/sex discrimination issues, but for all class actions going forward. How to define a “class” for the purposes of class action suits is key in allowing workers or others claiming harm, whose individual claims may be too small to reasonably pursue, to band together as a single class of people and pool their resources to assert a large, collective claim against an entity.

Tony Porter issues a call to men at the TED conference, urging them to break free of the “man box” and emphasizing how stereotypes of masculinity hurt all of us.

The always-fantastic Lori Adelman puts together a slideshow of the 10 least misogynistic rap lyrics of 2010.

Conservatives in the House kill a bill that would protect against child marriage — because groups that oppose child marriage may also be pro-choice, and because the bill calls for supporting the rights of girls and making sure that they have access to health care.

Peter King, a House Republican, is planning to use the U.S. Congress as Ground Zero for his anti-Muslim inquisition. He’s calling for Congress to open an inquiry into the “radicalization” of Muslim communities in the United States

Anti-abortion positions are gaining momentum in the House, and anti-choice Congressmen are expecting 2011 to be a big year. They’re focusing on three goals: (1) Banning late-term abortion based on bogus fetal pain claims; (2) Requiring women seeking abortions to obtain unnecessary and costly ultra-sounds; and (3) Barring any insurance coverage of abortion — even coverage by private insurance companies.

And on that note, check out Frances Kissling’s article about all the things you can do this holiday season to support pro-choice and rights-affirming positions. Go a step further and make sure you write and call your Congressperson, and urge him or her to support abortion rights and push back against the anti-choice rush in the House.

Colombia ensures free access to contraceptives

Way to go.

The Colombian Government recently passed a law which guarantees access to free contraceptives, including surgical procedures such as vasectomy and tubal ligation. The law was proposed several years ago, but received the push into legislation from new President Juan Manuel Santos.

Under the constitution, Colombian citizens have access to universal health care which has incidentally driven up government costs—especially for maternity and newborn health care. The new law encourages Colombians to access free contraceptives in an effort to contain costs and expand the sexual and reproductive rights of men and women.

The law comes at a critical point in Colombia’s health history as teenage pregnancy rates have reached new heights. Currently 21% of girls under the age of 20 are having children, an increase from 13% in 1990. These pregnancy rates are almost 3 times as high as the current teen pregnancy rates of adolescents in the US. This law will allow young women to better access contraception and prevent unintended pregnancy.

Whore Stigma Makes No Sense

This is a guest post by Clarisse Thorn, who blogs at Pro-Sex Outreach, Open-Minded Feminism.

(The above image is a slide from a presentation by Marlise Richter, a researcher at the AIDS Law Project, Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. It is described at the bottom of this post.)

Stigma is an interesting beastie. Whore stigma is particularly interesting, in part because it makes no sense and falls apart the minute it’s exposed to any rational analysis whatsoever. Yet somehow, even though it makes no sense, it is a constant and often overwhelming social force that shapes the lives of all women.

There’s an old joke about a man who walks up to a woman at a bar and asks, “Would you have sex with me for a million dollars?” She says, “Yes.” He says, “What about fifty dollars?” and she snaps, “What the hell do you think I am — a whore?” He replies, “We’ve already established that you’re a whore; now we’re just negotiating the price.”

Inherent in this joke, and in the slide I showcase at the top of this post, is the tension and confusion that happens pretty much automatically whenever anyone tries to point out the difference between a “nice girl” and a “whore”. It’s one of the best ways to show that whore stigma makes no sense: the difference is impossible to pin down.

What’s weird about these conversations, though, is that everyone almost always gets caught up in the question of who’s a whore and who’s not a whore — and in the confusion, very few people think to question whether whore stigma itself is insane and divisive and harmful. This even happens during conversations that start with the intent of questioning the very concept of whore stigma, such as this post by sex work researcher Laura Agustín; the post’s whole point is that the concept of whore stigma makes no sense — but commenters on the post immediately start trying to define what a whore is.

Indeed, this even happens among sex workers. My friends at the Sex Workers Outreach Project have told me how very complicated it can be to try to pull different sex workers together in order to have a conversation about banding together for legal rights and societal recognition. One recurring issue is how some sex workers will refuse to associate with other sex workers: for example, professional dominatrixes or strippers may refuse to associate with escorts because “You’re whores, and we’re not whores, and we’re not like you.” This is one more factor making it hard for sex workers’ rights advocates to achieve social momentum. Which may mean that when — for example — the law randomly decides that dominatrixes are actually whores (surprise!), those non-whore sex workers may find themselves without resources.

But of course it happens among non-sex workers, too. Because being an “actual” sex worker is in no way a requirement for being called a whore, or for having whore stigma slammed in your face. Any woman who carries condoms might as well be a whore, right? Not even thirteen-year-old girls are exempt from whore stigma or its twin, slut-shaming, as we learned from Hope Witsell’s suicide last year. Hope sexted a boy who betrayed her and sent her message all over the school — at which point she was punished severely, was socially ostracized, and killed herself.

Examples of whore stigma abound, and none of us are innocent from reinforcing it. I’ll cop to it: before I had a grip on how problematic whore stigma is, I myself called one or two women whores because I felt threatened by them. I hadn’t thought through how easily I myself might be harmed by the label; I hadn’t yet identified my fears of being labeled one myself. I was insensitive — and I was also stupid, because whore stigma could come get me as easily as it could get an “actual” whore. Contributing to it wasn’t just hurting other women, it was also shooting myself in the foot.

Plus, the more effort women put into distinguishing ourselves from whores, the less effort we put into actually working on the issues that harm women. Or making common cause with, say, sex workers who aren’t women and therefore get completely disappeared during all this anxious finger-pointing.

When we will acknowledge that whore stigma makes no sense, that it’s insane and divisive and harmful? What does it take? All women’s appearance and activities — especially our sexuality — are attacked, limited, and kept in line by the threat of “sluthood” and “whoredom”. In that sense, we all pay. We all have a stake in taking down these social structures.

And we can start by honoring and acknowledging sex work as an honorable job that deserves both legal and social recognition. Today is a fantastic day to do just that. December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, and there may just be an event in your area. It’s also worth considering reading up on how to be an ally to sex workers and passing that information on to your friends.

Please note that The Wisdom of Whores, the awesome book by Elizabeth Pisani that I encouraged y’all to read for free on World AIDS Day at the beginning of this month, is still available for free download — all the way through the end of December. Pisani’s book is one of my favorites, ever — there are some valid critiques to be made, but even with those in mind, I just love it. It’s free! What are you waiting for?

(The slide at the beginning of this post shows a straight horizontal line with an arrow at each end. At the top, the graphic is labeled “Sex-for-reward continuum”. The right end of the arrow is labeled “Illegitimate”, and the left end is labeled “Legitimate”. From right to left there are five points, labeled as follows:

* “Self-identified sex worker on a street corner?”

* “Woman who has sex at the back of a taxi in exchange for a ride into town?”

* “School girl has sex with her ex-boyfriend for cell phone airtime?” [Note: in Africa, cell phone airtime is a somewhat expensive commodity. A school girl having sex in exchange for airtime is somewhat analogous to having sex in exchange for a nice piece of clothing.]

* “Student sleeps with her lecturer in order to pass?”

* “Wife has sex with her husband as she knows they are going to the mall tomorrow?”

At the bottom of the slide is a triangle pointing up to the line. It is labeled: “Who do we put in jail?”)

It’s not just violent clients who abuse sex workers

Today is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. There are 21 events happening in the U.S. alone; more are listed on the site. Too many sex workers are killed, raped, assaulted and abused because, to paraphrase Oregon serial killer Gary Ridgeway, they’re easy targets. Their work is often done clandestinely, and they typically can’t go to the police to report abuse since their work is largely illegal.

But it’s not just violent clients who do harm to sex workers. As Audacia Ray explains in this great piece, human rights abuses from the state, denial of HIV and other heath services, crackdowns by police and limitations on organizing also do real, tangible and sometimes life-threatening harm to sex workers. She concludes, “But violence doesn’t just come in the form of bad clients – more often, it is delivered by the institutions that are supposed to protect and improve the lives of citizens.”

Today, support the rights of sex workers — the rights to organize, to work without abuse, and to seek help when they need it.

A great big thanks RD for spreading the word and keeping us informed.