In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


Notes and ideas for blog posts. Yes, on actual paper, with actual ink. I’m not brave enough to take my laptop on the T.

I don’t know about you, but I had no idea when I saw the list of other names that would be contributing here at Feministe how much I would enjoy their writing. Jill picked out a pretty flippin’ awesome group of people, and I’m honored to be among them.

That’s right – for the next two weeks, you, reader, are part of my captive audience.

Who am I? Let’s get the demographics out of the way: I fall under the default personhood in western culture in every major way except these: sex (female), class (grew up poor), and societal access (multiple disabilities). I live a fairly comfortable life in a smaller urban area south of Pittsburgh, PA, sharing space with three creatures whose combined weight just about adds up to mine: the 120lb husband and the 14-and-9-lb “kids,” named Matt(w), Buddy and Mitsy, respectively.

I’ve been around the blogosphere for several years now, commenting under this name (case varied). I started my blog – one year ago last weekend! – to have a space to externalize and process my own thoughts on any number of issues, including my experience as a low-class kid being raised by a mentally ill single mother, in an agricultural area in central California where Latin@s actually outnumber whites, and struggling to come to terms with my increasingly-unavoidable disability as I grew older. Issues covered include feminism, disability, health care, class and race, and conventional white-male-higher-class “politics.” (Food for thought for this open introduction thread; what makes an issue “mainstream politics” instead of “special interest”? Have you noticed that the latter tends to be in the emotional, supportive, caretaking realm, engaging from the level of people’s actual lives and experiences, as opposed to macro-level manipulation of hypotheticals? What about Maslow’s hierarchy? Making certain experiences “default” even though they are hardly representative? What else?)

All ur blognotes r belongz to Buddy

As a warning, I’ve got several topics in mind to cover during my stay here, but I make no guarantees. I’m only just beginning to recover from a nasty pain flare and my coherence on any given day is impossible to fully predict. That also means my wording won’t always be the most artful. Don’t hesitate to ask for a clarification, or point out any missteps – it’s not like I couldn’t use the improvement 🙂

I warmly invite any who fancy my writing to subscribe to my blog feed and stop by for a comment once in awhile; I love to hear new voices. More information at my about page. My thanks to the Feministe writers and to the community here for this opportunity.

Teh Laydeez Are So Cute When They Try To Blog

The fucking New York Times strikes again with their abysmal coverage of issues relating to women’s activities in the public sphere. In this article entitled “Blogging’s Glass Ceiling”, Kara Jessela covers the BlogHer conference held last week in San Francisco, California.

First of all, does it surpries you one fucking bit that this article–about the business activites of women bloggers–is in the Fashion/Style section of the Times? Cause you know, anything women do is all about fashion and style, it’s not real manly-man shit like business and sports and technology. The Times article about how “blogging can KILL YOU!!11!!!!1!ELEVENTY!1!1!!!!” was in the Technology section of the paper. You know why? Cause the article is about how manly-man Cheeto-huffing bloggers could DIE!!!! from manly-man stress-induced disorders like HEART ATTACKS!!1Q!!1!! Cute little laydeez chit-chatting about blogging and other little cute shit they do on the Internet? Fashion/Style.

Here’s the first two paragraphs, which basically set the dismissive feminizing tone of the entire piece:

FOR two days last week, many of the men’s bathrooms at the Westin St. Francis Hotel here were turned into women’s bathrooms. The stalls on the second floor were lined with note cards featuring nurturing messages like “You are perfect.” Nearby, women were being dusted with blush and eye shadow, or having the kinks in their necks massaged.

There was a lactation room, child care, and onesies for sale emblazoned with the words “my mom is blogging this.” No doubt they were.

Yeah, those fucking laydeez are so heinous, they even took over the manly-man bathrooms!! And they’re such feeble-minded superficial silly bitchez, all they care about is “nurturing messages”, neck massages, and the trappings of femininity. LACTATION!!1!!!!11!1!! Why aren’t those bitchez at home taking care of the damn baybeez properly, anyway!?!?

Check out the pernicious hidden rhetorical trick embedded in these two paragraphs:

A few months before last year’s conference, Kathy Sierra, a technology blogger, received death threats from commenters on a variety of blogs. It prompted a flurry of discussion at BlogHer about whether women were the targets of particularly vituperative online attacks.

This year, women seemed to have moved on to other issues, such as gaining influence and making money. There were practical workshops on issues like building Web traffic and using open source software, sessions that dealt with emotional issues related to blogging, and specialized meet-ups (like one for baby boomer bloggers).

A “flurry of discussion” about whether women are disproportionately targets of vituperative attacks on the Internet? How about doing some actual, you know, motherfucking journalism, and investigating whether women are, indeed, subject disproportionately to vituperation on the Internet? It’s not real hard to find the answer.

And here’s the nasty rhetorical trick: “Women seemed to have moved on to other issues, such as gaining influence and making money.” Yeah, because dealing with a daily barrage of sick-fuck violently misogynist e-mails and comments is, like, totally irrelevant to women’s pursuit of influence and profit on the Internet. “There were practical workshops on…” Yeah, because sick-fuck violent misogyny on the Internet has nothing whatsoever to do with the practicalities of women’s blogging activities on line.

There were tears at many emotional panels, and also much hooting and applause, whether in response to news that Michelle Obama had just written her first blog post on the BlogHer Web site or that Michelin would be giving away a set of tires.

Those silly Fashion/Style blogging bitchez are just so irrational and emotional, crying and hooting and applauding! Not like the manly-man Technology bloggers, who are so manly, that they KILL THEMSELVES with manly HEART ATTACKS!11!!!1! Goddamn, the NY Times just never fails to piss me the fuck off.

End Of Guest Blogging and Parting Advice From A Rape Survivor

Thanks to Jill for inviting me here and thanks to everyone else who makes Feministe successful.

My 2 weeks of guest blogging ends today and the days have passed quickly thanks to those who commented on my posts. I don’t always agree and sometimes discussions can get heated, but I appreciate all those who want to eliminate sexual and gender violence and injustices done against those who have been victims of sex crimes or domestic violence.

Many people consider this topic too depressing to think about, but those who are willing to support systems which keep the violence going at a pervasive level are depending on those who practice avoidance. That’s why I salute every blogger who makes victim blamers cranky and who calls out dangerous attitudes. I’m not alone in this battle against sexual and gender violence and that gives me hope.

I know there are many more on my side who don’t have the words, but who are just as important. For many years I was one of those people who didn’t have the words to express what I’d experienced or what I believed.

I’ll be continuing to blog at my home blog Abyss2hope and I invite everyone to continue reading my posts there. Feel free to add me to your blogroll, no advance permission is required. Also for those who keep up to date through feed readers, here’s my feed link for Abyss2hope.

Just a quick reminder that the deadline for the next Carnival Against Sexual Violence is at the end of the day on Tuesday, July 29th and the next edition will be out on August 1st. Please use the nomination form if you’ve written or read a post which fits within the scope of this carnival.

If that form doesn’t work, leave a comment on Abyss2hope before the deadline or email me privately (my email address is on my Blogger profile page). I often find blogs that become must reads through the nominations.

After the jump, I’ve included a post I wrote soon after my second anniversary of blogging which is entitled Advice For Rape Survivors: Personal Safety. This is my alternative to the typical victim-blaming lectures which so many rape survivors hear and is a fitting way for me to end my stint here at Feministe. 

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George W. Bush Is Totally Batman, For Realz!

From today’s Wall Street Journal:

A cry for help goes out from a city beleaguered by violence and fear: A beam of light flashed into the night sky, the dark symbol of a bat projected onto the surface of the racing clouds . . .

Oh, wait a minute. That’s not a bat, actually. In fact, when you trace the outline with your finger, it looks kind of like . . . a “W.”

There seems to me no question that the Batman film “The Dark Knight,” currently breaking every box office record in history, is at some level a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that has been shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war. Like W, Batman is vilified and despised for confronting terrorists in the only terms they understand. Like W, Batman sometimes has to push the boundaries of civil rights to deal with an emergency, certain that he will re-establish those boundaries when the emergency is past.

No, it’s not April Fools Day, and I’m not just kidding around and posting an Onion article. This is your Mainstream Media at work again with Teh Awesum Jernalizm!!! I’m telling ya’, the deranged fucking wackaloon right-wing is losing it completely.

Clarification Of Comments On Medical Battery

My blog post the other day about the surgeon who committed battery by placing a temporary tattoo on an unconscious patient has generated quite a bit of, shall we say, consternation among some physicians and surgeons. In re-reading the post, I see that it was written in a way that was overly hyperbolic and generalized even for PhysioProf.

And for that, I am genuinely sorry. As bloggers, we always try to create controversy and argument, but I see that in this case I went too far.

Although I am not an MD, I love being a peripheral part of the medical profession, love being a basic science faculty member at a medical school, and love teaching medical students. I care very deeply for my medical students, and spend a lot of time and effort on effective teaching. I also have great affection for them, and wish them only the best in their future medical careers.

And that is why I am so concerned about the behavior of the “tattoo surgeon”. I do see an issue with paternalism, arrogance, and omnipotence in the profession, and I do not see the behavior of this surgeon as being solely attributable to a “lone bad actor”. Bad acts occur in a context, and I believe that to at least some extent, the medical profession includes a context that makes bad acts like this one more likely.

Accordingly, I disagree strenuously with something PalMD posted today about this issue:

The days of systematic pathologic paternalism on the part of doctors is long gone. It may linger in places, but it’s just not part of the culture anymore.

I believe this is not true, and it harms the medical profession to pretend that there is no longer an issue to be addressed.

Rape Jokes Aren’t Funny, Nigel Lythgoe

I have a dirty, dirty confession to make. I have a sick love of reality TV shows. Specifically: Project Runway, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Hells Kitchen, and Top Chef. I know I shouldn’t support the Fox shows, but it is such a guilty pleasure. Yup…I even pay for DVR so I don’t miss anything.

Nigel Lythgoe, the executive producer of and judge on So You Think You Can Dance regularly makes pervy sexist comments about the scantily clad young dancers on the show. I’ve learned to live with this and at least feel like the playing field is equal when the other judge, Mary Murphy, or one of the female guest judges make similar comments about the men. To be fair, Nigel does also make fun of one dancer, Joshua, for having a huge booty, and frequently comments on the mens’ abs with joking envy. Now all this offensive- but-not-enraging sexism aside, I was appalled…APPALLED…when Nigel made this joke on Wednesday night. By appalled, I mean PISSED OFF. Why do men feel like they can get away with this shit?! Watch the video after the jump.

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Friday Random Ten – The Delicious Meme-alicious Edition

Now featuring FRT, Guilty Pleasures, Music I’m Not-Ironically Into, and Friday Cat Blogging, all in one single post! Warning: this post is very heavy on video, ego-stroking, and bad taste.

Friday Random Ten
Because if it’s Friday somewhere, we might as well.

1) Tanya Stephens – Man Fi Rule
2) Whale – Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe (I should have saved this one for the Guilty Pleasures list. For shame.)
3) Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – The Mercy Seat (Acoustic)
4) The Meteors – Who Do You Love? (See guilty pleasures list, No. 1)
5) The Cramps – Human Fly
6) The Chameleons UK – I’ll Remember
7) Daniel Johnston – Love Not Dead
8) The Howling Hex – Teenage Doors
9) Jens Lekman – Do You Remember the Riots?
10) Chromeo – Way Too Much

I’m just excited I get two days off in a row this week.

Balloon JesusGuilty Pleasures: I have a second hard drive dedicated to 100% legitimately downloaded, non-pirated music, which means that approximately 5/6ths of my computer is dedicated to crappy music I found online. I also use this second hard drive to store stupid pictures that I can whip out later on my website, but somehow never manage to remember when they’re most astute. I’ve been sitting on the one to the right for years.

Now thanks to Jill, I can expose you to the crap I hide from others — even though Jill’s list embarrasses me. Ashley Simpson? Eve 6? Damn, girl. Meanwhile Physioprof’s looks like a regular mixed CD at my house.

1) A lot of people poo on a wide spectrum of cover songs because they think any music that is so blatantly referential is shoddy and masturbatory at best. I, on the other hand, like to find a bit of irony and dignity in a well done cover song. I download and keep every unusual cover I’ve ever come across which saddles me with travesties like The Yeti Girls covering ELO (Don’t Bring Me Down) and a bored cabaret version of Blur’s Boys and Girls, and even Tim Curry doing a reggae version of the Beatles’ I Will. This obsession also gives me two cover songs by one band that I will defend to the death if given the opportunity, one the best and one the worst of my entire collecton: the Butthole Surfers singing Summer in the City (the worst; Lovin’ Spoonful cover) and Butthole Surfers’ Hurdy Gurdy Man (the best; Donovan cover):

I will not defend the video.

2) Duran Duran – Rio
Did I mention this is my ringtone?

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