In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know the drill: Link to a post you’ve written, and give us a short explanation.

I think we need a Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday graphic. Anyone out there bored on Sunday afternoon and feel like designing one?

Another Reason I *Heart* the Spitz

Taking responsibility, admitting you were wrong and apologizing is not easy. I give Gov. Spitzer a lot of credit for doing it.

We made mistakes.

Though two independent investigations proved that no illegal activity occurred on my watch, it is crystal clear that what members of my administration did was wrong — no ifs, ands or buts.

I have apologized to Joe Bruno, the Senate majority leader, and now I want to apologize to all New Yorkers.

Can you picture our current President ever saying something like that?

Well, that last post was kind of a bummer.

And I’d hate to end my final day of guestblogging on such a down note. So, here’s some Youtube weirdness, which is my favorite thing ever (clearly).

This video starts off seeming all nice and wholesome, with three fetching lassies singing about potato salad, of all things. And then…the bending…oh god the bending!

Babies are weird. And when you’re as sleep deprived as parents of babies usually are, you can find this kind of shit seriously fucking entertaining.

And finally, if I ever get sent to prison in the Philippines, please let it not be this one.

All via daddytypes, who helps me live out my hipster parent fantasies by showing me all the cool stuff i can’t afford.

It’s the heat of Summer.

Which means the tragic stories of kids left in their cars by forgetful/neglectful parents will start rolling in. Honestly, I used to really think these parents were terrible, and further proof that some people just shouldn’t reproduce. But after experiencing the total sleep deprivation of the first few months of parenthood, I kind of think the only reason this didn’t happen to us is because the size of our car required the passenger seat to be moved all the way up so the rear-facing car seat would fit. So I had to sit in the back next to her.

So, while I do think these people should still be punished, I feel for them a little more. (Incidentally, now that I have a child who is capable of running off, I’ve also come to understand those stupid child leashes. Not that I would ever get one, but my sympathies now lie more with the leasher than the leashee.)

A few parts of this story seriously pissed me off, though. First, this.

A relatively small number of cases about 7 percent involved drugs or alcohol. In a few instances, the responsible parties had a history of abusing or neglecting children. Still others were single parents unable to find or afford day care.

My emphasis. How sad is that? If I were the employers of those parents, I would consider myself directly responsible for their children’s deaths.

(UPDATE: Jeebus, people. When I said that I did not mean that the employer should feel responsible. If I wanted to say that, I would have said “Those employers should feel responsible.” I also did not mean those employers should be prosecuted. If I had wanted to say that, I would have said “Those employers should be prosecuted.” I also did not mean, Dawn Eden, that those employers were at fault. If I I had wanted to say that, I would have said “Those employers are at fault.” What I meant that if I were those employers, I would feel responsible. Maybe I’m too paralyzed with liberal guilt to run a healthy business. And maybe you wouldn’t feel guilty in that same situation. Fine. But come on, get some reading comprehension, people.)

More aggravating though, is this.

Women were jailed more often and for longer periods than men. But when the AP compared mothers and fathers, the sentencing gap was even wider.

Mothers were jailed 59 percent of the time, compared to 47 percent for fathers. And the median sentence was three years for dads, but five for moms.

“I think we generally hold mothers to a higher standard in the criminal justice context than in just family life generally,” says Jennifer M. Collins, a professor at the Wake Forest University School of Law who has studied negligence involving parents and such hyperthermia cases. A large segment of society, she says, thinks “fathers are baby-sitting, and mothers are doing God’s work.”

Grr. If only this weren’t true. It’s magic baby hormones to the rescue again, transforming women from dizzy, selfish girls unable to make medical decisions about their reproductive future into wise capable supermommies who not only can handle anything, but have to!

Sigh. It’s so hard having a dick.

In case you were unaware, one of the things that I am good at is mocking people who seem to believe in the universal male or female experience. The purpose of such articles are usually to get laughter that sympathizes with whatever gender truths that we experience that moment. It’s so universal, either it is transgressive for daring to say it out loud or it needs to be whispered so the other team doesn’t steal the playbook.
Take this article from the Viking, “The Unfortunate (Sexual) Things About Being a Man:

Being a man is generally pretty awesome – you get to punch stuff, grow facial hair, and exhibit a general anger towards any and everything you see – but having a penis does have its low points, specifically when it comes to sex and relationships.

Wow, being a man sounds soooo awesome that I would hate to piss on his parade by alerting him to the fact that I can/have indeed punched stuff and that I too, could grow facial hair if I missed my regular moustache waxing appointments. I’m not naturally bald beneath my skirt either so please excuse the inappropriate scratching when it starts growing in. But being a man is so fucking awesome and with that comes responsibilities:

1. Men are driven by sex at all times(yes, even when we are visiting you grandma):

Women and/or guilty, politically-correct males might attempt to say that women and men have nearly-identical sexual urges (thereby chalking up womankind’s lower levels of horniness to some sort of gender-wide mental strength of character), but it is simply not true. The first American Pie movie included an 18-year-old female character who had never had an orgasm of any sort. The character (played, ironically, by Tara Reid) was viewed as slightly unusual in her sexual inexperience, but the fact remains: the character was plausible.

A female could hypothetically live to the age of 18 or thereabouts without ever having felt the intense, painful sexual urges of their male counterparts, and thereby never having had an orgasm (lord knows I dated a woman like that). For any male not under the watchful eye of a guilt-cultivating religion, such inexperience is unthinkable, almost impossible. While we are not singled-minded mongoloids who think only about sex at all times (no, we don’t think about it every seven seconds), the desire is nonetheless always present in the back of our minds, for better or worse – usually worse.

He’s got one thing right, that is a woman could make it to 18 without experiencing an orgasm but the trouble that he runs into is that orgasm=desire. Perhaps because our organs are as he calls “internal”(what about the clitoris dude?) it is easy to assume that for women, sex is all “internal”. Without the evidence of a flaccid penis it could be difficult to discern a content female, and that I can sympathize with. Just a hint, women want sex… but unlike the male orgasm for women it is often something they have to “learn” and therefore sex is very possible without the “prize”.

2. Men can only have one orgasm

It’s odd, then, that despite the fact that men seem to have immeasurably larger sexual appetites, the actual act of fornication is much less enjoyable for us than it is for women. Men are only allowed one orgasm – thrust, squirt, done – and the whole thing is finished in 3-8 seconds.

Women, on the other hand, can have multiple orgasms with no pause in between. According to some stuff I found,

“Women are capable of sustained orgasm, called status orgasmus. These start with a 2 to 4 second “spastic contraction” and last twenty to sixty seconds. Masters and Johnson (1966) published a chart of one woman who experienced a 43-second orgasm, consisting of at least 25 successive contractions.”

Actually, this depends on how you define “pause”, physiologically the orgasms that women experience are very similar to a man’s, just like there are some men who can remain “hard” after an orgasm some women will let you continue to penetrate them after one as well. Multiples are controversial in the sense that some people do not need a refractory period to achieve another orgasm, whilst some need at least 20 minutes. For younger men this time period is greatly reduced, however research has shown that with age men become more satisfied with their orgasms and have much longer refractory periods without decreasing their satiation with sexual experiences.

Now, there are obviously many men who can have orgasms within two seconds of commencing sexual intercourse (more on that later), and obviously this woman’s case is not typical, but still; women can potentially have one orgasm per minute (if not more), and their orgasms last, as a minimum, twice as long as the male orgasm. This may not come as much as a surprise, but men are physically incapable of enjoying sex on the same level women do. We don’t even get close.

Actually, it is likely that women have been more open to orgasms by other means beside penetration. While men may consider the “act” itself as “sex” and the only means of orgasm because of the biology(penile tissue) this is not necessarily true. Ejaculation, because often it occurs simultaneously as orgasm may misguide folks to assume that it is evidence of orgasm, where in fact they are two totally different physiological experiences. And if you are young man you may not be aware that it is totally possible for you to orgasm without a fully erect penis!

3. Men can “fail” at having sex:

At the risk of quoting a monologue from Clerks, female participation in sex can (but definitely shouldn’t be) reduced to simply “being there.” So long as the woman is present, has a vagina, and allows the male access to said vagina, she is having sex. The sex may be bad, or awkward, or she might not actually climax, but when a woman has a penis inserted into her vagina, she is, at least technically, having sex.

I’ve got news for you buddy, if women invented a dick-splint that would be analogous to lube. Either one would allow the incredibly narrow definition of “sex” that you have, the incredibly heteronormative view of PIV(that’s penis in vagina) as the accepted physical act of bumping uglies. Ignore oral, disregard anal, and certainly not foreign objects like fingers or adult recreational accessories. The flip side of a man who has a world view of “erection=consenting vagina” does not mean that it is accepting visitors, neither does a flaccid penis mean that it doesn’t desire to be in a warm wet space. See? It works both ways, just because you can assist the physical mechanics does not mean that the other party is exactly endorsing the experience.

I would never pretend that bringing a woman to climax is not a difficult, lengthy, and often tedious experience for the woman, and this is what makes sex so difficult for men – men have to juggle the pleasure of the woman (assuming the man in case is a real man and doesn’t engage in sex solely for his, and nobody else’s, enjoyment) along with the real possibility that they might actually fail at having sex. Women, hypothetically, only need to (A) be present, and (B) pray that their partner has at least a hint of sexual prowess.

Um, okay… wow. To be honest with you? Reaching an orgasm is never a tedious experience for me, perhaps for my partner who wants to pretend that he is a real man and cares that he is not the only one to reach the “o-face” in this encounter, but hey if he can sit still for a second and refrain from doing what worked on his ex-girlfriend over, and over I may be able to show him. Rarely does that happen, usually I have to bitch up and explain to him what doesn’t work for me, turn on the lights, then whine that I am different, all the while his erection is fading.

I am aggressive, so quite often my orgasms have more to do with me seeking them out rather than waiting on the “cum-fairy” to bring them to me. Usually when there is a great connection it is effortless, but despite the author’s assumption a hard patient penis is not what will do the job. It takes a man who realizes that I want sex and orgasms as much as he does, and even though his body may be foreign to mine I’m willing to explore more than the hard rod that he has to offer me and expect the same.

cross-posted at Sassywho

The Single Woman’s Apartment

Gawker has the list.

Sadly, my apartment does not match up — I don’t have stacks of magazines or Nair or self-help books or stuffed animals or cat hair. In fact, the only things on the list that can be found in my apartment are scented candles and “anything pink” — but that’s only because I have a set of pink sheets which used to be white, until I accidentally washed them with my red sheets. The commenters are a little more accurate when it comes to objets d’ Single Girl:

Read More…Read More…

A word on comment moderation

The new spam filter is still setting itself up, which means that lots and lots of comments are going to go into moderation. I’ll clear them as often as I can, but please be patient.

Friday Baby Blogging

I have recently learned of the term “Moo” used to describe women with children (and I think we all remember that 600-comment-long monstrosity of a thread). I have decided to emulate gangster rappers everywhere and embrace the pejorative.

I am the Moo of your worst nightmares! Watch as I force innocent strangers to view photos of my offspring being cute! On her birthday!

1st Birthday 035

I am an evil woman.



via Norbizness, we learn that the number of Iraqi refugees in the United States is very, very low. Thank goodness we exported democracy and freedom so that they can safely stay in their home country!

From an article Norbizness found:

The United Nations estimates that some 750,000 Iraqi refugees have fled to Jordan, while some 1.4 million Iraqis have fled to Syria in recent years. Amman says hosting the Iraqis in Jordan has cost the country about $1 billion a year.


Our current immigration policy only allows 500 Iraqis to settle here next year. Many, many more than that need someplace to go, since their country has been torn apart and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be fixed any time soon. Who tore their country apart? Well, we did. Who created this massive refugee crisis? Yep, us again. So whose responsibility is it to clean up the mess? The UN’s, obviously:

But few Iraqi refugees have yet to be allowed to resettle here, due partly to finger-pointing between the State Department and the United Nations over who is responsible for determining which Iraqis need to be resettled. Sauerbrey said she has been pleading with the United Nations to do its job of surveying refugees.

“We have not been getting referrals from [the United Nations],” she said, pointing to the office of the UN high commissioner for refugees. “They have got to do a better job.”

What did we say about the UN back in the day when we were gearing up for the Iraq war? That we didn’t need them? That we would go at it with our “coalition of the willing”? Right. Now it’s their job to fix things.

Allowing Iraqis to take refuge in the United States would be bad for the current administration, and we can’t have that. Sure, it might mean that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will be without a place to call home, but better that than actually help them.

An effort by hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to resettle in the United States would put the Bush administration in an extraordinarily awkward position. Having waged war to liberate Iraqis, the United States would in effect be admitting failure if it allowed a substantial number of Iraqis to be classified as refugees who could seek asylum here.

Arthur E. “Gene” Dewey, who was President Bush’s assistant secretary of state for refugee affairs until last year, said that “for political reasons the administration will discourage” the resettlement of Iraqi refugees in the United States “because of the psychological message it would send, that it is a losing cause.”