In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Mixmania Summer Edition

One of the strangest things about blogs is that it is not uncommon to see very serious posts about war and death juxtaposed with posts about cats and music. Excuse this regrettable oddness while I post my Mixmania CD playlist as I have been urged to (finally) do.

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Bombs in London

By now, everyone has probably heard about the atrocities that occurred today in London. This afternoon, I walked into the hotel that the family I’m staying with manages — we have lunch here every day. When I came in, the grandpa of the family — “Nonno” — walked up to me, and said, “Jill, come.” We walked to the lobby, where the TV was turned to CNN, and we watched footage of a destroyed bus and terrified people. When a visibly shaken Tony Blair came on the screen, Nonno, in slow, broken English said, “He talks to the people… the families…” and I turned around to see this always-smiling, always-proud Sardinian man crying, without shame, in the lobby of his hotel.

If you pray, say one for the people in London today. If you don’t pray, send them your best wishes. To Mike and every other Londoner, you are in my prayers and my thoughts.

I would like to write more, but I don’t have the words.

The Case of the Mysterious Turd

After this morning’s incident, you can only imagine my surprise when, at the store paying for a few small items, I reached into my purse for my wallet and found a turd.

“Is that what I think it is?” I asked Lori.

“Oh my God.”

The lady at the cash register gave us funny looks as we erupted into uncontrollable laughter. I finished paying and stepped outside. I opened my bag. It was indeed a turd, but not just any turd. It was obviously a cat turd, and not a fresh one. This small turd was petrified like a log and covered in hair.

“I think that’s only half a turd,” I told Lori on the way home.

“I don’t know, it looked like a whole turd to me,” Lori said. “It was pinched off on one end.”

“I think the other end was more broken, like there’s another half somewhere.”

We drove. I laughed. “I wonder if Ryan put it in there.” Which is, if you think about it, a pretty fucked up thing to put on your boyfriend. I left a message on his voicemail asking whether or not he put a turd in my bag.

Frankly, I don’t know.

Nonetheless the questions remain. How did the turd get in my purse? How did it go all the way from the basement, up the stairs, through several rooms, and over several pieces of furniture to get in my bag? Is it only half a turd? If so, where is the other half? How long has it been there? Which cat did it? And did he do it on purpose?

UPDATE: Ryan is mildly offended, but wholly amused, that I implicated him for the purse turd so I am required to make a public statement that my boyfriend did not put a turd in my purse. Happy now?

In the meantime I have earned the nicknames Poo Purse, Crap Handler, Crap Satchel and Fecal Fairy.

I have thought about this incident way too much over the last two days and have decided that it isn’t a big deal how it got there. What troubles me is all the places I went yesterday — the coffee shop, the store, out to lunch, class — with half a cat turd in my bag.

Anti-Discrimination Laws Apply to County Fair Pageants

In Indiana the county fair is still a summer highlight for many residents. As teenagers, news of who competes and wins the county beauty pageant still permeates the halls of county high schools. Thus it was with great interest that I found the news that Indiana has decided Title IX must apply to county beauty pageant contestants and that married and pregnant women are now eligible to compete for the title. In addition, award titles will be changed so that achievement is not based within a gender category. We may have two kings or two queens, at certain fairs a “court” of achievers, and even a divorce from the monarchical language altogether.

It is no surprise that this new standard has been met with disapproval.

These pageants are held as part of the 4-H program (a rural-based community leadership skills program for youth, in case you didn’t know) and receives federal tax dollars as part of their funding. Though the King and Queen titles are often based on achievement in the program, as well as your usual pageant standards of poise and appearance, oftentimes achievement isn’t factored in at all.

In my mind, we are doing what’s best for young people,” said Renee McKee, assistant director of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service and leader of Indiana’s 4-H program. “There are some long-term volunteers who may feel that this is not a good change, but it’s not 1950.”

The changes, which will affect this summer’s events, allow queen contestants to be married and have children, and prohibit boys and girls from being separated based on gender for activities such as public speaking contests.

You’ll have to excuse my feminist irony meter for going off the charts on this story. I find it amusing that this rurally-based program with all of its emphasis on traditional values is revamping a beauty pageant to comply with Title IX.

As feminists we regularly see this kind of catch-22, a spread of equality meeting our ideological standards in curious, counter-logical and sometimes oppressive venues. This is a step forward especially in such a conservative environment, and so, so queer.

For Free: One Very Well-Behaved Cat With Orange Spots

I should have saved this for Friday cat blogging but needed immediate witness.

Does anyone want a very well-behaved, white cat with spots? No, really.  Does anyone want to take this wild dervish off of my hands?

Doug manages to do this at least twice a week. I have no idea how he gets the toilet paper considering it sits on a high shelf behind a door. He may have opposable thumbs.

Crazy good news…

I got into NYU Law!!

NYU has been my dream lawschool since my freshman year as an NYU undergrad, when I used to walk by the main law school building every day and stare longingly at it. I’m genuinely surprised that I got in — and very excited. I haven’t made any sort of official decision yet about Duke vs. NYU, and there are serious pros and cons to each. And I’m still waitlisted at Columbia, and should hear sometime this month about whether I get in or not. But I have a feeling that I’ll be back in Greenwich Village come September.

Blonde Ambition

Today’s vanity-laced topics: hair, language and looking at American politics from Europe. Pictures will be interspursed. And it’s a fucking novel.

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If, as you live your life, you find yourself mentally composing blog entries about it, post this exact same sentence in your weblog.

At one point this weekend, I turned to Ryan and said, “I hope you know that with all the constant commentary you make you are writing my blog for me.”

c/o Rana

Home Again, Home Again

Yes, I’m back from the vacation but don’t feel much like writing anything. Yet I have managed to spend a significant amount of time on the computer piddling around on Photoshop and uploading tons of vacation pictures from the six states through which we managed to travel.