In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Officially Switched from MT to WordPress

Thanks so much to Shelley of Burningbird for walking me through this change, and sometimes taking over completely. Shelley is a WordPress goddess.

My allotment of sever space could no longer handle the rebuilds necessary to maintain the MT blog, so something had to happen. I have played around with WordPress before and knew it was a lighter, cleaner sort of blogging software. I still have to figure out the template structure, as I’m not that happy with the way this looks right now, but I hope to soon have something adequate for my picky self. In some ways I feel like I’m back where I started when I first used MT, fumbling around with the template and gazing longingly at others’ pages and their personal tweaks.

Nonetheless, here we go. Thrills abound.

About Lauren

Lauren left Feministe in January of 2006 after three years at this domain.

Most banners are created using old advertisements, illustrations, and pin-up art that have been found on the internet. When one’s hobby is web design, Google Images is one’s best friend.

Background tiles are most frequently taken from Squidfingers and Pixel Decor.

I am available for freelance blog and ad design, as seen at Slim Coincidence (splash page and professional portfolio), Michelle Maklin (a political parody for April Fools’ Day), Bitch Ph.D, and Pandagon.

Lauren takes briberies here.