In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

A Friday-afternoon Diversion (of the Feminist Kind!)

Need some inspiration with your distraction as you wind down the hours to the weekend? Check out, the latest addition to the feminist web.

According to creator Anne Jonas: brings together feminist videos from across the web and embeds them in one place, making them easily searchable and browseable. My hope is that can be a useful resource for scholars and activists as well as a general destination for folks who like to watch feminist video. It’s a little bit of a cross between a feminist video archive and a feminist version of something like In Media Res.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback. I would also love to bring on more moderators and organizational partners who would add videos and commentary and give context to the content. We’re working on including exhibits, where a curator would bring together several videos on a topic and discuss them, and other next steps, so we really welcome your ideas!

You can also have a constant stream of feminist videos on your website by adding a widget. Widgets can also be made for a particular category, just email me for more information on that.

Anne has kindly shared her email for all feedback and request purposes: anne at pculture dot org

Got a vid you think they should include? If you can’t find it on the site, just click the “submit” button to send it it. (And feel free to link to your fave feminist videos in the comments!)

SYTYCD Season 7 Top 6

Spoilers below!

This week on SYTYCD: even more injuries, even more tears, it’s like the episodes are reruns or something. Except with KENNY FREAKIN’ ORTEGA! Jump over to the recap and discuss with me.

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GMVW*: Sara Bareilles

A friend passed this to me yesterday, and at first I was like, “Ok, fun and poppy, pretty good. Kinda empowering.” But then, bizarrely, I woke up this morning and it was the only thing I wanted to listen to (over, and over and over**). And now, I’m now passing the infection on to all the Feministe blog-readers.

You’re welcome.

* Gratuitous Music Video Wednesday
** I can’t be the only one that does this, though I might bring playing the same song on repeat to a new level. My iTunes “Top 25 Most Played” is an embarrassment. For example: “Toto, Africa, Plays: 184 (And that was probably in succession over the course of two very emotional weeks in February).

Hat tip to Maria for the vid!

Full lyrics after the jump.

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Where do you like/have you liked/do you want to go?

I mentioned the other day that I was fortunate enough to recently revisit Melbourne, my favourite city in all the world. (Not that I’ve left southeastern Australia since I was about… four.) I love it for its friendliness, its food, its gardens, the amazing little alleys, the artiness, the FAIRY PENGUINS and, well, not so much that crisp wind coming off Antarctica.

What I want to know from you, Feministers, is if you have a favourite place to go. Perhaps it’s where you live or where you’re from, or somewhere you visited just the once. Or perhaps you’ve not done much or any travelling and there’s a place you like the sound of. Links to pictures (with descriptions) are requested!

Posted in Fun

Win Another Ticket to Summer, Sex and Spirits!

Planned Parenthood’s Summer, Sex and Spirits annual fundraiser is TONIGHT, Thursday, July 8. Here’s the info again:

Location: Museum of Sex, 233 5th Ave @ 27th St. New York, NY
Date: 7/8/2010 from 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm (Eastern Time)
Hosted By: Planned Parenthood of New York City
RSVP to by: July 8, 2010 at 4:00 pm (Eastern Time)

We’re giving away another ticket to the first person who emails me the correct answer to the following question. Congrats to blaney for getting the second ticket! The correct answer is D.

Which of the following is not a function of the vagina?
A. to allow menstrual flow to leave the body
B. to allow sexual penetration to occur (either by hand, sex toy, or penis)
C. to allow a fetus to pass through during vaginal delivery
D. to allow urine to leave the body

Even if you don’t win, you can join me, Steph, and other awesome people and buy tickets for the event and enjoy the open bar, silent auction, and raffle prizes.

Things I would like to do, that I probably could do, but never will do.

Man with bees for a beard

Be an urban bee-keeper.
-Make my own ricotta.
-Grow tomato plants on my roof.
-Can, jar and pickle various things.
-Raise chickens.
-Keep an orchid alive for more than two weeks.
-Be an early-morning runner.
-Host dinner parties that involve food I actually cook myself. Barbecues don’t count.
-Pot plants.
-Prepare food more than 20 minutes in advance of actually eating it. Prepare food for tomorrow, even.

What’s on your list?

Win Ticket to Planned Parenthood’s Fundraiser: Summer, Sex and Spirits

Planned Parenthood NYC’s Summer, Sex and Spirits annual fundraiser is coming up this Thursday, July 8.

Location: Museum of Sex, 233 5th Ave @ 27th St. New York, NY
Date: 7/8/2010 from 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm (Eastern Time)
Hosted By: Planned Parenthood of New York City
RSVP to by: July 8, 2010 at 4:00 pm (Eastern Time)

As we did last year, we’re going to play a little game of trivia! The first person to email me the correct answer will get a ticket to the event. Congrats to Steph of IAmDrTiller! The correct answer is D. None of the above – NYC schools don’t require comprehensive sex ed for any grade.

New York City Public Schools require comprehensive sex education to be taught:
A. In 3rd -12th grades
B. In 9th -12th grades
C. In 7th grade, 8th grade, 10th grade and 12th grade
D. None of the above

Even if you don’t win, you can buy tickets for the event and enjoy the open bar, silent auction, raffle prizes and more.