In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Sin and same-sex marriage

My name is Enyo and I’ll be a guest blogger this week. My blog is Redfish. I’m sorry about this post being a bit scattered, but I just haven’t been able to get my thought together very coherently.

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I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about same-sex marriage recently. I believe that banning same-sex marriage is a violation of civil rights; I am in favour of legalizing it.

When the same-sex marriage debate erupted in Ontario, and I waited to hear logical, coherent arguments against legalizing same-sex marriage.

Three years later, I’m still waiting.

Since I’m not Christian, it isn’t surprising that I find religious arguments somewhat less than convincing, but my disagreement with the arguments presented goes beyond my lack of belief in Jesus Christ. Religious-based arguments advocating for a ban on same-sex marriage don’t make sense. Not even internal sense based on the belief system from which they arise.

I have a hard time explaining what I mean by this, so I’d like to provide some links to someone who provides an example of what a consistent Christian position on homosexuality and same-sex marriage could look like. R.J. Anderson is a fellow Canadian and an evangelical Christian who believes homosexuality is a sin and has written posts about her views on Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage II and Homophobia:

“So to have an attitude of “fear and hatred” against those who commit a particular type of sin, just because it isn’t a sin that I personally happen to be engaged in, would be arrant hypocrisy, to say the least.”


-Enyo Harlley