In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Koufax Awards: Polls Are Open

Because I’m a shameless self-promotional whore, I’ll let everyone know that the polls are now open for the 2005 Koufax Awards.

Feministe has the great privilege to be nominated for a bunch of these, including:
Best Blog (non-professional)
Best Writing
Best Single Issue Blog
Best Post for Considering the Hijab by Lauren
Best Group Blog

Naturally, there are a slew of other amazing blogs nominated, including many of my feminist favorites and pretty much all of my daily reads. So go vote, even if it’s not for us! (although we would certainly like it if you’d vote for us…)

Posted in Uncategorized

Yay for Awards!

I know Feministe is always a bridesmaid, but it’s still exciting that Lauren and I were nominated for Best Writing. Even more exciting is the amazing company we’re in, including some of my favorite blogs out there, of which there are far too many to list. Thanks to whoever nominated us!


To my dear friend and favorite DJ Dave H, who has just been crowned the 2005 Mr. East Coast Rubber. I had the great pleasure of serving with Dave as an NYU undergraduate orientation leader, and he was kind enough to DJ at my graduation party. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this high honor, and I’m proud to say that I knew him when.

You Like Us, You Really Like Us!

The 2005 Weblog Awards are up, and Feministe has been nominated in the Best Liberal Blog category! Exciting!!

It’s a huge compliment to be grouped with the other nominees — the list includes some of my favorite blogs, and it’s a pretty big ego boost to be placed in the same category as them. Check ’em out, they’re fantastic, and all very worthy of your votes. There are some great blogs nominated in other categories as well, so scroll through the whole thing. And as usual, there are a whole lot of excellent blogs that didn’t get nominated, or didn’t make the final cut — feel free to leave links here of blogs you think we should all check out, and keep them in mind for next year.

Voting begins Monday December 5th and ends December 15th. You can vote for one blog in each category every 24 hours. Happy voting!*

*(I don’t know why I’ve been using so many exclamation points lately. Annoying, isn’t it? I apologize, and I blame contracts outlining.)

Labor Day Tomato Blogging

If you didn’t enter the 2005 Weblog Tomato Contest, shame on you. I am proud to say that this is the only official blogging contest in which I have won any award.

More Bounty
Judge Ali’s comments: “almost as big as a head of cabbage!”

These babies are an heirloom plant comparable to the Burpee Big Boy beefsteak toms but without all the icky and weird hybridization (allow me my oddities, please). They are enormous, but bonus, sweetly edible when yellow and slowly turn a pretty, pleasant orange color if left on the vine. Unfortunately, this plant was one of the plants to be ruined during last month’s rainstorm deluge so I am no longer collecting these lovely babies and am instead trying to get rid of egregious amounts of romas.

That said, thank you and thank you for all your love and support. Without lime, mulch and water, none of this would have been possible.


Someone sent me the link to the OSSCAS blog award, but it got lost during my blogging vacation.

To my surprise, I won! I won best “Real Life” Blog and 2nd place overall. My winnings include a brand new redesign by Joni Mueller of Baby Got Blog. Sweet!

If she’s feeling kind, maybe I’ll finally get skins working on this thing.

Politics With a Big Ol’ “P”

These nightly reads are about the kinds of politics the penisphere generally loathes discussing.

Via the hellcat, I found this post. Being Black and Female = Being Passed Over:

Black women have been speaking about racism in the work place, institutions of education, the health service etc – in team meetings every damm week, at local authority meetings, parents and teachers associations, at police stations when their sons are arrested and criminalised, in Black women’s group, living rooms and so it goes on. Now all of a sudden some “named” organisation comes up with a report and its published and discussed all over the place. The Fawcett Society has been around since 1953. How many reports on Black women have they brought out since then? They have got the PC thing going with nice pictures of Black women on the website, probably some Black women workers too. . But ahh, this is what happens when you are “powerless, poor and passed-over” and 29% out of a population of 8% of you are in prison.

And Bitch Ph. D. is fairly certain that Scalia = Stupid when he dissented on the recent juvenile execution ruling by comparing teen abortion rulings to teen murder cases. I agree. The man is not only a flaming idiot, but he is also misconstruing a rather conservative ruling.

there is a pretty big difference between the state deciding to impose death on someone, and a person making decisions about their own medical care. It behooves the state, I think, to hold a high standard when it comes to killing people. Let me explain why the context is different for Scalia, who is apparently kinda stupid: the issue at hand is not the moral agency of children; it is on the power of the state. Not whether children can or cannot make moral decisions, but whether or not the state should kill people who may not be capable of making informed moral decisions. Hence, as Kennedy writes, “When a juvenile offender commits a heinous crime, the state can exact forfeiture of some of the most basic liberties, but the state cannot extinguish his life and his potential to attain a mature understanding of his own humanity.” Hence, the decision is a conservative one: before the state can kill someone, it needs to be certain that the person is a mature moral agent. Since mature moral agency is hard to measure, let us err on the side of caution.

The way Scalia frames his argument suggests that anyone who has had an abortion should herself be executed. Brilliant, dude.

In other news, I have been named the Minister of Education because I “will corrupt the minds of our youth with liberalism and compassion, damn her.”