In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Open Blogging on Women and Expectations

I’m Erin of the fshk blog, which has recently taken a swing from every day minutiae to politics and feminism because, despite attempts to ignore, I just can’t anymore. (Also, my mom helms the far more famous mahablog, and knows a think or two about where the women bloggers are.)

It’s pretty awesome to have the opportunity to guest-blog anywhere.

Anyway, since I’ve decided to stop writing about Terri Schiavo (despite my inability to look away from that, too) I’ll link to this very good post at Pandagon about a recent Salon article by Rebecca Traister (whose articles I usually like) about a new generation of men who are desperate to get married. Actually, the post is in response to the angry letters responding to the article, most of them written by men, most of them indignant that a woman dare critique male behavior. Amanda at Pandagon is much more snarky and clever than I am, so go read the post, but bask in the knowledge that all the old double standards are alive and well. *sigh*