In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Performance Anxiety!

My name’s Stacie and I’m from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I hate discussing where I work or what I do, so I’ll skip to the fact that Im changing all that and starting graduate school in the Fall semester. My web log is called Spitting in a Wishing Well and you can visit any time you like. I should be asleep by now, but I hate to go to sleep when there are so many fascinating things left to explore in the world. I’m not saying this to sound pretentious, or corny – I really resent sleep for this simple reason. I’ve leave you with one interesting thing about me (which I’ve already left on someone else’s site today but which you can’t read about on my web log), though this is not the most interesting thing, I’m sure – it’s just on my mind at the moment.

I LOVE giving things away through FREECYCLE ( which hooks people up in communities around the world so that people can give away things they either don’t want or use anymore to people who really want and need them. I get such a warm feeling, mixed with relief and freedom, from giving away all kinds of shit I no longer need to hold on to. And, I love it.

Also, read on my web log that they are finally releasing Prozac Nation on Starz then on DVD (quoted from