In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

What Else I’m Reading Today

Norbizness: Weekend Tutorial: Afghanistan.

AlterNet: Abstinence Double Standard Threatens Girls’ Health (by Feministing’s Jessica)

Buy My Baby. Selling advertising space on your kid — ethical?

Pregnant and Unhappy About It. “As an abortion provider, I see women every day who don’t identify with either the pro-choice or “pro-life” movement. They come because they’re pregnant and don’t want to be.”

Nancy Keenan, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America: Anti-Choice Legislators Have Gone Too Far (you think?). Perhaps the most entertaining part of the article is the comments section, where a lovely young man from the Army of God (remember them? They reguarly bomb abortion clinics, harass women and have been linked to the murders of abortion providers?) tells us how much the anti-choicers love life and babies. And he really hates the Illuminati, the fact that George Bush planned 9/11 and now wants to put you in a concentration camp, and our impending nuclear annhililation at the hands of Russia. Also, in case you were curious, half of all couples are infertile, the United States government uses foster care as a cover for pedophilia rings, and satanists work at abortion clinics and probably eat dead babies to satisfy their blood lust (since this is done anyway during their human sacrifice ceremonies). Really, check it out. I think resistance6 earns the award for Best Troll EVA.

The brilliant Katha Pollitt on grassroots organizing in the prairieland.

Stupidest press release ever. On behalf of the great country of North America, I’m sorry.

Pharyngula takes on my favorite anti-choice lunatic, the Raving Atheist.

Echidne on the Christian Lady Bloggers.

I may have to borrow Neil’s summer reading.

The Happy Feminist has some summer reading of her own, and she celebrates being a woman who loves to work.

The General is linking to all of my favorite Bruno moments.

Aspazia on the myth of the pro-choice Republican.

Pinko Feminist Hellcat on the green light to intimidate rape survivors in the OC rape case.

Terrance gives us Queerly Kos (cross-posted at DKos): A round-up of great LGBTQ links, and why same-sex marriage is “the important shit.” And if you wander over to Kos, check out Terrance’s full diary. All kinds of great stuff.

The Emory Law School American Constitution Society blog offers up some thoughts on the Constitutionality of same-sex education.

Have fun. And if you’ve discovered/read any particularly good blog posts or articles lately, feel free to leave them in the comments.