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New UNFPA Report Focussing on Gender-Based Violence in Areas Affected by Conflict

You can read the State of World Population 2010 report here, fresh off the presses.

From the United Nations Population Fund website:

Ten years ago, the United Nations Security Council passed a landmark resolution calling on governments to protect women from rape during war time and to tap the power of women to keep the peace and rebuild societies once the fighting has stopped.

Has the resolution made any difference in the struggle against gender-based violence? Are women in war-torn countries faring any better today than they were a decade ago? Do women finally have a place at the table in peace negotiations and in reconstruction?

The State of World Population 2010 will show what has been accomplished in places affected by ongoing conflicts or by military occupation. It will also show the special challenges of countries that have endured both political instability and natural disaster.

Here is a PDF of Resolution 1325.

I would encourage you to take a look at the report, which has a mix of personal stories and statistics and all sorts of things.

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