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Ready for Recess: Conference Call on Health Reform

Having this long August congressional recess fills me with dread. Oh, I do enjoy how DC falls into a lazy summer slumber, but while the members of Congress are home, God only knows what kind of mess we can expect them to make of health care reform. They have a lot of time to spread misinformation and terrify their constituents into killing our chance at meaningful change.

With that in mind, the National Women’s Law Center is hosting a conference call tomorrow to talk about strategies for supporting health care reform and countering the opposition’s arguments.

This is your last chance to register for our special Ready for Recess conference call taking place tomorrow, Thursday, August 6 at 4:00 PM EST.

Health care reform opponents are gearing up for an epic battle. August is going to be a crucial month in the fight for affordable, accessible, and comprehensive health care. With Congress heading home for August, the opposition will be out in full force to block health reform with scare tactics and untruths. We have to keep our message strong and demand health care reform that meets the needs of women and their families.

We hope you’ll join us in our Ready for Recess health care conference call and learn what’s happened in Congress so far, what may happen this fall, and what you can do to make a difference now.

And while I’m on the subject, I’m also going to share this piece from the Guttmacher Institute. Some anti-abortion advocates falsely attribute the claim that health care reform would significantly increase abortions in the United States to the Guttmacher Institute. They appear to be both confused about a recent Guttmacher study on the impact of the Hyde amendment and are incorrectly applying its findings to the health care reform debate. Susan Cohen, Guttmacher’s director of government affairs, sets the record straight at RH Reality Check.