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Thursday Round-Up

Educe Me: You Don’t Know Me
On anonymity and teaching blogs.

Aldahlia: Teens, Purity, and Money
On teen pregnancy, punishment for lack of “purity,” and the reality of becoming pregnant when you yourself are a child.

Culture Kitchen: Lawrence Lessig : from molested choirboy to American hero
An interesting story on the god of the Creative Commons copyright, and his life as an activist against the Catholic Church’s child abuse scandals.

Quodlibets: Is ChickLit Feminist Lit?
I don’t know, but I have a few guilty pleasures.

Half-Changed World: The Privilege of Choice
How economic status adds choices to the life of an individual.

No Taming This Shrew: The Quest to be a Funny Liberal
Liberal humor isn’t always lame, but we do like the puns.

Archaeopteryx: Einstein vs. Darwin?
Dissection of a religiously-motivated attack on the Sanctity of Science.

DED Space: If you want to insult a man, the best way to do it is to call him a woman, and in the meantime insult every female creature on the planet.

Echidne of the Snakes: Saturday Sermon
Jesus never said that those wealthy in earthly and material goods would inherit the earth, but fuck it.

Blog Alice: Swimming With Sharks in South Africa
And there are even pictures.

SMRT-TV: The Apprentice and Sexism
This one was written by a former Feministe guest blogger named Erin. You can find her at the fshk blog.

To Be Determined: On Danica Patrick
Chuck writes more on the stink raised by Bobby Gordon against Danica Patrick.

The Alley Notebooks: I am just a marketing campaign for my vagina. Which is malformed, and that’s why I’m a scholar.
We need an award for best titles. This would be my nomination. And the content is good, too.