In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Is the separation of eroticism and feminism a problem?

Guest Post by Sabia McCoy Torres

Some of the backlash, commentary, and critiques Beyoncé has received for using Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi’s words from “Why We Should All Be Feminists” in her song “Flawless” has inspired me to react. Not in support of Beyoncé, but instead against a notion that I do not support implied in these critiques: that somehow her “hyper” sexuality is a contradiction to her being a feminist.

Fundraiser alert: Justice For Marissa Alexander

This is a signal boost for the final week of the fundraiser for Marissa Alexander’s legal fees to defend against Florida State Attorney Angela Corey’s intent to seek 60 years of incarceration for her at retrial for firing a warning shot in self-defense.