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Tarot! Get your tarot!

Hi guys. As some of you, but not most of you, know – I read tarot. Not because I’m a creepy “let me tell you your future, child… oh yes, a tall, handsome man approaches…” – type (Jesus, at least I hope so), but because I have found that tarot is good for predicting the present. As opposed to the future.

The rules are simple:

I do most of my readings via essay form in e-mail nowadays.

Readings are also available via Skype. Sometimes, they can be harder to schedule, due to time differences (I’m in Moscow), but I’ve had some success with North American and UK people recently, so it can be done. Sometimes, an adorable infant will coo in the background, adding to your general reading experience.

Prices range from $30 to $100 per reading, depending on your preferences and how we decide to approach your question.

Different spreads suit different lines of inquiry.

No, I’m not going to try to convince you to get the most expensive reading possible. Only if you prefer to go in really deep will I offer the 21-card spread, which takes a while to complete but is usually worth it.

I accept PayPal.

I try to get a good sense of why you’re approaching me for a reading first, so some back-and-forth banter via e-mail is usually required to proceed.

I can be slow (work, play, baby, husband) – in part because I try to give the best reading possible, and need my wits about me for that.

Very rarely, I will reject a possible customer, but only if they’re being super-weird and/or rude. Like, “So I think this stuff is bullshit and a waste of time, but how about you impress me?” Sorry, I have roughly two billion better things I could be doing.

Unfortunately, time constraints and financial constraints mean that I cannot offer readings for free at this time – or even on a barter basis. I hope that will change eventually.

I have this hope that tarot reading among expats will catch on in Moscow. Probably because I think that tarot is good for your emotional health, and expats tend to lack it. I even have my eyes on a cozy future space where to occasionally gather – but all of that is in the distant future.

I don’t really think that tarot is magic in that whole supernatural woo-woo sense. If you’re into the supernatural woo-woo stuff – that’s perfectly cool. But I closely tie tarot to a type of therapy that can occur via interpreting symbols. NO, it has NOTHING to do with traditional therapy. But it can help people have fun and relax.

I think I’ve said it all – if you’re interested, please leave a comment here indicating this. Please include your real e-mail address. I will be in touch with more information, including a rough price list.