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Feministe Feedback: Addressing Abuse

A reader writes in:

In my early teenage years, a cis male friend started pushing me around. The abuse never happened in school, and there is only one person in my life who witnessed his behavior.

It took me a few years to realize that I had experienced physical and sexual abuse at the hands of this person. Because I wasn’t raped, I didn’t know how to describe my experience without going into detail. The details felt embarrassing, scary, and private…so I stayed quiet.

My grades plummeted, my friends backed away, and the school system turned a blind eye. I still maintain close relationships with a few people from high school. I want to share my story with them, but I fear the consequences. I think about these awful cycles of victim-blaming and shaming. I also don’t want the abuser back in my life, and I’m afraid my “accusation” will get back to him.

So, I’m looking for advice. I can’t hold my friends accountable for something they don’t know, but I don’t know how to safely begin this dialogue.


Thoughts? Suggestions?

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